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CUNY Hunter

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Congrats ineffableshe thats great news!

Could you tell me how long after your interview it was before you got your letter and if your status changed to "pending interview" on your application?

It's been 2 weeks for me and I've head nothing and my status hasn't changed so I am trying to see what everyone else's situation is.


I just got in!!!! :-D

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I just had an interview at Hunter and the program seems amazing and definitely worth it for the costs. However, I applied to the COP&D (Community Organization, Planning and Development) program and after going to the interview and getting more information on the concentration, I don't think it's right for me. I'm applying to MSW programs coming right out of undergrad (I graduate this May) and I don't feel as though I have enough experience in social work on an individual level to feel comfortable managing and addressing individuals/communities on a macro level. My interviewer also noted that if we wanted to switch our concentration to something else, like Clinical Practice with Individuals and Families, we should alert them now and they'll add our names to that pool of applicants. I'm really considering switching my concentration to the clinical track, but I'm afraid that changing it will compromise my application and decrease my chances of admission, especially since a lot of students apply to the clinical program, so I really need some advice!! Does anyone have some insight or experience with Hunter's admissions process? What should I do???

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