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I did get into Vanderbilt, but I didn't submit my results this time around, so idk who the commenter was. I was travelling when I got my acceptance. I do understand where everyone is coming from about the tone-deafness of the comment. But I've always been the kind of person who, when I was confronted with something bothersome, tried my very best to avoid that bothersome thing so it wouldn't bother me anymore?


(By the way, what does SLAC mean? Google is giving me four different options.)


Congrats!! I have a friend at Vanderbilt who really loves it there. I mean, Nashville is just such an awesome town. :)

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Gah! Lost in all of this stuff was the fact that Hypervodka was accepted to Vanderbilt! Can't believe I missed that!


Major congratulations! It was very high on my list -- such a great program, and indeed, Nashville looks like a blast! Glad you've got some options at this early point!

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As cringe-worthy as the choice of words in that post was, I definitely think we should keep GC a supportive place for everyone to celebrate their achievements. We're all bright and multi-talented individuals. It can sometimes be difficult to remember that as we go through this process, but it's still true.



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There's a hell of a long way to go still, obviously, but I'm quickly realizing, based on the acceptances so far, that GRE scores and publications / presentations etc. DO seem to be bigger factors than we'd like to admit.


If I wind up getting shut out this year, and manage to pick up enough pieces of my heart and soul to do it again next year, I'll make a point of sending more work out for publication, and retaking the damn GRE over and over until I get a verbal score that actually reflects my command of the language.


(Don't worry, I'm not counting myself out of things yet...but it's pretty dejecting to have four implied rejections in the span of three days).

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There's a hell of a long way to go still, obviously, but I'm quickly realizing, based on the acceptances so far, that GRE scores and publications / presentations etc. DO seem to be bigger factors than we'd like to admit.


If I wind up getting shut out this year, and manage to pick up enough pieces of my heart and soul to do it again next year, I'll make a point of sending more work out for publication, and retaking the damn GRE over and over until I get a verbal score that actually reflects my command of the language.


(Don't worry, I'm not counting myself out of things yet...but it's pretty dejecting to have four implied rejections in the span of three days).


Definitely don't lose hope yet WT!!! It ain't over til it's over! And you're a rocking applicant, some uni will be wise enough to see it!

But if you are having bleak thoughts can I just remind you about great literary figures like Mr Thornton and Mr Darcy who had to go through a first round rejection but still went on to win the prize? Basically, in the very unlikely event that you get all rejections you're still going be brilliant! But definitely don't lose hope yet, you still have many more applications out there waiting to wow some admission board!

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Definitely don't lose hope yet WT!!! It ain't over til it's over! And you're a rocking applicant, some uni will be wise enough to see it!

But if you are having bleak thoughts can I just remind you about great literary figures like Mr Thornton and Mr Darcy who had to go through a first round rejection but still went on to win the prize? Basically, in the very unlikely event that you get all rejections you're still going be brilliant! But definitely don't lose hope yet, you still have many more applications out there waiting to wow some admission board!


Thanks Katla. Hope is not lost! Just...diminished a bit. I said to someone the other day that this process was like having seventeen cords suspending me above a snakepit. Every time a cord is cut, I feel a bit less secure. A few swift cuts have me thinking a little more about those fangs...


I like your Mr Thornton / Mr Darcy example...although I'm feeling rather like St. Jean at the moment!

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There's a hell of a long way to go still, obviously, but I'm quickly realizing, based on the acceptances so far, that GRE scores and publications / presentations etc. DO seem to be bigger factors than we'd like to admit.


If I wind up getting shut out this year, and manage to pick up enough pieces of my heart and soul to do it again next year, I'll make a point of sending more work out for publication, and retaking the damn GRE over and over until I get a verbal score that actually reflects my command of the language.


(Don't worry, I'm not counting myself out of things yet...but it's pretty dejecting to have four implied rejections in the span of three days).

You're an amazing applicant, and from what I've seen on this thread, also an amazing human being (I know these shouldn't be mutually exclusive, but well, it takes all kinds, I suppose). You've been a source of wonderful support and kind words and have really made GC a home away from...Mordor, yes, Mordor...for me and loads of other people, I'm certain. It ain't over till it's over, and I know in my gut you'll get an acceptance to a program that fits you like a glove one of these days. It'll happen, I swear it. Also, it is my delight to announce that "fuck the GRE" will be playing in a town near you! Lol seriously though, if a test like that is meant to reflect true ability, then I reckon it isn't doing the job it's meant to. You know this, I know this, and the Big Book of Cute Little Tricks knows this.


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Bgt, that's one of the nicest things anyone's ever said to me on the Internet. No upvotes to give, sadly...but big thanks.


Honestly, this process does weird things to people. I truly thought I had the temperament to ride it out without ever getting too dejected! I suppose the problem is that my entire life hinges on this (that's not even hyperbole), and I'm getting too old to seriously think about trying again next year. So failure at this is looming pretty large for me!


My closest "fits" seemed to be at the most prestigious institutions...and I'm not sure if that's a good or a bad thing. I didn't apply anywhere that I thought I didn't fit, but if I'm being completely honest, the number of prosodists and early modern poetry people at Yale, Princeton, Harvard, Stanford etc. make me think I might have an ever-so-slightly better shot there than some of my other choices. It's such a subjective process that it's impossible to say, however.


Just keep breathing, I guess!


(And seriously...thanks again for those kind words. I clearly need 'em tonight!)

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I just want to say to everyone to hang in there.  As some of you know who have been around here before, this tends to be the most stressful time, but at the end of the season everything works out.  Strange and cool things will happen; cohorts will form.  Even for the people who don't get in anywhere, by the end of the long season they normally have a much better idea of what they could do to increase their chances again.  


In my experience, the heartbroken people at the end aren't those who don't get in anywhere, but people who get wait listed at their dream school and don't get an offer.  That's always rough because they usually are waiting hopefully all the way until April 15. 


PS We are so early in the process still, too!

Edited by NowMoreSerious
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WT: We are in the same boat. We applied to many of the same schools (as you noted) and so far I received one actual rejection and a few implied rejections. Yet, we both have a whole bunch of schools left; February is just starting after all. This should be the theme song for all of us who have yet to receive an acceptance:


Edited by HesseBunuel90
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Fingers crossed for you, WT, Hesse, and everyone else waiting to get the first acceptance!  There really is still a lot of time left, and should you get shut out and decide to go through another round, please know that LOTS of people don't get in on the first try, even people who go on to win fellowships, grants, publish, and do good work (ahem . . . I'm in the multiple rounds pool and know other people in that group as well).  

Edited by lyonessrampant
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In my experience, the heartbroken people at the end aren't those who don't get in anywhere, but people who get wait listed at their dream school and don't get an offer.  That's always rough because they usually are waiting hopefully all the way until April 15. 


Okay, now I'm scared. Thanks!  :unsure:

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I NEED A HUG/CUDDLE HIBERNATION STATION UNTIL I HEAR SOMETHING. I feel like I'm regressing into my childhood. Lol

This. So much this. I literally made a blanket fort today because it's a well-documented fact that assumed rejection from Vanderbilt can't touch you when you're in a blanket fort. ~*Science*~

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Okay, now I'm scared. Thanks!  :unsure:


It normally doesn't happen with USC because they normally admit so few, and wait list so few.  But starting off a season with a wait list for USC bodes very well for you.  Not only that, but I got my wait list notice from there March 1.  This implies that there was movement that occurred in Feb.  


But hey wait a min we are still early in the season, bud!

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