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Acceptance Thread


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Surely U Chicago didn't send out all of their rejections, though. I know a few people who haven't heard a peep still (including myself, and I've checked my spam folder).

You might  be right. At any rate, it's probably best to assume a rejection at this point, unless there's some reason for believing that they haven't sent out all their acceptances yet.

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What on earth is up with that cornell accept entry?: 

  • "The philosophy department rejected your application. But I, as dean, did not concur with this decision. Therefore you are accepted."


Surely someone trolling. 

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I have logged on to the website and it just reads, "submitted." I'm just going to email them and ask very nicely if all of their offers have been made. That way I'll know not only about my own application, but I can report back about what this means.

I'm in the same boat.  Haven't heard a word from Chicago, and I don't have an MAPH acceptance in my spam folder.  I've been assuming rejection for a long time, but I'd be interested to hear what you find out.

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I have logged on to the website and it just reads, "submitted." I'm just going to email them and ask very nicely if all of their offers have been made. That way I'll know not only about my own application, but I can report back about what this means.

For what it's worth, the status remains submitted after being rejected, but if you click on "2014" you might be greeted by a "status update."

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I thought, but I can't find it on the application proof, that there was a box to tick if you wanted to be considered for the MAPH thing, because I remember definitely not ticking it (since I would have turned it down). For the other people who haven't heard anything: do you remember this box existing? Did you tick it? Maybe that's why we haven't been contacted yet.

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Well, they did respond with an email. Other than the salutation and closing, this was all it said: "You should hear from the Admissions Office by mid-March. Our University has a policy of not communicating about admissions decisions by email."


So that was totally unhelpful. Well, at least I tried.

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I thought, but I can't find it on the application proof, that there was a box to tick if you wanted to be considered for the MAPH thing, because I remember definitely not ticking it (since I would have turned it down). For the other people who haven't heard anything: do you remember this box existing? Did you tick it? Maybe that's why we haven't been contacted yet.

My thought exactly. Pretty sure I said I didn't want to be considered for the MAPH, but I can't see anything about it on the application proof. That would probably explain our not having been contacted. 

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A friend of mine showed me the Cornell rejection letter he received today from Ted Sider.


Now, part of me wishes I'd applied to Cornell. The application fee notwithstanding, it's essentially a win-win: you're either admitted, which is obviously more preferable. But if you're rejected, you receive perhaps the nicest email of any from a school this application season---included those that accept you! What a nice email from a nice guy.


I wish all schools were as considerate and cordial.    

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