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Canadian Universities MSW. The waiting game 2015 admissions


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Do any of you guys know if you can be "invited" to more than one program on ROSI? I already got into OISE, and that has showed up on my ROSI but I'm wondering if it is possible that other acceptances wouldn't be able to show up on the site? Probably I just didn't get in, haha, but just wondering if any one else is in this situation. 


Did you ever find out the answer to this?

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They are probably waiting for response so they can garage their wait list and send out some more acceptances


Exactly - I was accepted into York's 2 year program and even though I had to accept or declined about a week ago, a deposit wasn't due until a few days from now. (I just sent an e-mail telling them I was now declining the offer, and I know someone else in the same boat, so a few more acceptances will be going out.) Goodluck!

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Theory: Factor-Inwentash is abstaining from accepting anyone to their 2-year MSW who is still completing their undergrad, particularly if they're only just now completing their research methods course. 






I am currently completing an undergraduate degree in Honours Psychology right now and I haven't been accepted/rejected yet from Factor-Inwentash. However, I completed my research methods course in Winter of 2013 and got an A- in the course. Since then, I have also taken three upper level research courses and have conducted two pieces of original research and am in the process of submitting both pieces for publications. So, from my perspective, the research methods course doesn't play a large role in why I haven't heard anything yet. But, I could see it playing a role for those who are still in the process if completing a research methods course. 

Who knows. 

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Hey everyone! 

For everyone applying to the 2-Year MSW Programs, I was wondering how many hours you with social service experience? I have about 175 hours in total among a few different places I am volunteering/volunteered at, and am worried it isn't enough. Out of all my applications, this is where I seem to lag. 

Also, throughout this upcoming week or two, if anyone else gets accepted/rejected to U of T (2-Yr MSW), or receives mail from them, will you let me or all us of know :)

Thanks again everyone!  

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I am currently completing an undergraduate degree in Honours Psychology right now and I haven't been accepted/rejected yet from Factor-Inwentash. However, I completed my research methods course in Winter of 2013 and got an A- in the course. Since then, I have also taken three upper level research courses and have conducted two pieces of original research and am in the process of submitting both pieces for publications. So, from my perspective, the research methods course doesn't play a large role in why I haven't heard anything yet. But, I could see it playing a role for those who are still in the process if completing a research methods course. 

Who knows. 



Hm yeah that does go against my whole theory of research maybe being a large factor in their decision. Was your research methods course a 3rd or 2nd year course? Mine was a third year course and I received an A+ in it, which may or may not play a role. I also have conducted research that will likely be published next year, which I really emphasized in my application to be related directly to social work for a variety of reasons. Its so hard to say what exactly they're looking for! 

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Hey everyone! 

For everyone applying to the 2-Year MSW Programs, I was wondering how many hours you with social service experience? I have about 175 hours in total among a few different places I am volunteering/volunteered at, and am worried it isn't enough. Out of all my applications, this is where I seem to lag. 

Also, throughout this upcoming week or two, if anyone else gets accepted/rejected to U of T (2-Yr MSW), or receives mail from them, will you let me or all us of know :)

Thanks again everyone!  


Hey! Still haven't heard from U of T yet either.


Hours wise:

720 paid experience (summer job two years in a row at a food bank)

850 or so volunteer experience working at a Sexual Health Resource Centre (including being on the executive board for the past two years as volunteer coordinator & assistant director)

60 or so at a peer support centre

Total of 1630


I feel pretty good about my experience but I think I'm lacking in academics (I met the cutoff, but I'm not exceptional). I did okay in research methods (A-). I also am in History/Gender studies and am worried it won't be seen as 'relevant' enough to matter.


I'm pretty sure U of T is upholding what they said about it being your whole application together so I wouldn't get too worried just yet. I'm sure your application has lots of strengths!


Will, as always, keep y'all updated when I hear from places. I am dying to hear this week....!

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Hm yeah that does go against my whole theory of research maybe being a large factor in their decision. Was your research methods course a 3rd or 2nd year course? Mine was a third year course and I received an A+ in it, which may or may not play a role. I also have conducted research that will likely be published next year, which I really emphasized in my application to be related directly to social work for a variety of reasons. Its so hard to say what exactly they're looking for! 


