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Does anyone know when we hear back from Columbia for their Liberal Studies Masters? I applied in February but they pushed their deadline back to APRIL 1ST! Is it rolling admissions or will I probably not hear from them until August?

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I still haven't heard anything either and now I'm getting worried. Do they send all the decisions out at once or maybe the acceptances first?


I just emailed the Liberal Studies office and received a reply with minutes:

"The applications were reviewed and returned to the Office of Admissions this week. You should be receiving official word on your application from that office any day now"


Has anyone heard yet? I emailed them two weeks ago and they said we should know by May 1st and that we'd be notified via email. I just read they were done on May 8th..how much longer do you think it will be?????


Your application was evaluated and returned to the Office of Admissions last week. You should be receiving word via email from that office any day now.

just got this email too.


So in addition to checking my email religiously, I'm checking this board constantly....I just found this on the stats page:

Columbia GSAS Human Rights LSMA,


Accepted via E-mail on 8 May 2009 A

11 May 2009 e

email to check website

So does this mean that if we didn't get an email on Friday we're rejected??? Has anyone heard anything? I'm obviously going crazy over here!!!




Maybe they are sending the emails out in increments

Maybe they just sent the HR ones out, not the other divisions yet

Maybe.... ?

What I want to know is what "Email to check website" means. Someone here emailed them on the 8th and got a response saying "you'll be notified shortly" and I have sifted through every detail on the LSMA website and have seen nothing about acceptance notifications.


ya know what, I'm looking at the other "accepted" stories on that board, and people received their emails from GSAS anywhere from May 8th to today the 13th. There doesn't seem to be a set date they all were sent out, so I would fear not!



Same here- I've read horror stories in other discussion about Columbia losing applications! I'm afraid of the same fate. Maybe we're waitlisted?


Ok..I just called admissions. They said that decisions were entered into the computer on May 11th and will be emailed out tomorrow!!!


anyone heard yet? Havn't heard a peep. They told me Columbia LSMA HR was decided last thursday or friday so I should be hearing back soon. I never got an e-mail saying that - was this sent out automatically?


I called the admissions office yesterday. They gave me the name of the person in charged of the LSMA HR applications. She told me that decisions were entered into their system on Monday and were set up to be sent out today! I haven't heard yet either!!!


Thanks for the info Rach!

It's only 11.30am and this has been the slowest day ever! I'm checking my computer every 5 minutes :roll:


yeah, I spoke with Balicki who provided the information. I hope they send them out soon. Suspense is killing me. Please post as soon as you've heard something and I'll do likewise! good luck, all!


and just because I'm so distracted and bored right now waiting, Balicki also said decisions were not rolling. They would all be evaluated after everything was submitted.

I'm thinking, though, that if they extended the application deadline to April, they might not have been getting enough applicants. Hopefully this means we have a higher chance of getting in...


I keep checking every 5 minutes too!! And then I keep checking this board to see if anyone here has posted!1 :) What are they waiting for???


seriously...ugh. so did admission say the decision would be sent for sure by e-mail first? are we getting a formal letter too? cuz if they're only mailing out by snail mail today, it might not get to us until next week...

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