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Fall 2015 Applicant Thread


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I titled my emails "Prospective student Fall 2015"


I deliberately made it obvious so they would know what they were opening - I also wanted to make sure they could find it again if needed :)

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I titled my emails "Prospective student Fall 2015"


I deliberately made it obvious so they would know what they were opening - I also wanted to make sure they could find it again if needed :)


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Mine was "Prospective applicant." I should remember to add the intended semester to my next round...that's a good idea.


I think I finally have a workable SOP if anyone has a moment to take a look. I'm also willing to trade. I think I'm about as far as I can get obsessing over it on my own.

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The Psych GRE is in less than two weeks... is anyone else taking it? I'm starting to question why I am even taking it. I don't think any of my programs require it.


I assumed I would do well on it, but in the past few weeks of studying I have been having doubts. Plus, I waited way too long to start studying and I'm behind. I might cancel my registration!

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The Psych GRE is in less than two weeks... is anyone else taking it? I'm starting to question why I am even taking it. I don't think any of my programs require it.


I assumed I would do well on it, but in the past few weeks of studying I have been having doubts. Plus, I waited way too long to start studying and I'm behind. I might cancel my registration!


From what I understand, unless you have A) a program that REQUIRES it (and these tend to be few and far between) AND/OR B ) a very weak background in psych (e.g. never taken any psych classes) it doesn't seem to be worth it. If you think it will help, then take it...if not...eh. :)

Edited by Gvh
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From what I understand, unless you have A) a program that REQUIRES it (and these tend to be few and far between) AND/OR B ) a very weak background in psych (e.g. never taken any psych classes) it doesn't seem to be worth it. If you think it will help, then take it...if not...eh. :)

Yeah, I just looked it up to know for sure. 4 out of 8 say not required and 4 say "recommended/encouraged". So, I just ignore the recommendations? Haha

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Hah, I mean I have a couple programs that "recommend" it too, but like I said, from the people I've spoken to, it seems it only comes into account when the applicant has a questionable background in the subject matter. But if you do already, it is kind of redundant since it really only tests very general knowledge in the field. It's up to you!

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  • 2 weeks later...



I don't know if I'm on the right track for my SOP. 


I'm really struggling. Maybe it's just the fact that I feel unsure about boasting? I dunno. Would someone be willing to take a quick look at my first few paragraphs? I would be so grateful!

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Ya'll are awesome!! I'll friend you all and PM you what I have so far.. Like I said, it's just my first few paragraphs so far.. I'm unsure about my opening paragraph... Whether it's too graphic or what. You'll see when you read it. Feel free to message me your SOPs!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'll be applying to social/health PhD programs (promotion and prevention) and I'm excited. I have a solid list of 15 or so with good matches, but my SO is trying to negotiate with me regarding location. If any cuts are made later on, that would be the reason, but, we've tabled the topic for the time being thank goodness.


Yeah, the PhD program search is made much more interesting when you're not the only one affected by the move.

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Yeah, the PhD program search is made much more interesting when you're not the only one affected by the move.


Funny to read what I wrote in May and see how things have changed a bit! I'm now down to 10 programs. I took the SO's feedback into account (don't regret that yet lol), and certain POIs are retiring/not accepting students.

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Hey all! Anyone have any tips on what to do about the fear that I haven't found all the programs that might be good fits? I keep wanting to move on with the process but I'm afraid that the "perfect" program is out there somewhere and I'll be missing it if I don't keep looking for just a couple hours more...


Something that helped me was to talk to individuals in the field of interest and see if they know anyone at different universities that does something similar and may take students. This was particularly helpful from potential advisers who did not have funding to accept new students when I was applying. If other people keep coming up with the same programs/researchers that you have already found, than you can be pretty sure you've found all of them.

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Anybody have any advice on personal statement word count maximums? I wanted to know if anyone has any experience with strict or flexible adcom requirements..  I am applying to a program where the approximate word count is specified to be between 500-1000 words. I have edited over and over again, eventually reducing by 80 words, but I am at 1,196 right now and am very happy with this version. I have emailed/left a voice mail with the coordinator of the program since admissions couldn't answer my question. I know some programs won't even look at your SOP/PS if it is beyond their word limit. Just wondering if I should chance it and submit anyway, given that it is almost 200 words over the limit or keep editing ( :() until I am within the 950-1000 range? I should mention out of the programs I am applying to, this is my last choice.. 

