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Can I know if Professors are looking for graduate student?


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Here's a question that I can't find the answer to neither in this forum or the schools' websites.

A lot of people tell me that getting into a PhD program depends on whether the professor you want as a mentor is accepting students. Is there any place to find out if there are (and how many) openening to a certain professor ? A few state on their personal websites, but most don't mention it.

Also - is there any website with "testimonials" of present&past grad students of their work with their guides ? I've heard some horror stories of certain professors being unavailabe to their docotoral students, and might consider not-applying to their programs.

I'm looking into Social Psychology / Marketing programs, if that's a factor in the answers.



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I think it really depends on the program to which you are applying to. I applied and was accepted to a program that did not require me to have an advisor right away.

I also applied and was accepted to another program, on the condition that I found an advisor who would be willing to take me.

The program I ended up choosing was one in which I expressed interest in a few of the faculty's research areas, not their specific research interests.

My advice to you would be to find out exactly how much your admissions and/or funding is dependent upon the advisor. You can find this out via the program director or through a graduate student already in the program.

Best wishes

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Can I know if Professors are looking for graduate student?

The only way to know is to ask the faculty member directly. You can find most faculty CVs on the department's website or their own personal webpage. Often times the CV will list the names of graduate students of whom they have advised/served as committee chair. You can contact that student and ask about their experience.

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I've contacted prof's asking if they were avaible to take new advisees at X time (make sure you know if you need an advisor coming in, or in your second year etc...). And I've found most programs have lists of current and sometimes past students -- most are open to speaking to potential students!

Good luck!

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You should be contacting the profs you want to work with, anyway, so just ask them. I had lots of email conversations with the mentors I wanted, starting months in advance of the application deadline, and I'm sure it helped.

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Thanks for the rpelies everybody. But do you really think it's appropriate to contact past grad students asking them - "hey, was this prof nice to you or what ? "


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Thanks for the rpelies everybody. But do you really think it's appropriate to contact past grad students asking them - "hey, was this prof nice to you or what ? "


I would contact current students, not past students. And yes, it is entirely appropriate. How else will you know what the person is like to work with?

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