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Fulbright 2015-2016


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Whoa! This is crazy to hear about the Australia interview! They generally do have interviews for Australians going to the US. Never heard of them doing interview for Americans going to Australia.


I know this isn't what you want to hear, but interviews for Australians tend to be, from what I heard, fairly brutal. They seem "Hertzian" if you've heard of the Hertz fellowship and their notorious interviews (it's probably a bit of an exaggeration to say that, actually). That might stress you out beforehand, but it also means that you can still be hopeful even if it's a complete train wreck. The guy who told me this walked out expecting to be rejected and ended up winning the "Alumni" scholarship for begin the top applicant. Also bear in mind that Fulbrights for Australians are far more competitive than for Americans, so that could also be the reason for the intensity of their interview round.


My only suggestion is that you really know your proposal well. Be prepared for the attitude "this isn't very useful" and be able to defend your proposal and say why it is a good project. That's really the worst that can happen. Also, feel free to PM me. I can't say I'll be of much help, but I'm incredibly intrigued.

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Whoa! This is crazy to hear about the Australia interview! They generally do have interviews for Australians going to the US. Never heard of them doing interview for Americans going to Australia.


I know this isn't what you want to hear, but interviews for Australians tend to be, from what I heard, fairly brutal. They seem "Hertzian" if you've heard of the Hertz fellowship and their notorious interviews (it's probably a bit of an exaggeration to say that, actually). That might stress you out beforehand, but it also means that you can still be hopeful even if it's a complete train wreck. The guy who told me this walked out expecting to be rejected and ended up winning the "Alumni" scholarship for begin the top applicant. Also bear in mind that Fulbrights for Australians are far more competitive than for Americans, so that could also be the reason for the intensity of their interview round.


My only suggestion is that you really know your proposal well. Be prepared for the attitude "this isn't very useful" and be able to defend your proposal and say why it is a good project. That's really the worst that can happen. Also, feel free to PM me. I can't say I'll be of much help, but I'm incredibly intrigued.

Thank you! That is slightly terrifying but I'm really just glad to hear from anyone who knows anything about Australian interviews. I will prepare accordingly.



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I have a quick question for other Fulbright Finalists.


So, the next step for us is sending our official transcripts.  The Fulbright website (http://us.fulbrightonline.org/information-for-recommended-candidates) seems to state that they only require the official transcript of the university from which we graduated, but my FPA seems to want transcripts of all institutions from which we transferred courses.  


What are your thoughts? Do I need to send a transcript from the university I transferred from even though all of those courses are listed on the official transcript of my current university?


I included all of my transcripts from transfer schools and post-bac non-degree stuff just to be sure.  Best of luck!!!

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Hi- I'm probably just being super paranoid, but are there any lurkers out there who know if Bosnia-Herzegovina does interviews anymore for ETA? I have a friend who was interviewed in 2013 and she was contacted immediately after she was recommended, but I haven't heard anything yet. No response to my email from my Fulbright program advisor at my school (which is not in the least surprising) but I don't want to contact the region supervisor yet and look all panicky...

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So this morning I got the email inviting me to telephone interview on the 23rd. I am applying to the UK. I am nervous but at the same time excited. If there are any applicants from last year who could give me a rough picture of the process (setting, the tone of the questions, etc), I will be most grateful.BTW are any other UK applicants interviewing the same week?

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Congratulations to everyone who got a recommendation from Fulbright! You're on your way to one of the best experiences in your life! :D

Thank you so much! It is such a relief and an honor to be a finalist, but at the same time it is such an odd feeling to be in a state of limbo - not knowing what the next year will bring.  Congratulations to you and best wishes on the rest of your Fulbright journey!

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oh boy. Does anyone know if all people that get interviews are notified on the same day??? My UK app was recommended and I haven't had any news since the 16th! Eek! Time to attack the refresh button on my email even more often than I already was!

Which grant did you apply for?

I would email someone. Last year all applicants had interviews. I don't know of anyone who was recommended and didn't get an interview.

Edited by Horb
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I would email someone. Last year all applicants had interviews. I don't know of anyone who was recommended and didn't get an interview.

Oh gosh. Ok! I wonder if we will all get notified on the same day about our interviews or if they do it on an award-by-award basis.

does anyone know about that? And have any of the other UK partnership applicants that were recommended heard anything about an interview? Or are any of you in my position?

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Oh gosh. Ok! I wonder if we will all get notified on the same day about our interviews or if they do it on an award-by-award basis.

does anyone know about that? And have any of the other UK partnership applicants that were recommended heard anything about an interview? Or are any of you in my position?


In the same boat with you. Although I am not too concerned just yet. There still is a lot of time left for interviews and I imagine it also depends on an award-by-award basis. 

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Hey Rosy!I am applying for a partnership study award. I agree it's award-by-award basis. A friend also applying for the UK is yet to hear about an interview. There seems to be consensus that everyone gets interviewed.

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Hello! I have also applied for both the ETA and the USTA programs and am really happy to have found some other people freaking out, however slightly, as well! 

My preferences were BW, NRW, and Sachsen for Germany.  

For the USTA App I chose Vorarlberg and Tirol. The only stats I could find were this year's placement numbers by state, but I could not find anything about total applicant numbers.


