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How early is too early to email a department about decisions?


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Hello everyone!


A friend recently introduced me to the forums; I've been obsessively checking the results, and figured checking the forums might be somewhat more constructive.


So, how early is too early to email your hoped-for institution to ask about application decisions? I'm really hoping for UW-Milwaukee's MA program, and nervously checking the posted results is going to give me an ulcer.

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For PhD programs, it is expected that students will be notified about whether they are accepted/rejected/waitlisted by March 15th. If you haven't received word by March 15th, it is appropriate to ask.

As far as MA programs, they do things differently and aren't bound by the informal (or is it actually formal?) March 15th rule.

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I attended UW Milwaukee's MA program, and I can say that so far as I know decisions haven't been made yet but offers should be coming soon. So I would hold off on contacting them.


For most programs, though, if you haven't heard by now but they've had some activity (offers/waitlists) it should be alright to contact. Though UCLA seems to not care about timely notice (rejections get sent out near mid-April, which is frankly insane).

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Thanks for your replies! Though, I saw Monadology's only after sending an email to the program assistants. One of them got back to me saying that the committee is still reviewing applications, but acceptances and rejections should be going out later this week.


How did you like their program?

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Thanks for your replies! Though, I saw Monadology's only after sending an email to the program assistants. One of them got back to me saying that the committee is still reviewing applications, but acceptances and rejections should be going out later this week.


How did you like their program?


I liked it a lot. For a more detailed answer, see the thread "Department info from one another? Do any of you go to schools that some of us are applying to?" which I just bumped.

Edited by Monadology
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