My research methods course was 2000 (A-) and my other four research courses were at 2000, 3000, 3000, 4000 levels. 

I did the same as well! I talked about how relevant this research is to social work, mental health, ect.

I really hope they put out more acceptances, and that it is also done soon!  

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Hm yeah that does go against my whole theory of research maybe being a large factor in their decision. Was your research methods course a 3rd or 2nd year course? Mine was a third year course and I received an A+ in it, which may or may not play a role. I also have conducted research that will likely be published next year, which I really emphasized in my application to be related directly to social work for a variety of reasons. Its so hard to say what exactly they're looking for! 


The research methods course I submitted with my application was a 2nd year level course and I got an A- in it (I've subsequently taken advanced statistics courses that have killed me and my GPA, so it was definitely my best mark). However, I have also been a research assistant in several labs as well as had strong research components to projects I've been involved with (i.e. youth mental healthcare system reform). I have a feeling that if all of my research experience was limited to an A- in a 2nd year introduction to stats course that I'd be at a disadvantage with the application.

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Hey! Still haven't heard from U of T yet either.


Hours wise:

720 paid experience (summer job two years in a row at a food bank)

850 or so volunteer experience working at a Sexual Health Resource Centre (including being on the executive board for the past two years as volunteer coordinator & assistant director)

60 or so at a peer support centre

Total of 1630


I feel pretty good about my experience but I think I'm lacking in academics (I met the cutoff, but I'm not exceptional). I did okay in research methods (A-). I also am in History/Gender studies and am worried it won't be seen as 'relevant' enough to matter.


I'm pretty sure U of T is upholding what they said about it being your whole application together so I wouldn't get too worried just yet. I'm sure your application has lots of strengths!


Will, as always, keep y'all updated when I hear from places. I am dying to hear this week....!


Thanks! And, I must say, that is impressive! Good for you! :) 



Also, something I always get hung up on, is what is considered as social service work. I have lots of volunteer work with different positions, but is it only considered "social services" if you are working within a facility that provides access to services for society?

For an example, I've been involved with the Psychology Society at my university for three years and am now holding the position of president for the society. Every year we holds numerous fundraiser to raise money for a local mental health organization and to raise awareness for mental health and stigma. Although this is very relevant for social work, I doubt that it would fall under social service experience? 

Whats everyones thoughts? 


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Hey everyone! 

For everyone applying to the 2-Year MSW Programs, I was wondering how many hours you with social service experience? I have about 175 hours in total among a few different places I am volunteering/volunteered at, and am worried it isn't enough. Out of all my applications, this is where I seem to lag. 

Also, throughout this upcoming week or two, if anyone else gets accepted/rejected to U of T (2-Yr MSW), or receives mail from them, will you let me or all us of know :)

Thanks again everyone!  


Hi ShayRonee,


As of my Dec application I had just over 1000 hours of volunteer experience mostly as a peer counsellor for various sites (sexual health, human trafficking, intimate partner violence, rape, etc)

I also have over 2000 hours of paid experience as a program manager doing community development in remote First Nations communities (though I'm based out of Toronto).


I have a feeling there will be another round or two of acceptances at UofT. The offer I received from needed to be accepted and returned by the end of April. I was in the second batch that got accepted March 24. I imagine the first pool will send their acceptances and/or regrets and they'll be another wave in mid/late April. Probably they'll be another wave early May. Just speculation here!

Edited by poppy_msw
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Hey everyone! 

For everyone applying to the 2-Year MSW Programs, I was wondering how many hours you with social service experience? I have about 175 hours in total among a few different places I am volunteering/volunteered at, and am worried it isn't enough. Out of all my applications, this is where I seem to lag. 

Also, throughout this upcoming week or two, if anyone else gets accepted/rejected to U of T (2-Yr MSW), or receives mail from them, will you let me or all us of know :)

Thanks again everyone!  


