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Fall 2015 Acceptances (!)

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Congrats to all the recent admits!!!

I'd write more, but I'm at an interview weekend now, and, holy s---: Stanford!


Waitlisted at Stanford! So close, yet so far


You two are the bee's knees and the cat's pajamas :)

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Got accepted into University of South Carolina, MA program and confirmation of stipend and GIA position {predecessor to GTA, in their ranks}. I'm SUPER-excited to be taking steps toward my future.~ Cheers, all, and many, MANY congrats to all the happy acceptances all over!! ^^

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Got accepted into University of South Carolina, MA program and confirmation of stipend and GIA position {predecessor to GTA, in their ranks}. I'm SUPER-excited to be taking steps toward my future.~ Cheers, all, and many, MANY congrats to all the happy acceptances all over!! ^^


Fabulous news, Angel-Kaye!!! I was a little worried that you'd only applied to three places, so am glad (and relieved!) to see you get in to one of them!

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Fabulous news, Angel-Kaye!!! I was a little worried that you'd only applied to three places, so am glad (and relieved!) to see you get in to one of them!

Thank you, Wyatt's Torch. I'm not saying anything new, but you've been a real beacon around these parts, imparting a lot of insight and wisdom. Personally, I was a little worried, too, after seeing how many of my cohorts {nods in everyone's general direction} applied to at least 5...I knew I had to be more practical in my choices, but...I have to admit, I spent most of my time researching all the schools I didn't apply to, as contingency plan "if I get accepted nowhere." *^^* Today was a great joy, even with a Stanford reject, and I can say, without any reservation, I am EXCITED to finally get to continue my work; that immediate reaction on receiving word was all I needed to know. As, I think,you feel as well? Anyway, thank you, really, for all your support and good cheer.~ It does mean a lot.~ :-)

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Holy crapoly - just got accepted at Harvard with a VERY generous package! AGH this is the weirdest moment of my life. Harvard AND Yale AND Berkeley??? I know, I know, I'm insanely lucky - but my mother never graduated high school! I've live on 7.00 an hour for the better part of my adult life! WHAT IS THIS INSANITY????


Congratulations!!! So exciting, and you clearly deserve it. Did your letter come from a DGS by any chance? 

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OMG congrats hreaðemus, margeryhemp, and universitydays!!!




(Drinks are on you guys, right? ;))


Oh yes, most certainly. Let me add: I haven't been very present on GradCafe when it comes to posting, but I have been diligently reading through everyone's posts. It's heartening to see so much support, courage, and bravery on here. Despite the negativity surrounding academia (especially in the humanities) seeing everyone work this hard even against the greatest possible odds has given me so much hope. This is one of the only things that has gotten me through the application season.

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Thank you all!

Big congrats on Harvard, fellow medievalist! We overlap on Berkeley, Yale. I'll take you up on that drink and buy you one of your own at the visitations. =)

I am also a medievalist who'll be at the Berkeley and Yale weekends; so count me in for a round, too!

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The one night I decide to turn off my phone and disconnect from GC....


I get a phone call from Meredith McGill at Rutgers. I was drinking beer and playing drums so I missed the call. She wrote such a nice email welcoming me to the program.


This is totally crazy to me. I have a feeling this program is going to kick my ass... but I'm ready.

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The one night I decide to turn off my phone and disconnect from GC....


I get a phone call from Meredith McGill at Rutgers. I was drinking beer and playing drums so I missed the call. She wrote such a nice email welcoming me to the program.


This is totally crazy to me. I have a feeling this program is going to kick my ass... but I'm ready.


Fantastic news! Congratulations! 

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Congrats everyone!!  I love how supportive this thread is!  


So, I have interests in political and critical theory and comp. lit, and after I was rejected from my Rhetoric program, I started focusing on my political theory programs and have had some great admits.  The result is that, speaking to professors, I've learned a lot more about the overlap between political theory and english faculty and coursework, which is exciting!  With that in mind, I'm deciding between Brown, UChicago, Yale, UCLA, and Michigan (with a few more choices still pending)--perhaps there is a chance some of us will be classmates after all :))))

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The one night I decide to turn off my phone and disconnect from GC....


I get a phone call from Meredith McGill at Rutgers. I was drinking beer and playing drums so I missed the call. She wrote such a nice email welcoming me to the program.


This is totally crazy to me. I have a feeling this program is going to kick my ass... but I'm ready.


Congratulations! Fantastic news!

Edited by margeryhemp
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