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Interview Flights and accommodations


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I received an email today inviting me for an interview at University of Nebraska-Lincoln the email contained various question as far as airport and seat preference. This is the first school I have heard anything back from so I am not sure how this process works. Do they book the whole flight? Is this an out of pocket expense, is there usually renburstment or does the school pay for it out right? As far as accomedations would I be staying on campus or do I have to book a hotel?

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You can respond to them and ask these questions, but if they are asking for your airport and seat preferences it sounds as though they will be taking care of everything.

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Only they will be able to answer all these questions for you! :)


I've had a school that booked the flight for me, another who reimbursed me for the flight afterwards, another who offered only partial reimbursement... they also varied in terms of accommodations: one booked a hotel room (it was so niiiiice), others had me staying at a graduate student's place. 


I does sound like they will be booking the flight for you, but you can always ask to make sure (they'll probably let you know soon anyway).


Congrats! And have fun!

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