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Fall 2015 applicants


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Wait. You have an MA in Columbia (CS), don't you? I think there's a reasonable possibility that they skip your interview if they know what you want to do and how will you do it...


Yes, I think there is some truth to this statement and I would stress not giving up hope too quickly. For example, I was wait-listed at Stanford and didn't hear a single word from them until I got the email from the DGS. It is far too early to start assuming things. 

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Beatrice- I'm doing an MA in Classics there now, but I've taken classes with my POI and talked with him about my plans.  So here's hoping!


Kallikratidas-  Awesome!  I'm super relieved to hear it might not be over yet.


Can I just say that you guys are the best?  It's nice to talk to people who get the (semi-crazy) over-analyzing that happens during applications!

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Beatrice- I'm doing an MA in Classics there now, but I've taken classes with my POI and talked with him about my plans.  So here's hoping!


Kallikratidas-  Awesome!  I'm super relieved to hear it might not be over yet.


Can I just say that you guys are the best?  It's nice to talk to people who get the (semi-crazy) over-analyzing that happens during applications!

No Problem! It is nice to talk to someone, especially since I have no good news right now. In fact, day after day I keep realizing that I need to take another school off my list. And I still haven't gotten any good news yet. 

But there is still hope, I suppose. And to quote Andy Dufresne "hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things. And no good thing ever dies."

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No Problem! It is nice to talk to someone, especially since I have no good news right now. In fact, day after day I keep realizing that I need to take another school off my list. And I still haven't gotten any good news yet. 

But there is still hope, I suppose. And to quote Andy Dufresne "hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things. And no good thing ever dies."


I'm right there with you.  That's a good quote for the situation, and if I may add my own, then it's leve fit quod bene fertur onus.   Preach it, Ovid.

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Harvard did interviews all day yesterday. Most intimidating sykpe interview experience yet (I've interviewed with penn, cambridge, usc, and toronto). Decisions to go out at the end of the month.

Would you care to elaborate on what made the Harvard interview so intimidating?

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The person that decided to send today an email through the Graduate Admissions mailing list from the University of Chicago (name of sender is University of Chicago) entitled "Choosing the Right Graduate Program" IS VILLAINOUS.


Got it as well. Was quite annoyed

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The person that decided to send today an email through the Graduate Admissions mailing list from the University of Chicago (name of sender is University of Chicago) entitled "Choosing the Right Graduate Program" IS VILLAINOUS.

I knew I couldn't be the only one. 


Whoever sends out those emails is having way too much fun. 

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I still haven't heard from Harvard.  It seems like remaining schools should go out this week, for no other reason than to stay competitive with other admission offers.


This is a weird question, but do you always need an interview to get in somewhere?  I know usually programs require them for new faces, but if you're already attending that university or have worked with the professors, is it possible that they might not require an interview?    Though you're probably right about moving on, RedViper....but it's hard!


I didn't interview at any of my acceptances. I have never met (including emails) any faculty members at those four schools either. I know Chicago sent an email to my current department chair (Chicago alum) asking for another rec letter when I was moved to the shortlist, but they never contacted me about being shortlisted. It is definitely possible that schools might not require an interview.

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The results search has been down for hours and I keep getting 404s for the entirety of grade cafe unless I navigate through specific forums. Just me or sitewide?


edit: can't spell at 2am

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Would you care to elaborate on what made the Harvard interview so intimidating?

Whereas other interviews just involved chatting with a professor or two in their office, the skype interview with Harvard was like being video conferenced into a board room where the entire admissions committee was sitting around the table. They had also announced in their email requesting the interview that they would be recording it for other members of the committee (?) who couldn't be there.

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Whereas other interviews just involved chatting with a professor or two in their office, the skype interview with Harvard was like being video conferenced into a board room where the entire admissions committee was sitting around the table. They had also announced in their email requesting the interview that they would be recording it for other members of the committee (?) who couldn't be there.



Right now my fianceé is being interviewed by Oxford and, from what I am hearing, there are three or four interviewers asking him mathematical definitions, posing problems and hearing how he resolves them. IT SOUNDS REALLY STRESSFUL.

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Right now my fianceé is being interviewed by Oxford and, from what I am hearing, there are three or four interviewers asking him mathematical definitions, posing problems and hearing how he resolves them. IT SOUNDS REALLY STRESSFUL.


That's an interview from hell!  Honestly I feel like I could have a nightmare like this.  Good luck to your fianceé though!


Interesting that Harvard is recording the interviews though...

Edited by NonSumNonCuro
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Can someone claim the post about AAMW, about the non-selection for the interview process? Personally I'm not going to worry about anything until the rejection letter arrives in my inbox, because I know that all the programs I applied to are awesome and I'm sure there's scores of more qualified people than I who applied for them as well. But I'm just anxiously awaiting an update from anywhere, and I'll take what I can get! :)

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Applied for PhD, Fall 2015 admission to:


Calgary (accepted via email from grad coordinator on Jan 28)

Dalhousie (rejected via email from grad coordinator on Jan 22 --outstanding application, exceptional abilities in both latin and greek BUT lack of focus in research interests, damn!)






Still waiting from all the others!

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