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Fall 2015 applicants


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Hi All! Sorry I haven't been active lately, I've been really busy.

Now that I have received a rejection letter from Stanford, I am turning my attention to other schools.

Has anyone heard anything from Harvard or Brown? I think someone posted on the search page that they had an interview from Brown. But I was wondering if anyone has heard from anyone else about Harvard Classics. 

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I haven't heard anything from Harvard, or seen anything on the boards.  


I did notice that two invitations went out from Michigan's IPCAA went out on the 4th, so I guess that's my first unofficial rejection.  At least it's news (sort of).


Beatrice- I feel the same way about Texas! Though I do know people from there and they assure me it's lovely.  And as someone living in NY right now, I am so jealous of your weather situation.  It sounds like the perfect range!! 

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I'm from Texas and now live in northern New England. The snow and the cold were such a shock. I still can't get over -20 F weather and 4 feet of snow.  The school I'm at never cancels class, so I'm often trekking to class wishing I knew how to cross-country ski. Ideologically, I fit in better with New England, but people are so friendly in Texas, and I miss that. You can always (try to) avoid bigots, but you can't avoid the weather. I don't really worry about the weather at any of the schools I've applied to - how worse can it get? But I do dream about being in a nice mild climate.


Beatrice - Lots of Texans, including myself, are passionately anti-capital punishment and quite vocal about it!


RedViper - I haven't heard anything from Brown or Harvard.

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Beatrice- I feel the same way about Texas! Though I do know people from there and they assure me it's lovely.  And as someone living in NY right now, I am so jealous of your weather situation.  It sounds like the perfect range!! 


Well... 32° and 33° are really common, but in our worst days (one week ago, while I was having my interview with Stanford) we've suffered 38°. And don't forget our high humidity! You feel like walking through warm soup.


Beatrice - Lots of Texans, including myself, are passionately anti-capital punishment and quite vocal about it!


Oh, good!

I am also afraid of guns in general...  :)  (what a good idea to study in the USA)

Edited by Beatrice Blumenstrauss
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Can any of you guys claim the Columbia Classical Studies postings that just went up?  Congrats! 

(Though that was my top choice by far so I'm pretty bummed)


I posted one of the Columbia Classical Studies interviews.

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Nothing to report over here! Though one of my good friends (unrelated field) just started getting super positive and friendly messages from her number 1 professor at her number 1 school. So excited for her, and so excited for everyone who is already hearing back!

Edited by birchleaf
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Congrats!  PM me if you want to know more about the campus/living in the area/etc.




What were the details? Did it seem like a general thing, or something specific to you?



It was a very short and general email asking for a 20 minute interview. 

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I posted another of Columbia's Classical Studies interview... in fact, I was about to draw a <3 after "Chair" (love her, love her work, love her kindness) and I accidentally hit the enter button.


Yeah, she is so nice (and also brilliant)!  Good luck  :)

Edited by NonSumNonCuro
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There are some acceptance and rejection results posted on the search page for UPenn Classics. However, I have not gotten any correspondence from them at all. Has anyone on the Forums received an acceptance or rejection from UPenn? I applied there for their Classical studies program.

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I have some quick questions I was wondering if anyone could answer. I want to do Ancient history PHD and I have applied to Yale, Berkeley(AHMA), Harvard, Princeton, Stanford and NYU(ISAW). At the moment I have got an interview at Yale and rejection from Berk but I have heard nothing from anywhere else. I have seen on the board that others have heard from all four other places though- so is it time to give up hope on them? 


Thanks for the help with this!

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I have some quick questions I was wondering if anyone could answer. I want to do Ancient history PHD and I have applied to Yale, Berkeley(AHMA), Harvard, Princeton, Stanford and NYU(ISAW). At the moment I have got an interview at Yale and rejection from Berk but I have heard nothing from anywhere else. I have seen on the board that others have heard from all four other places though- so is it time to give up hope on them? 


Thanks for the help with this!

Hello! I think that people on the Forums have heard from Yale, Princeton, Stanford and NYU (ISAW.)

I don't think anyone here has heard from Harvard. Can anyone on the Forums verify if they have heard from Harvard or knows someone who has heard from Harvard?

In any case, it is safer to give up hope if others have gotten interview offers. However, there are middle grounds like wait lists. That's what I think, anyway.

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I still haven't heard from Harvard.  It seems like remaining schools should go out this week, for no other reason than to stay competitive with other admission offers.


This is a weird question, but do you always need an interview to get in somewhere?  I know usually programs require them for new faces, but if you're already attending that university or have worked with the professors, is it possible that they might not require an interview?    Though you're probably right about moving on, RedViper....but it's hard!

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I still haven't heard from Harvard.  It seems like remaining schools should go out this week, for no other reason than to stay competitive with other admission offers.


This is a weird question, but do you always need an interview to get in somewhere?  I know usually programs require them for new faces, but if you're already attending that university or have worked with the professors, is it possible that they might not require an interview?    Though you're probably right about moving on, RedViper....but it's hard!

I think that for the more competitive programs, they definitely do an interview first with the short-listed candidates.

Though with the larger and larger applicant pool with each passing year, I think all schools are starting to do that.

I know that it's hard to move on. But life goes on, the years go by, the seasons change, and other things come up that can keep you occupied.  :)

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On 2/8/2015 at 12:16 PM, RedViper said:

I think that for the more competitive programs, they definitely do an interview first with the short-listed candidates.

Though with the larger and larger applicant pool with each passing year, I think all schools are starting to do that.

I know that it's hard to move on. But life goes on, the years go by, the seasons change, and other things come up that can keep you occupied.  :)

But for the time being, I'm still waiting to hear from Schools.

As of today, I have already received a rejection from Stanford. And I am giving up on Yale, UPenn, Brown, NYU and WashU. 

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Hello! I think that people on the Forums have heard from Yale, Princeton, Stanford and NYU (ISAW.)

I don't think anyone here has heard from Harvard. Can anyone on the Forums verify if they have heard from Harvard or knows someone who has heard from Harvard?

In any case, it is safer to give up hope if others have gotten interview offers. However, there are middle grounds like wait lists. That's what I think, anyway.

Harvard did interviews all day yesterday. Most intimidating sykpe interview experience yet (I've interviewed with penn, cambridge, usc, and toronto). Decisions to go out at the end of the month.

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Harvard did interviews all day yesterday. Most intimidating sykpe interview experience yet (I've interviewed with penn, cambridge, usc, and toronto). Decisions to go out at the end of the month.


Oh, good to know... I guess.

Still, I am not going to let it go until I see my rejection email. And we all should do the same! There's no point in feeling bad a priori.

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Harvard did interviews all day yesterday. Most intimidating sykpe interview experience yet (I've interviewed with penn, cambridge, usc, and toronto). Decisions to go out at the end of the month.

Ah, that's good for me to know. At least now I know I can take Harvard off my list.

Better to have this information now, rather than later.

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This is a weird question, but do you always need an interview to get in somewhere?  I know usually programs require them for new faces, but if you're already attending that university or have worked with the professors, is it possible that they might not require an interview?    Though you're probably right about moving on, RedViper....but it's hard!


Wait. You have an MA in Columbia (CS), don't you? I think there's a reasonable possibility that they skip your interview if they know what you want to do and how will you do it...

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