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Online Economics Courses

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I am currently abroad and would like to fulfill the econ requirements for public policy schools by taking micro and macro online. Is there anyone who could recommend a good online program? I know no grad school is going to be that impressed with any particular course that I take online but since it is a prereq I want to get it taken care of (wish I had done it in undergrad) so mostly I'm looking for something that is convenient and relatively inexpensive, since I feel like content is going to be pretty similar anywhere. Thanks for you help!

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Currently abroad or from abroad? If you're from the States and just living abroad at the moment find a community college in your home state and take online classes through them. That's what I did and it was cheap, easy, and really improved my application (more than I thought it would; I talked to several admissions people about it and they all talked it up as a big positive). I took my classes online through Denver Community College even though I was not in Denver during most of the semester, got easy straight As and it only cost me ~$800 for Stats, Micro, and Macro classes. If you're from overseas and all you're looking for is a prereq I'd just search around for the cheapest option possible. Good luck!

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I am currently abroad and will be for about the next year. I have looked into taking a course online through a community college but it would have to be entirely online since I definitely cannot show up for any class and I am also just worried about all the paperwork and proving that I should still be considered a resident for tuition purposes and all that. Did you register in person? Was any of the paperwork complicated?

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UC Berkeley has some great online courses - I'm in the middle of one now - that are entirely online. The link is: http://learn.berkeley.edu/

The only downside is that you pretty much have to teach yourself, which can get a bit tiresome/confusing. But it's highly convenient, especially if you're overseas and worry about accreditation and whatnot.

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Thanks waiting,

Actually I had looked into some of UC Berkeley's courses. The only drawback was that they seem to be much more expensive than what a community college class would cost and since I would be essentially teaching myself most of the curriculum I figured that where I did the course through wouldn't matter that much. By the way, if I may ask, what course are you taking right now and do you find the whole start to finish in 6 months at your own pace thing convenient? How about the responsiveness of the professors to your inquiries and also what do you think about the grading? Thanks.

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