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Fall 2015 I/O Applicants


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Is anybody else still waiting to hear from universities? I haven't heard from several programs and debating whether to just call and ask.


Me too! I feel so strange calling. I figured the rejections would be on their way by now, but I'm still waiting on 4 schools!

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Is anybody else still waiting to hear from universities? I haven't heard from several programs and debating whether to just call and ask.

You should probably email them and ask. I contacted most of my schools and got a reply back within a few days for most of them. 

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I'm assuming that not having heard at this point is basically a rejection.

You know they say that when you assume you make an Ass out of YoU and Me. I have been told time and again that at this stage, no news is good news. It's not great news, it means you aren't part of the initial offers, but if you had been rejected you would likely know already. It means that we are on the hook for the April Shuffle when all the top choices who got into several programs start releasing offers.

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You know they say that when you assume you make an Ass out of YoU and Me. I have been told time and again that at this stage, no news is good news. It's not great news, it means you aren't part of the initial offers, but if you had been rejected you would likely know already. It means that we are on the hook for the April Shuffle when all the top choices who got into several programs start releasing offers.

Here's hoping!

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You know they say that when you assume you make an Ass out of YoU and Me. I have been told time and again that at this stage, no news is good news. It's not great news, it means you aren't part of the initial offers, but if you had been rejected you would likely know already. It means that we are on the hook for the April Shuffle when all the top choices who got into several programs start releasing offers.

Thank y'all for keeping me sane throughout this process! Edited by WaitingForAnswers
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Yeah, the first 2 weeks of April make and break dreams in this field. Good luck to everyone, I am waiting on a few also.

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Poll: how many IO programs do interviews? Just wondering,

It's becoming more and more common as the field is gaining recognition. This has traditionally not been the case. However, there are just so many candidates now that schools are interviewing people to break "ties" when people seem so strong on paper. 

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Thanks for this. I've been accepted to two fully-funded PhDs at good schools, but at the end of the day I don't feel like either of them fit well, so I am seriously considering waiting another year and applying again. It's a bit terrifying but it seems like a better option than spending 5 years at a place I don't really want to be. I'm not sure I would have seriously considered that option if you hadn't posted this. 

You're very welcome. If you feel in your heart of hearts that it isn't a good fit, I would definitely consider the reasons why you might feel that. From my experience thus far, concerns about the surrounding area or night life, weather, proximity to family, etc. are really not going to make much of a difference.   A match between your research interests and your advisor's main research area, personality fit, and fit with the ethos of the program culture is critical. Feel free to post here or message me in private for advice. I was on here a LOT during my application cycles and got much needed insight and support. Feels good to be able to give back.

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Just wanted to let any interested parties know that I've accepted an offer to USF. So I just released offers to Baruch and Columbia (MA), and removed myself from waitlist at UConn, Rice, George Mason, and Wayne State. Best of luck to everybody who is still waiting. And if it's any consolation to those who don't get the results they want this cycle, I applied last year (as a senior undergrad) and got zero acceptances. I decided to spend an extra year doing io resesrch. I was also able to boost my GREs significantly and retool my personal statement. It paid off for me, so if you're really comitted, don't give up!

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Just wanted to let any interested parties know that I've accepted an offer to USF. So I just released offers to Baruch and Columbia (MA), and removed myself from waitlist at UConn, Rice, George Mason, and Wayne State. Best of luck to everybody who is still waiting. And if it's any consolation to those who don't get the results they want this cycle, I applied last year (as a senior undergrad) and got zero acceptances. I decided to spend an extra year doing io resesrch. I was also able to boost my GREs significantly and retool my personal statement. It paid off for me, so if you're really comitted, don't give up!

Congrats!! USF has such an amazing program!

I do have a question, In a earlier post you asked about Albany, did you apply to their program as well? Or have you not gotten an answer from them yet.

Edited by phatlilpanda
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I was contacted by Albany and was put on waitlist. They were lower on my list and I had already received other offers so I declined. I believe the said they only had 2 spaces this year.

