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Least favorite philosopher?


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Well he's not really a philosopher.

Ok, I really hate people that come into philosophy with preconceived beliefs and then use philosophy to try to justify those beliefs, I think philosophy should be done in a more 'what do the arguments/evidence actually show'. So towards that view, I'm going to say William Craig, in terms of his 'apologetic' works. I know he's published on philosophy of time as well, but I haven't read any of that.

In terms of historical figures not in the continental linage (Hegel is too low hanging for me to even care about) I'm going to say Malebranche. His metaphysical views are hella dumb.

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Probably Spinoza.


Nietzsche certainly for the most overrated :)


Several years ago I would've said Hegel but that's b/c as a Freshman I took a 19th century seminar that was heavy on him. As I soon learned, Hegel expects you to know what was done before him. So, it was an uphill battle that semester but I'm comfortable with him now.

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It's funny, but because your photo is a picture of Zizek I really associate you with him. I mean I know you have his face crossed out and your username is "zizeksucks," but if someone asks me to list gradcafe users about 5 years from now I'll probably be like "oh, and there was also that guy that liked Zizek."

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Probably Spinoza.


Nietzsche certainly for the most overrated :)


Several years ago I would've said Hegel but that's b/c as a Freshman I took a 19th century seminar that was heavy on him. As I soon learned, Hegel expects you to know what was done before him. So, it was an uphill battle that semester but I'm comfortable with him now.

Woah woah woah there! Thems fighting words pal. You'd best not be talkin smack 'bout my homie.

As for myself, I find Kant's moral philosophy particularly distasteful. If we're talking overall my least favorite philosopher, I'd probably have to say J.L. Austin. Can't stand the fucking guy. As for most overrated, I'd probably say Wittgenstein, even though I personally like some of his work.

Edited by bar_scene_gambler
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My least favorite philosophers are the ones I can't understand. Spinoza, Leibniz, and Davidson. That's probably my fault and not theirs. 


I've always hated John Haugeland's essay "The Intentionality All Stars". He's not my least favorite philosopher, but that's definitely my least favorite essay. The baseball mnemonic device is terrible, and I'm 99% sure that he refers to philosophical positions by the wrong name (what the hell is right-wing phenomenology?). 

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Historical: David Hume. Contemporary would have to be Alex Rosenberg. My writing sample, in fact, is primarily an argument against the materialism of Rosenberg and the Churchlands. 

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All the Hume hate going around. What gives?

In the words of Edmund Husserl, Hume genius was astounding, but it was not accompanied by an equally astounding philosophy. I just don't think of skeptical philosophy as very interesting. That, ultimately, is just a report of preference, though.

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I like Plantinga. I challenge you to a duel!


Haha. I would accept such a challenge! 

I see Plantiga as the king of poor arguments from analogy. But hey, I guess when someone's grasping at straws just to prove nothing more than that theism isn't  irrational, one can't expect too much...

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I find Kierkegaard to be a bit overrated. 


Tell me what crowd you're hanging out with. I'll gladly swap places. In my 4 years at undergrad and 2 years at an MA, I've met only two people with any familiarity with Kierkegaard, much less esteem. 

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