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Fall 2015 Acceptances (!)

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Has anyone heard from Cambridge or Oxford yet? Cambridge was supposed to get back to me sometime last week, according to an email they sent... I'm hoping that's not a bad sign... and I have deadlines coming up really soon =/


I know it varies from program to program, but I applied before the January 23rd deadline to enroll in a Materials DPhil and heard back this morning. I'd expect most departments are trying to send out decisions before April (my acceptance email identified that I have to confirm before April 30th so hopefully everyone will be notified of their acceptance, rejection, or placement onto a waiting list by then at the very latest)

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Has anyone heard from Cambridge or Oxford yet? Cambridge was supposed to get back to me sometime last week, according to an email they sent... I'm hoping that's not a bad sign... and I have deadlines coming up really soon =/

I got an email from Cambridge on March 2 telling me I would hear within two weeks, which should have meant a couple days ago, but I still haven't got anything. My status has been "awaiting decision by board of graduate studies" for a while now.


Aaand nothing at all from Oxford.

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Gahh, I got that email too! I've been checking my email like crazy and still nothing. Oxford says they might not tell people until April, which really stinks because St. Andrews told me really early and their deadline is March 31 =[

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Was accepted into University of Florida and Georgia State (wait listed for funding at GSU). Is anyone going to the UF campus next weekend for Welcome Weekend?

I'm a second-year MA in UF's department and was planning on going to some welcome events. PM me if you have questions or want to meet up!

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Got Accepted to University of Iowa's PhD program! Excited and grateful. However, I got the acceptance through the hard copy mail from the graduate school, but with no attached information on funding. Is there anyone else who got accepted to Iowa and found out about funding? How? How much? Any help would be greatly appreciated! :) Hope more good news is coming to everybody who applied this season.

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I'm a second-year MA in UF's department and was planning on going to some welcome events. PM me if you have questions or want to meet up!


Awesome! Sent you a message. 

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Here's my current dilemma (well, the biggest of them): the DGS at my #1 acceptance emailed me the day after the visitation weekend thanking me for coming and assuring me they'd let me know about funding the second she heard anything (while I was there I mentioned word on funding was the only thing keeping me from committing). I haven't heard anything since then so I am nearly certain that there is no news, but it's been almost three weeks. Should I check in? If so, I'm wholly unsure how to breech it.

On a similiar note, I was notified of my waitlist status at one school two weeks ago. Would it be acceptable to check in expressing my interest and inquiring if there has been any movement?

As you can imagine, I'm more than a bit antsy with so much in flux, but I also don't want to bother anyone during what I'm sure is an already busy time.

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Yes definitely check in about the funding. I would literally state that I am checking in to see if there's been any change in funding availability. And then reiterate your interest in attending, even that it's your number 1 choice.  


From what I've heard, this can only help (unless you're emailing them every 3 days or something crazy like that).  

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I second apppppppplication's post. Three weeks seems like a reasonable amount of time and it will show that you're still interested. After all, three weeks is a long time and things could have changed for you so letting them know you still consider them #1 can only help.

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I agree with both the people above!! Definitely email them - you can even tell them that you have a few other schools you're considering, but you'd really like to hear back from them about funding before you make a decision, because they are your top choice!

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Gahh, I got that email too! I've been checking my email like crazy and still nothing. Oxford says they might not tell people until April, which really stinks because St. Andrews told me really early and their deadline is March 31 =[

Well, my camSIS finally updated, maybe check yours?


And lol, still radio silence from Oxford. 

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Contact Florence Dore, who is the director of graduate admissions, via email: Fdore@unc.edu. She's gotten back to me quickly every time I've emailed her. Good luck!! 

Edited by CarolineKS
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Aww, I just got a letter from Oregon. I had applied to the PhD straight out of undergrad, and though it was a long shot, I put together what I thought was a compelling application. 


Though I didn't make it into their PhD (15 slots, 200 applicants), they offered me the MA. The first year, however, is without funding, and I can't afford that. But it's lovely to know that they liked my application too.  :) The letter they sent was very, very kind.

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Emma Watson is getting her English PhD so we're all going to be okay!



I don't really know anything about Emma Watson. Do you think she is unqualified? She went to Brown. Do you think she is not smart enough? She is certainly not the first person to enter a PhD program as an independently wealthy person. Even more, she is probably not going to be competing with anybody for that great TT position at Berkeley or wherever, so she isn't really a threat as far as job prospects go. She is probably also not competing for any funded positions at Penn.


I'm not trying to start a fight here, but I just can't get worked up when stars like Franco or whoever decide they want a PhD. I don't think the fact that they make movies precludes them from being good academics. Maybe they aren't. Maybe they just want their shot to do research in a supportive environment around people who are experts in their field, and I can empathize with that goal.


So, am I missing something?

Edited by ToldAgain
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I don't really know anything about Emma Watson. Do you think she is unqualified? She went to Brown. Do you think she is not smart enough? She is certainly not the first person to enter a PhD program as an independently wealthy person. Even more, she is probably not going to be competing with anybody for that great TT position at Berkeley or wherever, so she isn't really a threat as far as job prospects go. She is probably also not competing for any funded positions at Penn.


I'm not trying to start a fight here, but I just can't get worked up when stars like Franco or whoever decide they want a PhD. I don't think the fact that they make movies precludes them from being good academics. Maybe they aren't. Maybe they just want their shot to do research in a supportive environment around people who are experts in their field, and I can empathize with that goal.


So, am I missing something?


No, I totally agree! My comment was meant to joke/imply that we shouldn't worry about the future of our branch of academia because if the smart, beautiful Emma Watson believes in us and is one of us, we'll stick around somehow.


Edited after finding out about the hoax: aaaaand now we're back to the drawing board.

Edited by goldfinch1880
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