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At what point is it appropriate to check in with the department?


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Hey all! I browsed the forums here a little, and it seems like a really cool community. This has been bugging me for a while, so I guess I'm looking for some advice... I feel like other people might be wondering kinda the same thing, or be in similar situations.


without going into too many details, I applied to 7 schools for PhD programs that I've mostly heard back from (mostly rejects, some acceptances). There's only one left. Their application was due on Jan 1st, and it's been a few months since then. it's not the length of time itself that bothers me, though. the results page here for the program I applied to suggests that a bunch of people heard back months ago, at most a few weeks after applying. And no one has posted anything since. Most people were contacted via phone, which I'm pretty bad at answering on time.


This all has me worried that there was some sort of problem sending me an email or calling me about the decision. Although I checked the application system afterwards which told me flat out that everything was submitted right (including recommendations from my advisers, who did get emails through system), I never actually got anything in my email back in December confirming that I had applied. The email they have listed for me is right though, so it would be some problem with their system. Anyway, I'm just worried its not a coincidence and its all connected and somehow a glitch caused them to pass me over.


Do you think it would be weird to send an email asking about my application, if I think of a good way to word it? Even if im on some kind of waitlist, I'd like to know. Or just to know that things are still in motion.



Thanks so much for any help you can give! Just going into fret mode. Hope other people can associate :).

Edited by BillyBillyBilly
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It's absolutely fine to contact. You don't want to badger them, of course, but calling the department or contacting the director of graduate studies and just asking in general whether decisions have been made isn't a bad thing to do at this point at all. They often won't just tell you "yes" or "no" decisions have/haven't been made, but if they have the info, they'll tell you where you stand. If they tell you to wait to find out, then you wait, but you can be sure to tell them how you appreciate the opportunity and you look forward to hearing their decision since, although you've had some other offers, you're particularly interested in the level of success you hope to achieve at their school...etc. etc. :)

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I would call them. Since you never received confirmation that your application was submitted, you really should find out if your application was actually reviewed. And if it was, you can ask if there was a decision made or when you can expect one. The phone call is much faster especially since you have an important question. Good luck!

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Sorry about the late response! I've been busy with work.


Thanks so much for both of your replies! I'm sending an email this evening to make sure that there wasn't a problem and that a decision just isn't ready yet. Still working on how I'm gonna word that. But anyway, I'll make sure to update on what happens in case anyone else finds themselves in a similar situation. Solidarity!

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