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Postbac applicants - are you doing the cheapest or the best ranked programs?

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I stayed in-state for my post-bac, but my university did have a pretty reputable program for it's 4-field approach to the degree. So, I suggest you compare the program, maybe talk to the director and figure out if it's worth the move. If quality is your determining factor, then that's the road to take to get your answers.

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For me it was most the cost associated with moving from a post-bacc and then the high likelihood that I would have to move again the next year for an MA program. I just couldn't afford it. I only applied to local post-bacc programs.

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I don't think it matters. I did an online post-bacc program that doesn't seem to be too well known and I'm not even sure of its ranking and I wound up being accepted to 7 out of the 8 programs I applied too. I think what matters most is that you are taking the courses needed for whatever programs you're applying to and that you do well in them.

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My main factor is proximity. It's expensive enough going to grad school so staying at home and going to school would save a lot of money. 


How competitive are post bacc programs? It seems that they don't require much from you for the application so are they basing everything on GRE scores (if they require it) and GPA?

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I don't see any reason to pay more than you have to for a post-bacc. I don't think anyone cares where you do it. If you want to "make up" for not choosing the more selective post-bac, carve out some time each week to read ASHA journals or volunteer somewhere. Your application fees and master's degree will be expensive enough.

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My advice as someone who just completed post-bac is to pick the place you think you will do best. Program rank isn't going to matter if you can't get straight A's there. Also, if you're looking to stay in the general area, take that into consideration. For example, my entire post-bacc class found out after we had all applied last fall to grad programs that long beach pretty much threw out our apps for the traditional program. If i would have known that was going to happen, I would have chosen somewhere I had a better chance of staying for grad work, ie CSULA. 

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