The way I submitted my application was by the format they specified, so for each section I specified X amount of hours/month.  I just added up the figures on my resume and got 2100 hours (I also realized I forgot to add 400 hours from a co-operative education placement I had in high-school that was super relevant, oops). I think for U of T at least, number of hours shows you're committed but it's more complicated than that -- i.e. I've facilitated transition clinics for youth at Sick Kids hospital who are entering the adult healthcare system, overall that has clocked me in at maybe 10 hours...but that's a more valuable 10 hours than 100 hours at some of the more minor volunteer commitments I've had, you know? 

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Well, if it helps, I don't remember exactly how many hours and such I had (I included hours from all the employment I ever had, but some of it was not human services related at all), but here are the major differences in my application between last year (when I was waitlisted and eventually rejected at U of T and rejected outright at York) and this year (accepted at U of T and waitlisted at York):


-I changed what I believed to by my greatest accomplishment (for U of T) and it was much more cohesive and probably more genuine, a little less ego stroking, haha (though the rest of my statement was almost word for word the same, there was some minor copy editing). I also completely revamped my statement for York and rewrote it completely and centred my own being critical to reflect the critical nature of the program there.

-I added a few jobs including tutoring, some PSW work, some research and grading work, working as a residential counsellor in a group home for pregnant and parenting young women (though not sure how much of a difference this made since the same agency was already on my resume as a summer job), and a youth worker at the local YMCA in their young men's shelter and their transitioning housing program for youth, but none of these jobs had a ton of hours since I started them in September, October, or December and they are all super part-time or relief positions (like even now, I only work 3 shifts a week consistently, and I sometimes have the opportunity to pick up more). I also added my internship over the summer in the residence of a boarding school, but that replaced an actually more clinical internship that I had been planning to do but fell through, so I'm not sure how much of a difference that made either.

-My supervisor from that internship wrote me a reference, which replaced a reference from the head of the writing centre at my university where I worked, so I think having a real professional reference really did make a big difference

-I sent Angela an updated resume when my publication, an article in a non-peer reviewed journal, was finalized (it hadn't been confirmed that it had been accepted at the time I initially submitted my application in December, so I couldn't include it), and I think that also made a big difference (and it comes out on March 31 and I am super nervous about it lol)


These are the things that seem to have made the difference for me, specifically. Obviously your mileage may vary. But it may help for trying to gauge what may happen or for planning Plan B's. 

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Hi ShayRonee,


As of my Dec application I had just over 1000 hours of volunteer experience mostly as a peer counsellor for various sites (sexual health, human trafficking, intimate partner violence, rape, etc)

I also have over 2000 hours of paid experience as a program manager doing community development in remote First Nations communities (though I'm based out of Toronto).


I have a feeling there will be another round or two of acceptances at UofT. The offer I received from needed to be accepted and returned by the end of April. I was in the second batch that got accepted March 24. I imagine the first pool will send their acceptances and/or regrets and they'll be another wave in mid/late April. Probably they'll be another wave early May. Just speculation here!



Thanks for the reply and insight! 

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The way I submitted my application was by the format they specified, so for each section I specified X amount of hours/month.  I just added up the figures on my resume and got 2100 hours (I also realized I forgot to add 400 hours from a co-operative education placement I had in high-school that was super relevant, oops). I think for U of T at least, number of hours shows you're committed but it's more complicated than that -- i.e. I've facilitated transition clinics for youth at Sick Kids hospital who are entering the adult healthcare system, overall that has clocked me in at maybe 10 hours...but that's a more valuable 10 hours than 100 hours at some of the more minor volunteer commitments I've had, you know? 


Yes, that makes complete sense! Thanks for the insight and reply!

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Hey everyone. So happy I stumbled across this message board haha. 

I actually applied to Carleton University's MSW on a bit of a whim...after some soul searching. My undergrad is in journalism and I work as a writer now, but my volunteer work and some previous work experience led me to really consider social work as a career. I was accepted to Carleton's 2-year MSW conditionally with an amazing scholarship... I need to pass a research and stats course in order to be officially accepted. The plan is for Fall 2015. I hope to meet some of you there! If anyone is in Ottawa, I'd love to meet up and chat about the next two years! 

