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I, like some others on here, think tomorrow will be when people start to hear back from PhDs. I think Riverside will make offers tomorrow. I'm contemplating never checking grad café again...because I don't know what's worse....the anxiety of not knowing or the anxiety of thinking (whether true or false) that you know by implied rejection. Ergggg.

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I made the mistake of submitting in November. NOVEMBER.

Me too, my friend, me too. And I likely won't hear back from my first school until mid to late February. Not that that stops me from checking everything every hour...

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Was UC Riverside's deadline also early January last year when they released results so early?


That would be interesting to know, because a sixteen day turnaround seems quite quick (although certainly not impossible I suppose). 

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On 1/21/2014 at 6:46 PM, MattDest said:

That would be interesting to know, because a sixteen day turnaround seems quite quick (although certainly not impossible I suppose). 


I guess you just don't know, I mean Stanford's deadline was 12/11, but they're not supposed to get back to us until mid-february. I kind of think that regardless of the deadline, it's a struggle until after the profs get back from winter break, and then it must take at least a month... 

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I'm thinking about it a lot in the past few days.  I want to hear from at least one school at the end of January.  The not knowing is killing me.  I want to know if I will get in.  DAMMIT!  Of late I keep thinking about how these committees are in session pretty much right now.  January/February. Reading our materials.  Determining who is best.  I can't believe it's just around the corner.


We all need to stay busy.  I *have* been busy.  I'm still really eager for answers, though.  

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That would be interesting to know, because a sixteen day turnaround seems quite quick (although certainly not impossible I suppose). 

Not sure what Riverside's deadline was, but it looks like UCSD had a quick turnaround last year--about 3 weeks. I was just wondering though how much a particular year's applicant pool will effect turnaround time. Some years it may be easier to make final decisions because certain applicants stand out to most or all of the adcom's members. And so turnaround time will also depend on who's on the adcom--some groups may be more disposed to agree on which candidates are viable. My point is that I don't think we can reliably infer that Riverside (or wherever) will release decisions this week (or whenever) from the fact that they released decisions at this time last year. There are too many other factors, like applicant pool and adcom constitution (and probably more), that can slow down the process.

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I agree to a point, and of course professors probably enjoy that time off as well as get caught up on their research and grading. But it seems likely that most professors would have a little bit of downtime, and that some might be pretty curious to see the new batch of applicants. Maybe some get a head start on skimming stats and samples of promising applicants. I think I would...but maybe I'm naïve.

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This year's deadline was 1/5. I shouldn't really say deadline, because both years it was like "Although there is no absolute deadline, applications completed by DATE will receive first consideration."


I wonder how much the work the adcom did between 12/17 and 1/2. I'd guess not much. 


I wonder about this as well. I don't know why schools would have mid-December deadlines if they weren't going to do anything with the apps until January, though, since I'm sure they know it would be easier for many students to submit them over the holidays. So I expect something happens with the applications. Maybe not by the actual admissions committee... it could just be people in the grad office preparing them for the department. 

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