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Acceptance Thread


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Do you think that all Harvard acceptances and wait-lists are out by now? :S (I hope they're not)

I'm a bit skeptical over whether those were legitimate. There were very few, no details on the acceptances, no one here has claimed them and the wait-list by phone from a professor on leave is pretty suspicious. I at least think this is suspicious enough to assume we haven't heard the final word from Harvard.

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What's the deal? Several days ago someone said that (s)he thought that Michigan hadn't finished releasing first round acceptances. Is this the opinion of others? Can anyone claim a Michigan acceptance or wait list or rejection?

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I'm in CUNY, and I spoke to my advisor today. There wasn't much news on the acceptances, waitlists, or rejections, but he is pretty keyed in to what's going on with the admissions cycle, even though he isn't on the admissions committee himself. Now, I just met with him about 7 hours ago, and I have to imagine that if acceptances were really out, he would've told me or indicated that to me. But he said nothing of the sort, we just spoke in general terms about admissions, and he said he would let me know when information is available on my application. So while it's possible that the CUNY acceptance is real, I am a little skeptical at this point. Only thing we can do is wait and see what tomorrow brings. If by tomorrow evening it is still the only CUNY acceptance up, then yeah, I think it's a safe bet to assume it was fake. 

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Thanks for the reply.


Is it cool if I assume that the previous Michigan posts were vicious lies?


jk :)

It's really hard to say at this point. Different schools have different policies on sending out acceptances. My advisor said some schools send out a few at a time, while others send them out all at once. While I think it is POSSIBLE that the previous Michigan posts were real, if they were, this suggests Michigan has sent out a few acceptances already. BUT since the number of posts of Michigan acceptances was small (I would've expected more people to post), this either suggests that there are more acceptances to send out, or, unfortunately (or actually, fortunately), that the Michigan posts were fake. So yeah, it's possible they're fake. Why people would deliberately post fake acceptances is beyond me. There are a lot of people that are really stressed out over these notices, and to me, fake postings are a pretty crappy thing to do.

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It's really hard to say at this point. Different schools have different policies on sending out acceptances. My advisor said some schools send out a few at a time, while others send them out all at once. While I think it is POSSIBLE that the previous Michigan posts were real, if they were, this suggests Michigan has sent out a few acceptances already. BUT since the number of posts of Michigan acceptances was small (I would've expected more people to post), this either suggests that there are more acceptances to send out, or, unfortunately (or actually, fortunately), that the Michigan posts were fake. So yeah, it's possible they're fake. Why people would deliberately post fake acceptances is beyond me. There are a lot of people that are really stressed out over these notices, and to me, fake postings are a pretty crappy thing to do.


Regarding the text in bold, my thoughts exactly. Of course, even if they weren't fake, I'm cautiously optimistic that Michigan isn't finished sending acceptances and wait lists, especially since so few were posted (you'd think more people would post acceptances from a very highly ranked school). Anyway, we'll find out soon enough!

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