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Ontario Graduate Scholarship Reversion List


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I'm fairly new to the forum, so I hope it's ok if I start a thread specifically about OGS's reversions list.

My question is simple... Has anyone on the reversion list heard back from OGS yet? I know the U of T's research services said we shouldn't expect any results until July, but I'm starting to be antsy.

Sigh... Athough I much prefer being on the reversion list, I wish the wait would end!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I am also on the reversion list (#1...argh), and have not heard anything from OGS. Given that the deadline for students to refuse their OGS is today (June 30), and there is one poor woman responsible for sorting out the thousands of OGS applications, I was told not expect to hear anything until late July at the earliest. I was also told to check the OGS website regularly as our status will be updated in the event that we are offered a scholarship.

Good luck...fingers crossed!

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Yes - Fingers crossed Scario. A friend of mine is 12th on the Education list... I'm thinking that's a good sign for you as the high level of people on the reversion list probably means there's a lot of reversions for Education!

I'm second for sociology... I'm thinking there must be less scholarship awared in that field, as it is smaller in general then Education.

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Thanks, mikaela & julesweinrib for the info. It is comforting to know that I'm not the only one in this weird limbo. Fingers crossed for all of us, and do post if you receive happy news!


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  • 4 weeks later...
My cousin was on the reversion list and was notified in mid-June that she had received the award. She was on the Biology list, if that helps.

Really? The deadline to notify OGS about take up of the award wasn't until June 30th.... so if she did hear then she is definitely in the minority.

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Still no news here...

I was wondering it those who received OGS grants would be willing to post their average, I am planning to apply for next year and I am curious.

I haven't received an OGS grant (am on the reversion list), and I have 3 A and 3 A+ on my transcript (not sure what grade point average that gives me at UofT). For information, I was a SSHRC recipient for the last 2 years - so I guess it's a good GPR. That funding ran out as I am now in my fifth year but I still qualified for OGS funding.

I started this thread for the people on the reversion list, but you could look up the OGS thread if you want to hear from people who actually got the scholarship. Best of luck! viewtopic.php?f=26&t=17779&start=45

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I called Gerry the other day and she told me that yes reversions are being processed but that she'd had no reversions on the Sociology list. I asked her if the SSHRCC-funded cohort refusal was in and she told me she had no way to know why people refused OGS scolarships. Makes sense. I guess there is no deadline to cancel one's OGS.

But my hopes are dashed. Ah well, student loan, here i come.

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I had a similarly crushing phone call with Gerry last week, who said that not enough people in Education (PhD) had refused their offer of OGS to warrant her going to the reversion list (I'm #1). I also asked about SSHRC refusals, and got the same answer. She simply has no way of knowing if every student who was offered SSHRC had refused their OGS. She did say that there may be some movement in September given that applicants could change their minds about going back to school, or universities may update OGS re students' status in their programs, etc. etc., but like you, I'm losing hope.

Did she tell you how "close" you were (i.e., how many more people need to refuse before you get the nod)? I wanted to ask, but chickened out. I'm not sure she would be in a position to tell me anyway.

Anyway, you're not alone. Keep your chin up!

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I'm at number 4 in education. When she said no one from reversion had been contacted yet I stopped asking anymore questions. I didnt think she would be at liberty to say how far away from hitting the list she was, given how tight lipped they are about the whole process.

Not sure how getting a call in September would impact me, as at my institution I either get my grant + assistantship or SSHRC/OGS. By september I will have accepted the first option and will have received payments and I have no idea how that would get worked out. But honestly, as I said before, at this point I'm just moving on.

Best of luck to you at #1 though, I'd be pretty surprised if at least one person from the list didn't get the call.

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