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Fulbright 2015-2016


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Rrachel, I spoke too soon! Now I'm right there with you: (A). Good luck to alternates and all still waiting!

Ah!! I'm glad that you finally received your notification!

It's not the best news. But think good thoughts, there is still hope for us even though it stings to get the (A).

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Photogeographic (or any lurking Kenyan finalists), I heard from my Fulbright advisor today that Kenya was labeled a no-go zone because of the continued insecurity in the country and no FB grants were awarded this year. So, unless we hear otherwise from someone, I think we can chalk up our (NSs) to that. Takes the sting off. A little.

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cml471, looks like Central Asia won't have its earliest notification date in the past five years. And hopes were so high...


The save-the-date emails were sent a week ago tomorrow! Maybe we'll be lucky and hear back before Friday. :)

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Hi all,

I was recently emailed by my contact in Kiel, Germany where I have been officially placed. As far as I can tell I will be in a high school. Anyone else going to Kiel/Hamburg? I'm trying to develop any contacts that are Fulbrighting nearby!

Also, has anyone started looking for apartments? I'm not sure where to start and if I should wait to get more information regarding Fulbright assistance in the search.


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I read the forum and saw that Kenya was cancelled for security issues. Then last night I had a bad dream that Jordan was cancelled for the same reason.


What do you think are the chances that less-secure Middle East countries (i.e. not Morocco or Israel)  are holding out to gauge the current security situation? I know that the Jordanian military is strong and its borders are relatively secure, but with its borders on Syria and Iraq it does pose a liability. Further, those still waiting on Gulf countries, could decisions be swayed by everything going on with Saudi airstrikes in Yemen?


Does anyone have ideas that might put these fears to rest?

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I read the forum and saw that Kenya was cancelled for security issues. Then last night I had a bad dream that Jordan was cancelled for the same reason.


What do you think are the chances that less-secure Middle East countries (i.e. not Morocco or Israel)  are holding out to gauge the current security situation? I know that the Jordanian military is strong and its borders are relatively secure, but with its borders on Syria and Iraq it does pose a liability. Further, those still waiting on Gulf countries, could decisions be swayed by everything going on with Saudi airstrikes in Yemen?


Does anyone have ideas that might put these fears to rest?


Hey Jadesg1 - I called the IIE office in NY in mid-March asking about whether Fulbright would continue in Jordan after Peace Corp pulled volunteers out. From what Jermaine Jones told me, they weren't planning on cancelling the program and were encouraging the 2016/2017 cycle to apply. I hope that gives you some comfort. I was definitely freaking out in March after the peace corp incident. We'll be all right. I have hope that it'll come through :) 

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What about European applicants? It's starting to seem like Montenegro and maybe Serbia & Kosovo are the only ones left. Anybody else still waiting?

Kosovo applicant here.  Still haven't heard, but as far as I know there were only 3 finalists for the 1 spot for ETA (if I remember correctly from the interview).  


Also, what is a good period of time to wait in between final interview and notification before inquiring? For those who have or have not been notified yet, did you find contacting Fulbright about the potential notification date useful?

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I've officially become "that one person at my school who's still waiting." My professors all ask my other friends about me. My friends know not to ask me.

I just want to be able to have a proper conversation wherein I can talk about something other than how many times I checked this forum/my email in a day.

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I've officially become "that one person at my school who's still waiting." My professors all ask my other friends about me. My friends know not to ask me.

I just want to be able to have a proper conversation wherein I can talk about something other than how many times I checked this forum/my email in a day.


I getcha! But I check this forum a lot more than my email, because my inbox is depressing and this forum brings me small slivers of joy.

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Photogeographic (or any lurking Kenyan finalists), I heard from my Fulbright advisor today that Kenya was labeled a no-go zone because of the continued insecurity in the country and no FB grants were awarded this year. So, unless we hear otherwise from someone, I think we can chalk up our (NSs) to that. Takes the sting off. A little.



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Photogeographic (or any lurking Kenyan finalists), I heard from my Fulbright advisor today that Kenya was labeled a no-go zone because of the continued insecurity in the country and no FB grants were awarded this year. So, unless we hear otherwise from someone, I think we can chalk up our (NSs) to that. Takes the sting off. A little.



Posting this again .. (sorry not sorry) shock is wearing off ... This makes me feel so much better. I am still sad for everyone but man I had asked Jermaine Jones if it would have an impact before notifications came out and he said they would consider it but he didn't say it would be a no grant zone. Less sting for sure ! This makes my decision to re-apply to Kenya or else where a little bit harder :( 

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Update: For those still waiting .. I heard from a past Fulbright grantee that incase of security status changes in a country.. accepted applicants are often told to rework proposals in neighboring countries .. so maybe if you're still waiting to hear back safety concerns might not completely impact your chance ? 

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Have any other SSA primary candidates received the grant authorization document?  It has been 11 days since I received the notification email but still no grant authorization document so I was just wondering if this was common or if I need to follow up with somebody.



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Have any other SSA primary candidates received the grant authorization document?  It has been 11 days since I received the notification email but still no grant authorization document so I was just wondering if this was common or if I need to follow up with somebody.




Hi, so I'm Eurasia, and we were told that the grant authorization documents wouldn't be sent to us until mid-May most likely. So, I wouldn't worry too much!

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Well, Taiwan ETAs got notified! Alternate status for me....my heart is beating super fast and I'm not sure how to feel. Happy about not being rejected but iffy about waiting longer....

Congrats to those who got the (P) and lets stay positive alternates!

Edited by rockrmoose
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Long time lurker.


Received a P for Ukraine ETA, but I have an interesting situation which may cause me to turn it down.


I was a Peace Corps Volunteer (teaching English, almost exactly the same program as ETA) in Ukraine last year. We were evacuated from the country in February 2014. Peace Corps told us they may reopen eventually. After a year of waiting I just couldn't wait anymore and last month flew back to my school in NW Ukraine to teach my students and train my teachers. So today I receive two emails, one with the beautiful "P", and one from Peace Corps saying they are reopening and in May I will go to Kyiv to get my visa...


Does anyone know the exact monetary amount an ETA grant is (or where I can find this)? I'm weighing the costs and benefits of choosing my old love (Peace Corps) and my new one (Fulbright). The programs are almost identical, except with Fulbright I would be put into a new school.


Happy I got the "P", but now for the hard decision...

Also, regardless I will be in Ukraine, so next year's Fulbrighters in Ukraine FIND ME. I will show you around beautiful Kyiv.

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Hi all! Also a long-time lurker who just got the P for Ukraine. @jakemc, I'm also thinking about turning down my grant (some complicated things with grad school and funding), so this could be pretty awkward for the ETA program in Ukraine...

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I'll also come out of the woodwork to announce that I just got an email (P) about my application to China! I'm absolutely thrilled and I would be happy to connect with anyone else heading to a similar part of the world.


Best of luck to everyone during the agonizing waiting and congratulations for everyone who has stuck it out to this point regardless of the outcome. It's a special bunch of people who decide to extend themselves by teaching English and conducting research overseas. It's been wonderful to see the support in this forum as a testament to that


- M.E.A

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