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Is Calculating Major Gpa on your own ok? Help Needed


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I would be very happy to hear some ideas on a problem that makes me very uncomfortable.


I will apply to the political theory field of some of the top 20 schools. My GRE is good I guess: Verbal 167, Math 168. 


The biggest problem is with my GPA. In the undergraduate I have done a double major of economics and political science. As it is usual, half of the courses in the economics department was comprised of courses related to the methodology of neoclassical economics, like calculus, statistics, econometrics... I did not like them and was not successful at all in those courses, and I got low grades from most of these courses.


As a result my cumulative GPA is 3.5. Worse, there is no such thing like major GPA in my official transcript that could give the impression that low cumulative GPA does not reflect my disability in political science or theory.


Here is the question: I calculated that when I exclude those 11 neoclassical economics courses  (2 calculus courses, 2 statistics for mathematicians courses, econometrics, 2 public finance, 3 microeconomics courses...) my GPA (comprised of remaining 41 courses) is 3.80; and when I include only those 19 courses taken from the department of political science, my GPA is 3.71. But, to reiterate, this calculation is done by me, it is unofficial.


Would it be ok for me to add this calculation to the end of my transcript, by demonstrating the courses I excluded and saying that it is an unofficial calculation made by me? Maybe, in this way I would emphasize that my low GPA has nothing with the courses related to political theory, or my research area? I am afraid not to be reviewed at all due to that low GPA. 


Or does making a calculation on your own and writing it down seem stupid or manipulative?


Does a 3.5 GPA bear the risk to directly make the way to the dustbin?


All comments are welcomed.

Edited by artuklu
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Would it be ok for me to add this calculation to the end of my transcript, ...

There is nothing wrong with doing the calculation yourself, and some schools will specifically ask for it, in which case you are expected to calculate it (if your school didn't). It's beside the point, but in my opinion you should be proud of your GPA - a 3.5 with a double major in econ. is quite respectable. That said, I would not add anything to your transcript. If you are compelled to include this information, I would add it elsewhere in your application, but I wouldn't do anything that could appear to be tampering with a transcript.

Good luck.


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