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I cannot speak for others, for my part I simply do not like the message that comment implies: if your records are not as impressive as mine, you should think twice before you apply. I assume that the result board exists because applicants usually crave for any information related to this nebulous process, and this is exactly why people should at least try to be as objective as possible about stats and facts, instead of sending out (somehow) intimidating vibes.


Truth is I didn't like it so I teased it, sorry if my former comment sounded nasty.

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That's what I'm saying, though. In order to make a joke about the cloudy meaning of a moderately understandable sentence, someone would have to actually read it multiple times.


There is no reason that there should be a page full of people reading this anonymous comment so closely: picking it apart, examining it for inconsistencies, and identifying possible misinterpretations. "It's funny because, as I've noticed in my fourth read-through, the arrangement of the ideas almost makes it seem like the person is saying that they can't speak English lmao" is the weirdest turn this forum has taken since I've been here. It felt too specific and too targeted, and for a sentence that, in comparison, is actually fairly inoffensive. Teasing very quickly became teasing out minutiae which quickly became tired. I only commented when this whole extended riffing started reminding of that e-card:




Of course, I'm saying that as someone who hasn't suffered any rejections yet, but this is a ginger time and it feels like you're smearing salt in your own wounds by reading and re-reading what some commenter said and how they said it and what what they said meant and what what they said suggested and how it could be inaccurate and on and on.


I'm saying more GIFs. That's what I'm saying.

Edited by hypervodka
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I refuse to believe that person said that with any sincerity. They must be trolling... which is particularly nasty considering the tense atmosphere at this point! 


Or perhaps I just can't comprehend someone writing that about themselves unless they looked like this...




I wish this were the case, but we've already seen this untethered egotism hinted at in a couple of the entires in the Google Doc that was started up.

Damn my lack of up votes today!

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Have to agree with hypervodka on this one. I think we need to be careful in ascribing intent. Once you hear good news your brain is all over the place---how do you really know the poster meant to intimidate other applicants? The comment about the imaginative research could have been a compliment from an interviewer, POI or DGS at the school to which the poster applied. I mean, I went nuts after an interview notification; I don't know what I'd be like post acceptance. Obviously we only have control over our own thoughts and actions; if you feel threatened or intimidated then you should reach out to cope but in a way that doesn't take down the poster. The alternative to such postings on the results page would be fewer postings due to fear of offending or intimidating other applicants, and I'm sure that that's the least of what we want as attested by the discussions behind the creation of the Google Doc.

Full disclosure: I am not the poster of the said result, nor do I know or know of the poster.

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Yes, there's a bit of a fine line between teasing and mocking...but when everyone's nerves are on edge (e.g. now and the next ten weeks!), things can be blown out of proportion quite easily. I think we should be happy for the person who got into Vanderbilt -- it's a pretty exclusive club. Sometimes being overjoyed at something can lead to a moment of overconfidence. I'm going to guess that this was the case. I'm also wondering if the person was paraphrasing what the DGS said about him / her in the acceptance letter...


Either way, I really really don't want to see GC get snarky (even inadvertently!). We can be happy for the acceptances and sad for the rejections simultaneously. I've consulted the Doctor, and he confirms that time and space will not, in fact, crack if we are. :)



Edited by Wyatt's Torch
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That's what I'm saying, though. In order to make a joke about the cloudy meaning of a moderately understandable sentence, someone would have to actually read it multiple times.


There is no reason that there should be a page full of people reading this anonymous comment so closely: picking it apart, examining it for inconsistencies, and identifying possible misinterpretations. "It's funny because, as I've noticed in my fourth read-through, the arrangement of the ideas almost makes it seem like the person is saying that they can't speak English lmao" is the weirdest turn this forum has taken since I've been here. It felt too specific and too targeted, and for a sentence that, in comparison, is actually fairly inoffensive. Teasing very quickly became teasing out minutiae which quickly became tired. I only commented when this whole extended riffing started reminding of that e-card:




Of course, I'm saying that as someone who hasn't suffered any rejections yet, but this is a ginger time and it feels like you're smearing salt in your own wounds by reading and re-reading what some commenter said and how they said it and what what they said meant and what what they said suggested and how it could be inaccurate and on and on.


I'm saying more GIFs. That's what I'm saying.


I actually noted all of the above in my first and only readthrough at the time. seemed pretty straighfoward to me, and am not ascribing intent. life is funny and people are funny and the internet is funny so I had a good laugh, and it looks like I wasn't the only one!