Do we know for sure that Germany will get back to us in March? In the past I know it has been this early, but I'm kind of nervous about hearing about Fulbright AFTER the April due dates for the USTA acceptance (in case I get accepted to that program). Does anyone have any reassurance? 

Looking at the spreadsheets from the past few years, it seems that Germany sends out grantee notifications between the last week of March and first week of April. I'm similarly waiting to hear back from their kommission on a research grant. Time to open up that epic novel you've always nearly started and renew dedication to your abandoned hobbies. Late March will roll itself over, eventually.

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Hey Rosy!I am applying for a partnership study award. I agree it's award-by-award basis. A friend also applying for the UK is yet to hear about an interview. There seems to be consensus that everyone gets interviewed.

Oh good! Thank you! Which school did you apply with and what are you studying?

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Bah, not recommended for Germany (Study/Research grant to begin dissertation).


I am chalking it up to their warning about preference being given to candidates who haven't lived in the country for an extended period of time before (lived there for ~5 years). But that is a cheap excuse, so feel free to burst my bubble if you were in my same boat and were recommended anyway ;)

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Hello! I have also applied for both the ETA and the USTA programs and am really happy to have found some other people freaking out, however slightly, as well! 

My preferences were BW, NRW, and Sachsen for Germany.  

For the USTA App I chose Vorarlberg and Tirol. The only stats I could find were this year's placement numbers by state, but I could not find anything about total applicant numbers.


Do we know for sure that Germany will get back to us in March? In the past I know it has been this early, but I'm kind of nervous about hearing about Fulbright AFTER the April due dates for the USTA acceptance (in case I get accepted to that program). Does anyone have any reassurance? 

Hi all,


Until recently, I had done a reasonably good job of not checking this forum too often. Unfortunately, that self-restraint vanished a couple weeks ago when I found out that I was recommended to the next round for the ETA in Germany. So here I am lurking in full force. 


Reading the above comment and others where applicants discussed listing their city preferences has me a bit confused. I literally have no recollection of stating city preferences. Do you think I would have been able to submit the application had I left those fields blank? Or am I just completely forgetting filling this out? In the same vein, if we're chosen for a Fulbright, are we notified of our placement immediately or does that take more time?

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Oh gosh. Ok! I wonder if we will all get notified on the same day about our interviews or if they do it on an award-by-award basis.

does anyone know about that? And have any of the other UK partnership applicants that were recommended heard anything about an interview? Or are any of you in my position?

Last year we all found out with two or three days of each other, if not on the same day. And we all applied to different partnership universities. Last year, however, interviews were held at the end of February, I believe. They were late compared to normal. 

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Bah, not recommended for Germany (Study/Research grant to begin dissertation).


I am chalking it up to their warning about preference being given to candidates who haven't lived in the country for an extended period of time before (lived there for ~5 years). But that is a cheap excuse, so feel free to burst my bubble if you were in my same boat and were recommended anyway ;)


That's a real concern with the Fulbright commission. No matter how cogent your proposal, your prior experience in the country would denote an immediate red flag.

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That's a real concern with the Fulbright commission. No matter how cogent your proposal, your prior experience in the country would denote an immediate red flag.


I spent a year in Germany as an exchange student in between high school and college, on scholarship from the US and German governments, and I was recommended for the Fulbright Study/Research Grant to work on my PhD.  Perhaps a year is not enough of an extended time?

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I spent a year in Germany as an exchange student in between high school and college, on scholarship from the US and German governments, and I was recommended for the Fulbright Study/Research Grant to work on my PhD.  Perhaps a year is not enough of an extended time?


Yes; they explicitly state that exchange years don't "count." This is from the Eligibility Requirements, for anyone interested in the future - kind of surprised no advisor mentioned this and wish I hadn't seen this halfway through the application process:

  • Candidates who have not resided or studied in the country to which they are applying for more than six months, not counting undergraduate study abroad are preferred. Duty abroad in the Armed Forces of the United States is not considered disqualifying within the meaning of this section.
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Yes; they explicitly state that exchange years don't "count." This is from the Eligibility Requirements, for anyone interested in the future - kind of surprised no advisor mentioned this and wish I hadn't seen this halfway through the application process:

  • Candidates who have not resided or studied in the country to which they are applying for more than six months, not counting undergraduate study abroad are preferred. Duty abroad in the Armed Forces of the United States is not considered disqualifying within the meaning of this section.


That is a huge bummer. An advisor should have known to tell you. Did you apply for DAAD? Might be a better bet.

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I spent a year in Germany as an exchange student in between high school and college, on scholarship from the US and German governments, and I was recommended for the Fulbright Study/Research Grant to work on my PhD.  Perhaps a year is not enough of an extended time?


Hello champ!

Did you do the Congress-Bundestag young professionals exchange, by any chance?

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Received an e-mail this morning requesting an interview in about two weeks. I didn't anticipate this, so now I'm freaking out. Guys...how can I possibly prepare for this? #sos 

Which country are you applying to? Is it skype or telephone? I am preparing with Skype practice, mock interview, and reading up some more on my application.


I didn't anticipate this either... but I think we will be prepared. :) After all, the application process was SO extensive that we must all be fairly familiar with our applications by now.

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