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Just got the email from Carleton 2 year...

Accepted with 4k funding! Conditional offer / original transcripts need to be sent.

So happy for you! I'm conditional as well... I have to complete a research course. Congrats! :) :) 

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Thanks! And, I must say, that is impressive! Good for you! :)



Also, something I always get hung up on, is what is considered as social service work. I have lots of volunteer work with different positions, but is it only considered "social services" if you are working within a facility that provides access to services for society?

For an example, I've been involved with the Psychology Society at my university for three years and am now holding the position of president for the society. Every year we holds numerous fundraiser to raise money for a local mental health organization and to raise awareness for mental health and stigma. Although this is very relevant for social work, I doubt that it would fall under social service experience? 

Whats everyones thoughts? 


When I emailed Terry Gardiner regarding what counted as relevant experience he replied saying this, hope it helps! :) 


"Our suggestion regarding volunteer experience is that you look for opportunities that speak to your interests and passion. What is important is that you are able to demonstrate a track record of connecting with people."

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Good morning everyone! :) 

Here is to a new beautiful week! We will hear something this week, it's going to happen! It has to happen, it's the first week of April :)! Fingers crossed for everyone :)

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Good morning everyone! :)

Here is to a new beautiful week! We will hear something this week, it's going to happen! It has to happen, it's the first week of April :)! Fingers crossed for everyone :)


Good luck to you! :) :) :) 

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Congrats!!! That's amazing! Carleton is my number 1 so hopefully I'll get off this waitlist and be joining you in the Fall :) 

Hey everyone. So happy I stumbled across this message board haha. 

I actually applied to Carleton University's MSW on a bit of a whim...after some soul searching. My undergrad is in journalism and I work as a writer now, but my volunteer work and some previous work experience led me to really consider social work as a career. I was accepted to Carleton's 2-year MSW conditionally with an amazing scholarship... I need to pass a research and stats course in order to be officially accepted. The plan is for Fall 2015. I hope to meet some of you there! If anyone is in Ottawa, I'd love to meet up and chat about the next two years! 

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Hey everyone!

Wishing you all luck in this coming week if you haven't heard from one of your choice universities or are on a wait list. I'm heading to Carleton this fall for the 2-year program and am hoping to chat with my future classmates! I'm finding the Masters process to be rather intimidating--mostly because I never thought that I would ever end up applying to a Masters program! 

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Congrats!!! That's amazing! Carleton is my number 1 so hopefully I'll get off this waitlist and be joining you in the Fall :)

Oh yay!!

Well I hope you get off of that wait list and join me in September. It'd be great to have already known someone before school starts up haha. I'm quite nervous  :huh:

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Oh yay!!

Well I hope you get off of that wait list and join me in September. It'd be great to have already known someone before school starts up haha. I'm quite nervous  :huh:


@Pureplegrey - I will say the department is actively sending emails reminding us that if we're considering changing our minds and not accepting to let them know ASAP so wait list candidates can be notified. It seems they're trying their best to weed out anyone who isn't seriously committed. 

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Thank you for that info! It's comforting to know that they actually want us waitlisted candidates to have a fair chance. I think there's going to be some shifts in May because everyones going to have heard and that's when "real" decisions will be made. I'm going to try and stay as positive as possible - there is still hope  until the first day of classes :) Fingers crossed! 


Yeah it would be great to know someone going into the program as well. I'm currently located in Montreal so I'd be moving to Ottawa, and that process coupled with a new school and a new program is going to be a little overwhelming but so exciting! I want it so badly, haha. I know, we all do! 


@Pureplegrey - I will say the department is actively sending emails reminding us that if we're considering changing our minds and not accepting to let them know ASAP so wait list candidates can be notified. It seems they're trying their best to weed out anyone who isn't seriously committed. 

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okay, I have already checked this forum, ROSI and my gmail atleast 10 times in the past hour...

This is what happens when I have the day off hahaa


I really hope we hear something this week!! Goodluck everyone! :)

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