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Yes, there's a bit of a fine line between teasing and mocking...but when everyone's nerves are on edge (e.g. now and the next ten weeks!), things can be blown out of proportion quite easily. I think we should be happy for the person who got into Vanderbilt -- it's a pretty exclusive club. Sometimes being overjoyed at something can lead to a moment of overconfidence. I'm going to guess that this was the case. I'm also wondering if the person was paraphrasing what the DGS said about him / her in the acceptance letter...


Either way, I really really don't want to see GC get snarky (even inadvertently!). We can be happy for the acceptances and sad for the rejections simultaneously. I've consulted the Doctor, and he confirms that time and space will not, in fact, crack if we are. :)

Sadness in my lack of up votes... Also That whole ten week things just made my brain explode a little. I totally wasn't in factoring waitlists to the amount of time this would countine...

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Yeah... I'm sorry, but I'm afraid I agree with hypervodka on this one. I read through GC last year and the forums started to get meaner as people who hadn't heard back and were tense and cranky began to pick on people who had already gotten in - saying they were selfish to ask for help choosing BETWEEN acceptances when some people hadn't gotten any yet, stuff like that.

While I understand that it can be off-putting to hear someone describe their accomplishments, we did all recently agree that more rather than less information would be nice on the results board. Maybe this person was trying to be helpful! And even if not, the people who post results are still human... If they were to read over this thread they'd find themselves being called a pompous, unintelligible troll. How could they be part of our community after that?

Ultimately the forum should support us all - in winning and losing. Public mockery of any person, whatever they've said, is not support.

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I apologize, hypervodka, if you've felt attacked for the string of critiques. 


In any case, I do think you should be commended for the Vandy acceptance. As Wyatt's Torch has said, it is quite a feat. I wish you the best of luck for continued success this application season. 

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I apologize, hypervodka, if you've felt attacked for the string of critiques. 


In any case, I do think you should be commended for the Vandy acceptance. As Wyatt's Torch has said, it is quite a feat. I wish you the best of luck for continued success this application season. 


somehow I missed that it was you with the Vanderbilt acceptance, hypervodka! congrats!

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I'm also wondering if the person was paraphrasing what the DGS said about him / her in the acceptance letter

This is what I concluded after my second read through. Obviously English has it's fair share of cocky colleagues but even if he/she was commenting on their own work I don't think it's a big deal. Isn't the point of our intended research to do something groundbreaking and unprecedented? No point in wasting years of our lives plus funding from a prestigious school just to rehash something already widely accepted. Maybe it could've been presented better but given the euphoria of acceptance and the text limitations I vote to just let it slide and be happy for them. Plus if they read even half the remarks here they probably won't bother updating any other acceptances/rejections which would be a shame.

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I did get into Vanderbilt, but I didn't submit my results this time around, so idk who the commenter was. I was travelling when I got my acceptance. I do understand where everyone is coming from about the tone-deafness of the comment. But I've always been the kind of person who, when I was confronted with something bothersome, tried my very best to avoid that bothersome thing so it wouldn't bother me anymore?


(By the way, what does SLAC mean? Google is giving me four different options.)

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You'll all not believe me because of my name (which is "bad advice, lack of counsel"), but:


Less snark and more humility is pretty much always sound advice for anybody. 


(Edited just to add: I agree both with those who say that the post was pretty darn tone deaf and with those who say maybe this forum isn't the best place for hashing that out.)

Edited by unræd
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This is what I concluded after my second read through. Obviously English has it's fair share of cocky colleagues but even if he/she was commenting on their own work I don't think it's a big deal. Isn't the point of our intended research to do something groundbreaking and unprecedented? No point in wasting years of our lives plus funding from a prestigious school just to rehash something already widely accepted. Maybe it could've been presented better but given the euphoria of acceptance and the text limitations I vote to just let it slide and be happy for them. Plus if they read even half the remarks here they probably won't bother updating any other acceptances/rejections which would be a shame.


Granted I'm not condoning snarkiness or a return to the atmosphere of previous cycles, I think the part I highlighted in what you said could bear some repeating as well. 


If our main concern here is to keep this a welcoming and positive atmosphere (which I agree it should be), then I think a consideration of the feelings not only the admitted students is important but those who are suffering in limbo. Maybe we could all do better to be sensitive to each other's situations and emotions in this tense time?


For my part, I was trying to deflect any angst over the results board post with a lighthearted joke. I apologize for it, in hindsight, that it became too personal but at that point my mind was on trying to help the folks who were hurt by it via humor.

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I did get into Vanderbilt, but I didn't submit my results this time around, so idk who the commenter was. I was travelling when I got my acceptance. I do understand where everyone is coming from about the tone-deafness of the comment. But I've always been the kind of person who, when I was confronted with something bothersome, tried my very best to avoid that bothersome thing so it wouldn't bother me anymore?


(By the way, what does SLAC mean? Google is giving me four different options.)


