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...the message didn't say but it did come from Bonn, not DAAD Australia.


...so what you're saying is that we should be prepared for an email in either the American east coast OR European timezones?!

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How are people handling figuring out future plans with such uncertainty? The DAAD is obviously my top choice, but I'm concerned I may have to accept/decline a job before knowing if I got the DAAD. Anyone else with similar struggles or recommendations on how to handle this?

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I currently have a  temporary job. I get 3 month long assignments and at the end of each 3 months i get extended if they like my work and if they still need me so that works fine with the whole uncertainty of the DAAD. Since I just got a contract renovated until June 30th it works out well with this whole situation since I think most schools start later than that anyways.

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I just let my other fellowship know that I'm still waiting on other funding and they immediately knew it was DAAD...hah. Anyway, it seems that there is some flexibility in terms of delaying the other fellowship to take DAAD instead, etc. It was definitely worth asking, though with a "real job" I imagine that might be different...

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Yeah, I'm interviewing for a summer job tomorrow that I'd really want if DAAD weren't an option. Hopefully they have a few ppl to interview so that I have some time to hear back. 

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The uncertainty drives me bonkers, but I recently went through my finances and decided that I am willing to take on the debt to attend my program next year whether or not I get the DAAD, so that decision has relieved a lot of my stress (although it goes without saying that I still really don't want that debt).


I've stopped looking for a "permanent" job, but am still hoping to find something paid and relevant in my field for this summer and it's hard not knowing when I'll have to leave for Germany (since the DAAD could require an intensive German class before my program starts).


Also, I'd like to sign my study agreement and submit my tuition deposit, but I feel like I need to wait for the final word from the DAAD since I ended up deciding on a program that wasn't my first choice when I applied for the study scholarship (i.e. it wasn't in my study proposal). If I do get the scholarship (a big "if", since I was one of the folks who had my status temporarily showing "application rejected" a few weeks ago) I'd need to confirm whether I can apply it toward my new program.


Really, I just want to know!

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...so what you're saying is that we should be prepared for an email in either the American east coast OR European timezones?!


I first recieved an email from DAAD Australia, about my rejection. Then four days later I got a message from Bonn on the Portal, confirming the decision.



I recently went through my finances and decided that I am willing to take on the debt to attend my program next year whether or not I get the DAAD, so that decision has relieved a lot of my stress (although it goes without saying that I still really don't want that debt).


Glad I'm not the only one to have made that decision! But I'm still looking for ways to avoid debt.

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I imagine from the time we submit until we hear back there is a projector in a room somewhere with a popcorn machine and couches that the staff sits on and collectively laughs at our posts and theories.

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I wish I could up vote more than once. Perhaps also: "Ah, yes! New Idea: This year we send selection notifications through our Bonn office. That way those poor fools will think American working hours apply when in reality, they don't!"

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After applying I got this email from someone at DAAD New York:


"We would like to let you know that your application has been processed. You can expect to be notified by our head office in Bonn about the result either at the end of March or the beginning of April, 2015."


So it would seem we're supposed to hear from DAAD Bonn? Although I suppose that doesn't mean they couldn't spontaneously change it...

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Yep I think you're right... And I tried calling DAAD  to find out more information, but just received the usual "end of March or beginning of April" line again. Sigh. 

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jdawg12, did you call Bonn or North America? because if Bonn said "end of March or beginning of April" that doesn't bode well for us hearing by tomorrow...since if they were gonna release the results so soon they'd probably know more specifically.. unless they're just trying to torture us ahahaha.

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I called North America! I'm kind of confused as to what is taking so long... If the selections have already been made, what exactly is the hold up? I can't imagine generating form letters is that time consuming... 

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After applying I got this email from someone at DAAD New York:


"We would like to let you know that your application has been processed. You can expect to be notified by our head office in Bonn about the result either at the end of March or the beginning of April, 2015."


So it would seem we're supposed to hear from DAAD Bonn? Although I suppose that doesn't mean they couldn't spontaneously change it...


Just checked my email from back then as well and I have an identical message, so you might be right about hearing from Bonn.


At the same time, I posted an excerpt a few pages back in this thread from an email I got back from DAAD New York after emailing them to ask about my changed portal status: "As we haven’t announced the results yet, and only our head office in Bonn has access to the portal, I can’t explain the reason of any status being listed in the portal. I’ll let you know as soon as I find out from our head office."


...which gave me the impression that the results would be communicated through DAAD New York. So at this point, who knows?

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