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Could an in-person visit sway their decision?

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Hello Everyone.


I am very anxious about this application cycle (as I'm sure we all are). This is my second year applying to SLP Masters programs and this time around I am looking to do anything to help sway the admissions team. Last year I only applied to one graduate program (ISU- where I attended my post-bacc program) and this year I am applying to three programs with hope that my chances will increase. I live out in the middle of nowhere so the three programs I am applying to are all distance programs. There is a university branch of one SLP program that is about 5 hours away from me. I was thinking I could call one of my old professors to ask if she would be willing to give me a tour of the campus and allow me to volunteer in the speech & hearing clinic for a few days. My goal would be to network and make a good impression. (Oh, I should mention that none of the programs I applied to hold interviews or open house events prior to their decision)


Is this a good idea? Do you think it would help me get into their grad program? Decisions don't go out until April so I feel like I should get up and do something. Meet people in person...how else can I show them that I am devoted to this career?


Thank you for reading the ramblings of someone who should have gone to bed hours ago. lol

Edited by ballerina18
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I agree, it definitely won't hurt. However, I think the best time to visit a program would be during the fall right before you apply. That way they know that you saw that school and know about it before applying. Also chances are they have already started weaving through the applications. Best of luck!

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I would do it especially if they don't hold interviews or open houses. Did you previously attend this school, I'm assuming so since you're going to call one of your professors. I think this opportunity will give the faculty a chance to attach a face to an application. Maybe you can personally talk to speech graduate advisors and ask them what they look for in a candidate; which part of the application holds the most weight. I know when I went to an open house for Lehman college, the graduate director told me if I didn't have a stellar GPA, that I should do well on my GREs particularly the writing section. Before making the trip I would definitely set up an appointment or see if they have walk in hours just so you don't make the travel in vain.

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