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Anybody have any advice on personal statement word count maximums? I wanted to know if anyone has any experience with strict or flexible adcom requirements..  I am applying to a program where the approximate word count is specified to be between 500-1000 words. I have edited over and over again, eventually reducing by 80 words, but I am at 1,196 right now and am very happy with this version. I have emailed/left a voice mail with the coordinator of the program since admissions couldn't answer my question. I know some programs won't even look at your SOP/PS if it is beyond their word limit. Just wondering if I should chance it and submit anyway, given that it is almost 200 words over the limit or keep editing ( :() until I am within the 950-1000 range? I should mention out of the programs I am applying to, this is my last choice.. 


Don't submit a PS that is over the required maximum wordcount.  It shows you cannot follow directions, or think that you deserve more room than other applicants got.  Always follow instructions!  You will have to follow guidelines (IRB, etc) in graduate school very strictly; might as well start now.

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Don't submit a PS that is over the required maximum wordcount.  It shows you cannot follow directions, or think that you deserve more room than other applicants got.  Always follow instructions!  You will have to follow guidelines (IRB, etc) in graduate school very strictly; might as well start now.


you bring up a good point about IRB protocol.. this is very true.

However, just received a phone call from the coordinator who reassured me that submitting my PS as is will be just fine. Thank goodness I don't have to edit anymore! 

I understand what you are saying though regarding following directions and how this makes me look to adcoms.. definitely need to work on being a less thorough writer!

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I think it also depends on the phrasing. If 800-1,000 words is just a ballpark, then that word count is fine. But if they say "1000 words maximum" then it would probably be best pared down.


taken from the application: "Please submit a statement of approximately 500 to 1000 words..." I interpreted "approximate" as a ballpark #. I am only over 1000 words by a paragraph of 200 words, and with the program coordinator's permission, this is just fine. I doubt I would have inquired if it was worded as "maximum".  

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Welp, made my first (and hopefully only) application mistake. Used the Mrs. prefix for one of my recommenders on the request site without even thinking about the fact that Dr. was an option. I looked at for a while funnily, as I had never seen her name written that way...and then it dawned on me. *facepalm* Luckily the system requires me to press another button to submit, so nothing has happened yet, but they're also saying I can't edit what I've already entered. This is going to be fun...

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Where's everyone at in the process? I'm currently at the 'everything easy is done and now it's time to edit and perfect' portion. I have a basic SOP that is not yet edited or tailored to each school, I have a writing sample that I would like to further edit, I've asked all of my recommenders who have accepted, I have each application filled out but certainly need to check over everything, and I've sent all my GRE scores and transcripts but want to contact each school to make sure they're all in the appropriate locations with the appropriate name (I've legally changed my name and some transcripts don't reflect this).


And I'm giving myself the deadline of next week to finish. 

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Hi everyone!


Long time reader first time poster...  I am applying for three Fall '15 programs and I am terrified.  I took the GRE and did alright I think (V. 89th percentile, Q. 44th percentile, and A. 93rd percentile).  I recognized that my undergrad record was slightly less than where I wanted it to be (3.29 cum, 3.7 in Major with Honors distinction and thesis), so I am currently in an MS program for Counseling Psychology where my GPA is currently a 3.96.  I was informed by an adviser that I wouldn't likely be accepted unless I had publications and research experience as well...  So, i've volunteered for three separate qualitiative research teams which i've really enjoyed working on, but we won't have anything published until after the application deadlines.  I have clinical experience, in the form of a Practicum and i'll have two Internships under my belt before I would start any Ph.D. program.


So with all of that i'm concerned because i've been told by an adviser that "she wouldn't bet on it," with the "it" being my acceptance into a Ph.D. program.  To put it in perspective i'm a nontraditional student in that i'm a 32 year old with a BA in Anthropology who successfully had a career in Corporate Automotive.


I'm have referrers, and i'm planning to apply to three schools:



Chatham University



So what do you guys think?  Am I at all competitive or should I prepare myself for dissapointment?



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