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Fulbright 2015-2016


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A friend posted that image on her blog and it's exactly how I feel...like logically I know I shouldn't be so nervous and stressed because it won't affect the outcome, but at the same time, PANIC!



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oh god yes, plus both postgrad and phd applicants are eligible for the open award. :unsure:


i thought about applying to UCL because of the partnership and my chances would be better, but i like the KCL program too much to not risk it.


what's your field? mine is environmental policy and globalization, with emphasis on climate change vulnerability and environmental justice.


For the partnership, are those exclusive to BA level students? I know of some grad students who apply to them as well as I didn't see anything on the website about it being for post-BA but pre-grad school students.

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I ran into my fellowship advisor in the hallway today.

It went like this: "Have you heard - ? Oh wait, I'm not allowed to tell you yet. Anyway, more good news." And then she ran off. Not sure what to make of that...


WHAT.  That would have made me cry tears of joy/fear/frustration/every emotion possible!!  Crossing my fingers for you!


So my advisor tells me she's heard nothing.I hope she knows something but is hiding it from me.


Ugh.  I'm nervous at the fact that I haven't heard anything from my advisor, and I'm too scared to email him and ask.


Anywho, how terrible would it be if, for some reason, we didn't find out tomorrow?

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I'm glad I have you guys to freak out with about tomorrow! I am also glad that I applied At Large so I do not have to harass an advisor for further information, because if I had one, I most certainly would. Probably. 

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For the partnership, are those exclusive to BA level students? I know of some grad students who apply to them as well as I didn't see anything on the website about it being for post-BA but pre-grad school students.


i think it varies. for UCL, you can apply if you are doing a masters or a masters with a phd following. for LSE, it's only for one year masters students, so i guess it depends on the university. i saw these requirements on the uk fulbright website. 




the partnerships have so many less applicants, making your odds much better. last year, there were 4/271 chosen for the open award, and UCL is 1/44, or Imperial is even 1/20. some on there i saw were even 1/4.



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Oh ok. I was just curious. I knew people could apple for a 1 year MA, but I know some people on the PhD level (not done) who apply for more focus/research opportunities. 

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oh god yes, plus both postgrad and phd applicants are eligible for the open award. :unsure:


i thought about applying to UCL because of the partnership and my chances would be better, but i like the KCL program too much to not risk it.


what's your field? mine is environmental policy and globalization, with emphasis on climate change vulnerability and environmental justice.

International Relations and World Order, with emphasis on the intersection between social change and foreign policy (specifically British foreign policy). I thought about applying to the LSE but got scared of the competition. I hope we all get good news tomorrow or whenever.

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i think it varies. for UCL, you can apply if you are doing a masters or a masters with a phd following. for LSE, it's only for one year masters students, so i guess it depends on the university. i saw these requirements on the uk fulbright website. 




the partnerships have so many less applicants, making your odds much better. last year, there were 4/271 chosen for the open award, and UCL is 1/44, or Imperial is even 1/20. some on there i saw were even 1/4.




Kalechip: Firstly, welcome and best of luck.

               Secondly, is your name in honor of that 85 lb beagle?? If so, that is fantastic!

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Just checking in here. I applied for a research grant to the European Union. Any other EU applicants hanging around?

I also applied last year, but for a research grant to a different country.

Good luck to everyone. Hope there is lots of good news around here tomorrow!

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I can't sleep.


So  good luck to everyone on here and any lurkers who haven't made an account!


I'm gonna try my darnedest to stay away from anything that could give me feedback about the notification.


Today's the day, y'all... Today's the day...




*sigh* Good night.



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Guys, I can't handle this. I can. Not. Handle this. My grad program is low-residency, meaning that I'm only out here in Vermont twice a year for ten days. All my advisers who wrote recommendation letters for me have been asking about the status of my application, and now I might have to tell them I was passed over for it, and AUGH!!! I just need to get the nervous screams out. Thank you. That is all.

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Anyone else rereading their essays? I reread mine this morning as if they somehow hold clues to someone else's subjective decision. How irrational of me!


I did the same thing!  I didn't touch my application until two nights ago, because I was scared that I would find a mistake in it or something.


Well, today is the day.  Anyone else have trouble sleeping last night?  When I did manage to sleep, I had two dreams about the Fulbright (one good and one bad).  I keep refreshing my email, but I think we probably won't hear until after 5:00.


Best of luck to everyone in making it through the day!!!!  :) :)

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Oh dear god. I wrote THE Abu Dhabi. Pretty sure I had written UAE and replaced it with the city, but forgot to delete "the." I am clearly eliminated now.


Note* I'm applying to Norway, I just worked with some students from there in the summer.

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Oh dear god. I wrote THE Abu Dhabi. Pretty sure I had written UAE and replaced it with the city, but forgot to delete "the." I am clearly eliminated now.


Note* I'm applying to Norway, I just worked with some students from there in the summer.


No no no! I really don't think it's a huge error at all.  Don't even spend time thinking about it :)

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I had a stress dream that IIE sent us an email saying that someone had hacked the site to send our advisors the messages about being notified today, and we were going to have to wait until the 30th.

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I ran into my fellowship advisor in the hallway today.

It went like this: "Have you heard - ? Oh wait, I'm not allowed to tell you yet. Anyway, more good news." And then she ran off. Not sure what to make of that...


Long time lurker, I can attest to a similar experience yesterday with my advisor. 

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I had a stress dream that IIE sent us an email saying that someone had hacked the site to send our advisors the messages about being notified today, and we were going to have to wait until the 30th.


Ha, i feel you. i woke up before the sun because i was so nervous i couldn't sleep.

i told my friends about this board and finding out about the decisions today, and they laughed about the potential of 'scholarship trolls' making fake emails to freak us out. 

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