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Applying for Neuroscience/Neurobiology Ph.D. programs for Fall 2015


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It doesn't help when you work at a lab full-time and are constantly reminded of grad school (and have friendly people around constantly asking if you've heard anything yet).... Need a distraction so I don't go insane. Trying so hard to be patient and let things work out how they will  :unsure:


Yesyesyesyesyes about people asking. They've been asking even before I submitted my applications though ;_;

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Has anyone else noticed the red stats diamonds appear for a split second and then disappear on the results screen?

If you put your mouse over the diamond it tells you what the person's stats are. GPA, GRE etc.

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On the phone with Columbia (to track your application you need an app ID number and I wasn't sent one so I freaked out a little bit)... Their admissions committee is meeting some time next week to review applications and interview invitations should be sent around Xmas! Just an fyi for everyone else :)

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On the phone with Columbia (to track your application you need an app ID number and I wasn't sent one so I freaked out a little bit)... Their admissions committee is meeting some time next week to review applications and interview invitations should be sent around Xmas! Just an fyi for everyone else :)

I don't think I have an app ID number either for Columbia -- did they provide you one over the phone?

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I don't think I have an app ID number either for Columbia -- did they provide you one over the phone?

No, but they were able to tell me my app was complete (which is what I wanted to know). I think they might send that email out later after the admissions committee meets? I'm not really sure...

Edited by MSBS
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Really??...I applied to Michigan and I didn't get anything...man...I am so nervous.....................



The neuro program is one of the most competitive for PIBS  :(  I was denied last time, although my GRE was really bad.


I wish you the best of luck though! 

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Really??...I applied to Michigan and I didn't get anything...man...I am so nervous.....................

... Mhhmm I got this email from them 2 days ago (even though I submitted my app a while ago)...

"Thank you for considering the University of Michigan Program in Biomedical Sciences, and submitting an application for graduate studies with us.  We appreciate your interest.

Over the next few weeks, we will be processing applications to ensure that we have all required materials so that we can review your complete application. 

That means it will still be several weeks before you hear a decision from us.  In the mean time, you can confirm the arrival of your application materials as outlined in Rackham Graduate School's handy guide. Applicants who are selected to interview will either be invited to interview via Skype (if outside of the U.S.) or intivted to attend one of two visit dates: January 22-24 and January 29-31, 2015 (if within the U.S.)."


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... Mhhmm I got this email from them 2 days ago (even though I submitted my app a while ago)..."Thank you for considering the University of Michigan Program in Biomedical Sciences, and submitting an application for graduate studies with us.  We appreciate your interest.Over the next few weeks, we will be processing applications to ensure that we have all required materials so that we can review your complete application. That means it will still be several weeks before you hear a decision from us.  In the mean time, you can confirm the arrival of your application materials as outlined in Rackham Graduate School's handy guide. Applicants who are selected to interview will either be invited to interview via Skype (if outside of the U.S.) or intivted to attend one of two visit dates: January 22-24 and January 29-31, 2015 (if within the U.S.)."

That's PIBS.

The neuro specific program interview weekend is Jan 16-18.

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I guess I got confused by fluttershy's comment!


No I mean I know people in that department and neuro has specifically been reviewing apps for the past 2 days.


That email is a generic PIBS email that everyone got.

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Hi all! Here's my stats!


Undergrad Institution: Medium-sized public university

Major(s): MS: Biology (Bioinformatics & Genomics); BS: Computer Science & Physics
Minor(s): none
GPA in Major: 3.5 (UG), 3.9 (G)

Overall GPA:  3.3 (UG), 3.9 (G)
Position in Class: We don't do that.
Type of Student: Domestic female

GRE Scores (revised/old version):
Q: 160 - 84%
V: 161 - 84%
W: 4.5 - 80% 

B: didn't take it


Research Experience:

2 summer REUs in CS and Physics

1 summer volunteering in a Neuro lab

1 year at my current job (I'm a Bioinformaticist in a Neuro lab)

1 peer reviewed short paper published (CS) & 1 in preparation (Neuro)

4 posters (2 first-author) - all are local symposium stuff, no fancy conferences



a departmental Physics award during undergrad

won the CS department programming contest one year

dean's list (one term)


Pertinent Activities or Jobs:

Involved in tons of community outreach esp. for women in Physics/Computer Science as an undergrad


Any Miscellaneous Accomplishments that Might Help:

Founded a regional undergraduate women in Physics conference


Applying to Where:

Mostly applying to fancy schools - my fiance is applying for plasma physics (only at select well-funded schools) so I don't have a lot of options in terms of backup schools. Just giving it my best shot!