Congrats hypervodka!!!!

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Granted I'm not condoning snarkiness or a return to the atmosphere of previous cycles, I think the part I highlighted in what you said could bear some repeating as well. 


If our main concern here is to keep this a welcoming and positive atmosphere (which I agree it should be), then I think a consideration of the feelings not only the admitted students is important but those who are suffering in limbo. Maybe we could all do better to be sensitive to each other's situations and emotions in this tense time?


This, right there. If you're accepted, be kind to others. If you're rejected, be kind to others.


("Be kind to others, basically," he said, descending into his placid pool of platitudes.)

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 the very act of accepting and rejection implies that there is something (whatever that may be) more desirable about that person. this in itself causes more anxiety. it's a systemic problem, but don't let me go on about this or I'll write my whole thesis here.


secondly, we're all 'lit majors'. I am not surprised regarding picking. it's a habit. I don't care very much for notions of 'positivity' and 'negativity' -- the latter gets a lot of flak but honestly -- I'd rather have a good critique than mere flattery. The fact is that the statement did sound arrogant. it may not necessarily imply anything about the person, but the flipside of what pol said would work rhetorically to make others ask 'what makes this more unprecented than anyone else's research?'. of course the reason for this is negative definition -- in a pool where everyone's research is groundbreaking, then it necessarily means that no one is really 'quite' groundbreaking, and hence the word seems unnecessary. I hate to say it, but no one would deny that words often operate negatively (eg pretty VS ugly, that which is pretty is that which is the opposite of ugly). The only way in which one could give a positive definition to words or things is to lay out very specific standards. Eg re looks: fulfill a or b criteria, and that is pretty. do not and that is not pretty. sounds entirely abstract, but to me anyway, important. because it seems to me that making such a statement without such criteria produces the effect of sounding arrogant (for the reasons I have mentioned).


thirdly, related to the second point, it is (given that we're all academics) a bit on the hyperbolic side. I don't think anyone would've taken issue if the poster just wrote 'solid, original research project' or something to that effect. now, I'm not very concerned about why the person might've done this. I'm just talking about the text as text and its rhetorical effects. similarly, a self-deprecating statement of that magnitude jar anyone here I think -- if someone had posted a rejection with 'worst research project ever without an ounce of originality' it would (to my ears) sound equally preposterous.


lastly and most importantly, regardless of whether the statement is true or offensive or inoffensive or whatever, it's not going to change anyone's results at this point. one is what one is. the essential doesn't change. that's why I didn't mention the statement's arrogance specifically. little point. it's not going to change my life nor anyone else's.


and the truth is, regardless of how nice the poster is/was, there are a ton of really smarmy arrogant people out there. there will be a ton of arrogant statements made. this is academia. why are we even in this? we're in it for the research so one arrogant statement shouldn't matter. conversely however, jumping about 'the negativity' doesn't matter or help either. it only adds to the shit stirring so to speak. alright? can we guys drop this thing? :rolleyes:

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I did get into Vanderbilt, but I didn't submit my results this time around, so idk who the commenter was. I was travelling when I got my acceptance. I do understand where everyone is coming from about the tone-deafness of the comment. But I've always been the kind of person who, when I was confronted with something bothersome, tried my very best to avoid that bothersome thing so it wouldn't bother me anymore?


(By the way, what does SLAC mean? Google is giving me four different options.)


:D Congrats! Keep rocking!

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IDK // I'm gonna keep refreshing the results board every fifteen minutes and elevating my heart rate because Saturday!


why Saturday? I'm newish to this process and was hoping to have a breather this weekend but I'm realizing that's not the case!

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Yeah... I'm sorry, but I'm afraid I agree with hypervodka on this one. I read through GC last year and the forums started to get meaner as people who hadn't heard back and were tense and cranky began to pick on people who had already gotten in - saying they were selfish to ask for help choosing BETWEEN acceptances when some people hadn't gotten any yet, stuff like that.

While I understand that it can be off-putting to hear someone describe their accomplishments, we did all recently agree that more rather than less information would be nice on the results board. Maybe this person was trying to be helpful! And even if not, the people who post results are still human... If they were to read over this thread they'd find themselves being called a pompous, unintelligible troll. How could they be part of our community after that?

Ultimately the forum should support us all - in winning and losing. Public mockery of any person, whatever they've said, is not support.


I agree and I have to say, I'm ashamed for my small part of it. It did strike me the wrong way, but I think I'm just a bundle of nerves. This one time will, I hope, serve as a reminder to be more forgiving of what people post in the throes of happiness. I wish us all that same happiness. Thank you, hypervodka and hreaðemus for bringing me to my senses :)


All I want is this for all of us:



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