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How about a thread on crappy conferences (cough RSA cough cough).


I presented at the annual MLA circus in January, and I was pretty impressed - the quality of the presentations I attended was uniformly high, and it was very easy to network. I'm sick of big society gatherings, though. I'm not planning to do another one of those (Congress) until summer 2015 (or 2016, or both years). I'm more interested in smaller, focused conferences these days, and I've got a couple in mind for the next couple years (but I've never attended either of them before, so I can't speak to their quality).

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Like Roquentin, I'm a huge fan of the smaller, more focused conferences. I am currently at Console-ing Passions, a conference on feminism and media studies. It's small, intimate, and very supportive. Best of all, the registration fee for graduate students was $40, and that includes an opening night reception, a mentoring lunch, and a bag of swag. So far, I'm really impressed by the quality of the research and closeness of the community.


I have found the regional MLA's (like PAMLA) to also be a bit smaller, a bit more manageable than the national MLA conference. For grad students in CA, I was also hugely impressed by the professionalism and organization of Significations, the grad student conference CSULA puts on every year.  


This summer, I will be attending Computers and Writing for the first time; I can report on the experience afterwards, but I've heard that the best part of C&W is the sense of community. I have never attended Feminisms and Rhetorics, but it's another conference I hear is a phenomenal, life-changing experience; my grad student friend cried with Dorothy Allison at this year's Fem/Rhets. I am also submitting a proposal to the International Society for the History of Rhetoric (ISHR), which I hear (again) is a lovely experience, especially for grad students; though, I'm mostly interested in the locations of the conference (this year is Germany!!). 

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I have found the regional MLA's (like PAMLA) to also be a bit smaller, a bit more manageable than the national MLA conference. 


I'm excited to be be attending the RMMLA this year in October! Any thoughts on that one, proflorax or anyone else who has attended?

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I'm excited to be be attending the RMMLA this year in October! Any thoughts on that one, proflorax or anyone else who has attended?

I'll be attending RMMLA too. I heard nothing but good things about it. They're very welcoming to grad students for one thing, and it's less intimidating to attend and present unlike the big national conferences.

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I was fortunate to (help) play host to CWCon this past year, and I can vouch for value of attending. While the presentations are a bit odd at times (WoW, Sparkeponies), there really was a great sense of community. The keynotes (Karl Stolley, Katie King, James Gee) were all amazing, and available to chat after they spoke. Outside events opened up opportunities for networking for grad students that other conferences may not. Plus the GRN means that grad students can get travel funds a bit easier, even if they don't get a panel.


Obviously, I'm biased, but I plan to go as often as possible in the future.


I've also heard good things about FemRhet and RMMLA.


I think the smaller conferences, especially ones with a specific genre, create their own communities, and getting tied in to one opens up many doors.

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I'll be attending RMMLA too. I heard nothing but good things about it. They're very welcoming to grad students for one thing, and it's less intimidating to attend and present unlike the big national conferences.


Awesome. What session are you in?



I've also heard good things about FemRhet and RMMLA.


I think the smaller conferences, especially ones with a specific genre, create their own communities, and getting tied in to one opens up many doors.


I was hoping this would be the case!

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  • 5 weeks later...

I will be attending RMMLA also! I'm actually from the East Coast, but it's an excuse to head out west. I'm actually not in grad school (yet) and I graduated undergrad a year ago, so I'm attending as an independent scholar. Will this be weird for me? I'm applying to PhD and MA programs this coming year, so I thought it would be a good experience and a way to refine my writing sample.

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Went to PAMLA last year. It was ok, but I think I want to attend smaller conferences so more people can comment on my work.


Good "feather in your cap," though, no?


I will be attending RMMLA also! I'm actually from the East Coast, but it's an excuse to head out west. I'm actually not in grad school (yet) and I graduated undergrad a year ago, so I'm attending as an independent scholar. Will this be weird for me? I'm applying to PhD and MA programs this coming year, so I thought it would be a good experience and a way to refine my writing sample.


I'll see you there! What panel are you in?

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I will be attending RMMLA also! I'm actually from the East Coast, but it's an excuse to head out west. I'm actually not in grad school (yet) and I graduated undergrad a year ago, so I'm attending as an independent scholar. Will this be weird for me? I'm applying to PhD and MA programs this coming year, so I thought it would be a good experience and a way to refine my writing sample.

It's not weird to attend as an independent scholar. The chair of my panel is an independent scholar, and she regularly attends RMMLA.

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Good "feather in your cap," though, no?

 Of course it is :).


The deadline for this year's PAMLA is tonight. I'm not submitting anything though, because I want to concentrate my efforts into TAing, RAing and coursework. This is going to be my first year as a Phd student so I know I have lots of things to adjust to, and moving to another country is one of them. Still, the Riverside conference looks awesome, and if tickets to California from Montreal weren't so expensive, I would gladly attend again.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Anyone applying for this year's PAMLA? Submissions due this Thursday!

I just got accepted to PAMLA.  I'm psyched, but this is my first conference, so I am also a bit nervous.  Have people who presented here in the past found this conference to be a friendly environment?

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My major interest is feminism and race in sci fi.I can probably only present at one conference next year. Which is best - Wiscon, the Eaton conference, or ALA ,(for a panel on Octavia Butler? ) Mind, I realize I may only be accepted at one. But if I had to choose, which is best?

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I remember some folks were gonna be at Computers and Writing this week! After thirteen hours of travel (metro! plane! plane! shuttle!), I am happily resting in the dorm room at WSU. If you're also here, PM me or connect on the Twitter: @ruthieoo. YAY FRIENDS!

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I'm here, and having a blast. East Coast time is kicking my ass though. I was up before six both days.

Same. I woke up at 4:30AM yesterday, and managed to sleep in until 5:00AM today. I actually like having these quiet morning hours to myself, though. I've gotten lots of work done (both on my presentation and on self-care in the form of vegging). 

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