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Just wanted to let any interested parties know that I've accepted an offer to USF. So I just released offers to Baruch and Columbia (MA), and removed myself from waitlist at UConn, Rice, George Mason, and Wayne State. Best of luck to everybody who is still waiting. And if it's any consolation to those who don't get the results they want this cycle, I applied last year (as a senior undergrad) and got zero acceptances. I decided to spend an extra year doing io resesrch. I was also able to boost my GREs significantly and retool my personal statement. It paid off for me, so if you're really comitted, don't give up!

That's an awesome program! I believe it's 3rd in the nation. Congrats to you!  

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One advice I would like to say to everybody is that the GRE is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT for admission into grad school. Many people say that "the application is composed of many parts and if you are weak on the GRE then something else will balance out"; this is not a very realistic. So many people apply every year to graduate schools and as we all have seen the spots are so limited! So not doing well on the GRE is a easy way for them to reject you right off the bat. Take care of this test please, it is just as important as everything else, if not ... it's more important. This test shows grad school your ability to think and reason and how well you do with pressured tests. I applied last year and I didn't get in because of my GRE score alone. I applied to 13 schools and all 13 schools said no. After emailing them 8/11 of them told me that my GRE scores where too low so I never even made it past the 1st round of cut offs. My gpa was a 3.63 and my psychology gpa was a 3.85 and that still didn't get me even a masters offer. 


I disagree that it is extremely important in bold font. It's common knowledge that the schools use it as a good way to filter out applicants and ultimately compile a list of applicants after the first round. This "bar" for making the short list is at a different level for each program. However, if you've been watching the results page this year or in recent years, you probably noticed that applicants with stellar scores or even perfect scores still didn't get accepted into certain programs. It's cliched, but yes, there are other aspects of the application that matter a lot more than your numbers (i.e. GPA and GRE scores). I wouldn't freak out future applicants about this test. I went into my GRE thinking it was the single deciding factor in my application, but I was proven wrong after my results started coming in and after I talked with other applicants. YES, it is definitely important, but you should certainly focus on other aspects of your application, especially research experience.

Edited by BuzzinAround
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I agree about GRE being important but not the ultimate deciding factor. In addition, I believe IO programs care most about the quantitative section, as all programs will have heavy statistical requirements. When I first started researching programs, I thought I would need to hit 90th percentile in all categories to just be considered at top PhD programs. After talking to more people, it seems like getting in the high 70s will be enough to get you above the initial "bar" for most doctoral application reviews. So if your GPA is in the mid to high 3s and GREs are in the upper 70s or above, the next most important factor in my opinion is program "fit". Essentially this is writing your personal statement in a way that conveys your past research experiences and explains why you would be the best candidate to work with professor ABC at school XYZ.

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I have a weird question/situation...


I have gotten rejected from every school so far, and am waiting to hear back from 3. Well, on a whim, I decided to try and log in to one of the school's student portals. I used the "forgot my username" and they recognized my email and sent me my username, and then I did the same with the password. I was sent a temporary password and was able to reset it and log in. I poked around a bit. I did not activate my email account although I was given the option and had an email address with the school, just in case it was a glitch in the system. I did see that I had been assigned a student ID number, which was not anything that I was assigned when I applied like an application ID number.


This school has not sent out any rejections or any acceptances. I guess I needed to share this. I am hoping that I actually got accepted, but more than likely I feel that it was a glitch in the system, and I just somehow tricked the system into recognizing me since I had an application in at the school...I don't want to get my hopes up, but just wondered if anyone had any similar experiences, or if the waiting has finally pushed me over the edge into trying to find something that isn't there.



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I have no idea. I know someone earlier mentioned doing this earlier and seeing that they were accepted when they poked around the schools management system. Do you see that anywhere? When you generate an application many schools put you in the system as part of the process. I think it may just be part of the process from a technical standpoint. I imagine it's that case for almost everyone, so I wouldn't read into it either way.

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