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Vanier Announcement


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Just got an e-mail from SSHRC -- a matter of minutes ago -- inviting me to attend the announcement of the first Vanier Canada Graduate Scholars at a reception in Ottawa on Thursday afternoon, April 30. It's the first I've heard from SSHRC/Vanier, and there is no mention of my application status. Can we assume that only successful applicants received invitations to this reception? Did anyone else get this e-mail? Are you going? Ottawa is a long way away on such short notice, but it's kind of a big deal -- and exciting if this means what I hope it means...!

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I have no idea if that means what it seems to mean, but if it does, CONGRATS! I bet the guys over in the SSHRC thread would be interested in knowing that there is some movement over at our favourite granting council...even if it's not exactly a notice of award...yet.

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I got the same message. Same as you I heard nothing before this. Hope this should be what we imagine :)

Where are you from? I am afraid that I am not going to Ottawa if I have no other confirmation. now in Edmonton.

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thepoorstockinger: Exactly! I can't imagine them inviting people to come all that distance at the last minute only to be told "sorry you didn't get one." Although I guess the consolation might be a regular "Bombardier" CGS, which is still a huge deal! That's not been officially confirmed yet, though, to my knowledge... so there is still a chance that Vanier nominees could walk away empty-handed, right? I hope not.

kaoru: I'm a little closer to Ottawa than Edmonton, but you're right: it's asking a lot of us without a guarantee of anything. I'm going to contact my grad studies department ASAP to see if they know what's going on. SSHRC tends to communicate things like this to them before us, right?

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I received the same email, and I've driven myself crazy trying to decide what it means. I've emailed to ask if only the successful recipients were invited, though I know it's pretty unlikely that they'll tell me. It would be awfully cruel to encourage someone to fly to Ottawa (I'm in St. John's) only to send them home empty-handed!

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I'd say check with your grad studies department first thing on Monday morning, as they likely have more info. This looks like a big-deal national announcement made in Ottawa, so the universities have likely been informed of the results already but told to keep quiet until it becomes official on Thursday. Explain that you have an invitation and would like to go, but only if you know you will be receiving an award. There's a good chance that your grad studies department may even foot the bill for your travel, since it's a huge honour and you'd be representing them. Definitely ask.

That's my two cents' worth. My gut tells me that only award winners have been invited... so congratulations if that's the case!

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The Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research of my university has just received a list of winners. The National Vanier Committee will be making the official announcement at the Thursday event in Ottawa.

I am among the list. thrilling!

Please check with similar institutes in your university. I think those who invited to the Ottawa event should be the winners. Good luck!

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The Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research of my university has just received a list of winners. The National Vanier Committee will be making the official announcement at the Thursday event in Ottawa.

I am among the list. thrilling!

Please check with similar institutes in your university. I think those who invited to the Ottawa event should be the winners. Good luck!

Wow, amazing news! Congratulations kaoru!

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Wow congrats...! Hmmm, I didn't get invited to this party in Ottawa - which isn't encouraging. I can't really think of a scenario where only some of the winners got invites. Oh well, happy to have made it this far and there is always next year.

Doesn't that mean you automatically got a CGS? I'd definitely settle for a CGS! :D

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Well, I've never really been convinced thats the case - if so then great. I will be very content with that. However, the wording for that part is actually quite strange and could be taken a number of ways - it does say 'offered the CGS if applicable'. Presumably 'applicable' means that you have passed through the selection process. I know that international students who got forwarded for Vanier won't be applicable. I struggle to believe that SSHRC would have given the Universities a free hand to decide which of their students will be gauranteed a CGS. I guess I'm going to find out.

The really good news here is that I see Linguists and Historians are making the cut. Congrats guys. I couldn't help but follow how the selection commitee for Vanier suddenly changed in early February and seemed to be composed strictly of business connected people. I'm happy this scholarship didn't just get tangled up in the politics of the economic crisis and 'ear marking' buisness.

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UPDATE: It's been confirmed (off-the-record) by those very high up at my school's faculty of graduate studies: if you received an invitation, you will be receiving a Vanier. Apparently winners from NSERC knew this already, but SSHRC hasn't sent us our acceptance letters yet.

Not all Vanier winners received invites to the reception, however, so there is still a chance that your application may have been successful until you hear otherwise. Apparently, invitations were sent to a representative cross-section of scholars from the diverse fields that Vanier supports.

If you were invited, think seriously about going to Ottawa for the reception - it should be great! My faculty of graduate studies is assisting with travel costs; yours might, too, since it's a huge honor for the school as well.

Best of luck, everyone!

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Thanks for the update... what a roller-coaster. Good to know there is still a chance. Haha, it reminds me of some high school party where only the coolest kids get invited. I've got a cousin whose old enough to buy beer - do think they'll let me in if I show up with a two four?

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Wow, traveltip, just as I was reading your last post, I received an email from my SGS confirming that I received the Vanier. Holy crap.

Congrats, guys! And good luck, anthro_student. Roller-coaster is definitely the word!

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Congrats, you guys! That's awesome news.

I would imagine that the "announcement" would include a reception -- it seems appropriate since they're trying to launch these awards in style, right? :) I'm going, in any case. This is one of those "big deal" life moments that I might regret not being a part of down the road, I think. Again, talk to your faculty of graduate studies or department about funding -- mine is covering all my travel costs, which I'm really grateful for.

anthro student: I know what you mean about it feeling a little like a high school party. Haha. I think they probably had limited space/resources and decided to send invitations to those with research projects that would most easily appeal to the media and the public (i.e. "practical applications" projects) in order to justify the program in some way. That said, my own research is in the arts/humanities, with rather abstract implications for the broader public, so maybe that disproves my own theory... In any case, best of luck and I hope you hear soon!

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Unfortunately, I am not encouraged by the faculty of graduate to go. My supervisor thinks there is too little notice, too. There is only an invitation without other information about the supposed activities, isn't it?

traveltip: don't forget to tell us the whole event!

Congrats, all!

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Hi willnl and kaoru: I know, it's a long way to go for a short reception. If I were as far away from Ottawa as you, I doubt I'd go either. But whether you're there or not, you've got the funding -- and the honor of the award! Congratulations again!

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