Princeton, Columbia, Harvard, BU, MIT, Michigan, UCSF, Berkeley, Stanford

Edited by fishnu
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Hi all! Here's my stats!


Undergrad Institution: Medium-sized public university

Major(s): MS: Biology (Bioinformatics & Genomics); BS: Computer Science & Physics

Minor(s): none

GPA in Major: 3.5 (UG), 3.9 (G)

Overall GPA:  3.3 (UG), 3.9 (G)

Position in Class: We don't do that.

Type of Student: Domestic female

GRE Scores (revised/old version):

Q: 160 - 84%

V: 161 - 84%

W: 4.5 - 80% 

B: didn't take it


Research Experience:

2 summer REUs in CS and Physics

1 summer volunteering in a Neuro lab

1 year at my current job (I'm a Bioinformaticist in a Neuro lab)

1 peer reviewed short paper published (CS) & 1 in preparation (Neuro)

4 posters (2 first-author) - all are local symposium stuff, no fancy conferences



a departmental Physics award during undergrad

won the CS department programming contest one year

dean's list (one term)


Pertinent Activities or Jobs:

Involved in tons of community outreach esp. for women in Physics/Computer Science as an undergrad


Any Miscellaneous Accomplishments that Might Help:

Founded a regional undergraduate women in Physics conference


Applying to Where:

Mostly applying to fancy schools - my fiance is applying for plasma physics (only at select well-funded schools) so I don't have a lot of options in terms of backup schools. Just giving it my best shot!


Princeton, Columbia, Harvard, BU, MIT, Michigan, UCSF, Berkeley, Stanford



Impressive resume, I am curious to see where you end up going with those kinds of credentials. I am surprised you didn't apply to Caltech with your physics & computer skills. I don't know what research your specifically interested in, but MIT is pretty renowned for computer/engineer/physics research. Good luck to you.

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Impressive resume, I am curious to see where you end up going with those kinds of credentials. I am surprised you didn't apply to Caltech with your physics & computer skills. I don't know what research your specifically interested in, but MIT is pretty renowned for computer/engineer/physics research. Good luck to you.


Thanks! I'm hoping to do a project where I can learn a bit more about theoretical/computational, but also get a little experimental experience (dont have much yet), so I'm hitting the interdisciplinary schools hard (Princeton, Columbia, BU). Yeah Caltech is awesome for physics in general, but in terms of plasma isn't not a major player, though UCLA is, so I might consider Caltech next round, now that it's on my radar. Good luck to you too!

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Has anyone heard from UW?


I thought they were going to send invites yesterday, but I see nothing in the results.

However, it seems like not everyone updates the results when they get news.


Nothing here. Also, did Michigan send out all their invites on Friday, or are there more to come? 

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I have a question for the veterans. My school of choice has shown interest in my app, so much so that a faculty called me and asked if I want to work in their lab. But they don't interview until March, and I already have a couple interviews with other schools. My question is, how long do I have to either accept or reject an admissions acceptance? My concern is the other schools interview in February and offer admissions shortly after. If I hold out for my school of choice, there is a possibility that I don't get accepted and I just blew off other schools in the process if they offer admittance. Thank you.

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I have a question for the veterans. My school of choice has shown interest in my app, so much so that a faculty called me and asked if I want to work in their lab. But they don't interview until March, and I already have a couple interviews with other schools. My question is, how long do I have to either accept or reject an admissions acceptance? My concern is the other schools interview in February and offer admissions shortly after. If I hold out for my school of choice, there is a possibility that I don't get accepted and I just blew off other schools in the process if they offer admittance. Thank you.


I'm pretty sure there is a national response deadline for everyone on April, 15th. 


But, if you are potentially holding a spot that a PI could offer to someone else, I think it is an obligation to tell them as soon as you know you don't want it. If there is a possibility that you want the spot still, then I think by April 15th. The programs plan for a certain number of people turning them down and unless they do rolling admissions, which most don't in the way that med schools do, then you should be fine. They make x offers and plan to matriculate x-y. You can be a "y" without guilt if you honestly may want the spot. 

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I'm pretty sure there is a national response deadline for everyone on April, 15th. 


But, if you are potentially holding a spot that a PI could offer to someone else, I think it is an obligation to tell them as soon as you know you don't want it. If there is a possibility that you want the spot still, then I think by April 15th. The programs plan for a certain number of people turning them down and unless they do rolling admissions, which most don't in the way that med schools do, then you should be fine. They make x offers and plan to matriculate x-y. You can be a "y" without guilt if you honestly may want the spot.

Thank you, I hope you're right. I just don't want to be in a situation where I'm forced to decide if I want to attend a program before I had a chance to interview with my top choice, since there's no guarantee to either.

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