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Fall 2015 Applicant Thread


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Just had my first (skype) interview with a POI yesterday. It went really well! I am super excited about her work and the kind of department it is, and the more I think about it, the more I want to go! 

Help! Now I have 3 favorite schools! Two was already pushing it. 

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You're on fire, congrats!!


Feelin' good! Thanks!

Just had my first (skype) interview with a POI yesterday. It went really well! I am super excited about her work and the kind of department it is, and the more I think about it, the more I want to go! 

Help! Now I have 3 favorite schools! Two was already pushing it. 

My strategy was to push down 'dream programs' that I felt were very unlikely whether due to prestige (UW-M) or POI uncertainties (UCSD), which left my third "top choice" my actual top choice. Previously, they were all tied. Sort of a pessimistic approach, but it's worked for me :)

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Hi everyone. My first time here.

I'm also applying for Clinical Psychology programs in Canada for Fall 2015 admission.

I happen to also be in a position where I would have some insight on the other side of things - without giving too much away, I'll say that I'm privvy to some information that a regular applicant wouldn't have, at a major institution.

If you have any questions... I'll try to answer them.

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Got a Skype interview with Tufts cognitive (applied for joint PhD in cognitive science). I have a feeling that at least my POI is doing a lot of interviews. She had her research manager get in touch with me to schedule into one of several time slots. Funny the differences between programs in terms of what an interview really means. Some programs, it means "don't make a fool of yourself, and you're in," and others make it a continuation of the selection process.

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Got a Skype interview with Tufts cognitive (applied for joint PhD in cognitive science). I have a feeling that at least my POI is doing a lot of interviews. She had her research manager get in touch with me to schedule into one of several time slots. Funny the differences between programs in terms of what an interview really means. Some programs, it means "don't make a fool of yourself, and you're in," and others make it a continuation of the selection process.

Congrats! You're killing it so far this application season :D

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Someone viewed my academia.edu profile today but I can't figure out who it might be--for some reason, the city is not showing up, just that the individual searched from the US. Seems strange since my interviews/acceptances/rejects seem pretty set in stone at this point.


Edit: Figured it out. Same person (assuming) viewed my LinkedIn profile.

Edited by Tolman's Rat
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Feelin' good! Thanks!

My strategy was to push down 'dream programs' that I felt were very unlikely whether due to prestige (UW-M) or POI uncertainties (UCSD), which left my third "top choice" my actual top choice. Previously, they were all tied. Sort of a pessimistic approach, but it's worked for me :)

That's kind of how I'm looking at this all now. With acceptance rates so astronomically low in social psych, I thought it prudent not to get my heart set on any one school. This has essentially forced me to emphasize the negatives of my original favorites or simply not think of them at all. I just try to be flexible about it. I feel like a hippie saying this, but it is all about perspective. Even if I only get into my bottom choice program, at least I got accepted, and I shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth. 

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Anyone here applying to Bowling Green for Clinical Psych? If so have you contacted the office at all about when they will be sending out interview invites? I'm thinking any day now because all the dates from last year on the GC results page are past. But, just trying to narrow it down. :-P

Edited by AliasJane2342
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Haven't heard anything either (clinical). (and social apparently!) 


The silence from Clark is weird given I was sent at least a few automated email reminders about finishing my application. You would think they would do the same after the fact, at least with stages or something since they were so thorough about people finishing open applications.

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The silence from Clark is weird given I was sent at least a few automated email reminders about finishing my application. You would think they would do the same after the fact, at least with stages or something since they were so thorough about people finishing open applications.


I think of all the ones I applied to, UC Davis was the best about maintaining contact. They sent these cute little messages now and then telling me cute stuff to think about their campus. All very nice.

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