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Waiting Game Fall 2015


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Waiting on both UMD and Rutgers...


Thanks for sharing, hope they don't need too much longer cause this wait is slowly killing me.  I wonder if the siberian weather has anything to do with it, in past years it seems like they were much quicker with decisions.

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Has anyone gotten an answer from UPenn recently (MA)? Wondering if no news is bad news at this point...

I'm in the same boat, but for UDel not UPenn. I'm not sure about UPenn, but UDel already sent out both acceptances and rejections. I assume they are waiting to hear back from their top pick of candidates before they get back to me. So I hope it means we're waitlisted. Keeping my fingers crossed!

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What is going down re: Yale on the results board?? I know someone who dropped out Yale ~2009 because he said it was a toxic environment, but I've only heard good thing from people in my field. 

I just met two people who are in the Yale PhD program this weekend and they both seemed to really like it...

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I'm in the same boat, but for UDel not UPenn. I'm not sure about UPenn, but UDel already sent out both acceptances and rejections. I assume they are waiting to hear back from their top pick of candidates before they get back to me. So I hope it means we're waitlisted. Keeping my fingers crossed!

It seems to me that all acceptances and rejections have been processed by UDel's graduate admissions office (the status on my application webpage was updated today), so if your app page is still not updated with a decision I think it's a good assumption you are on a wait list of some sort. I hope it works out for you -- good luck!!

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It seems to me that all acceptances and rejections have been processed by UDel's graduate admissions office (the status on my application webpage was updated today), so if your app page is still not updated with a decision I think it's a good assumption you are on a wait list of some sort. I hope it works out for you -- good luck!!


Cool, thanks for sharing! I REALLY hope so, UDel is one of my top choices and a great fit.  I hope they find room for me too :)

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Re: Stanford


I e-mailed the gsas department to find out when they would send out their notices, and they said March 15th. Still waiting on them, Hopkins, and IFA. 

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I'm giving myself a serious headache while trying to calculate how the heck I'd pay back loans if I attended IFA's MA program.

Don't do it!! That program is silly expensive and doesn't have the same prestige as the PhD program, because it is basically operated as a cash cow for the department. If you're seriously considering attending, I would ask the DGS about stats from recent grads - do they get hired at top museums or galleries? Or accepted into funded PhDs? I think that the MAPH has a better reputation and is also not as expensive. 

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I disagree that MAPH has a better reputation, especially if we're talking about museum work.
Also, I've been doing some sleuthing in regards to where IFA MA alumni end up and it only looks positive to me.

At the end of the day, it looks practically impossible to pay loans back.

And how could one even work a full time job while attending?
I'd need to work to pay for rent, food, etc.

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I disagree that MAPH has a better reputation, especially if we're talking about museum work.

Also, I've been doing some sleuthing in regards to where IFA MA alumni end up and it only looks positive to me.

At the end of the day, it looks practically impossible to pay loans back.

And how could one even work a full time job while attending?

I'd need to work to pay for rent, food, etc.


My impression is that NYU is a very reputable MA program that can prepare you well for PhDs (assuming that's your end goal) if you focus on writing a great thesis, network while there, find an attentive adviser, etc. It does have a strong reputation in the museum world. The price tag, however, is kind of ludicrous. Graduating with $100k in loans is no small thing, especially given the average salary of a museum-worker. 

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GhostsBeforeBreakfast, you might also consider simply re-applying to a wider range of PhD programs. There are plenty of things you could do to make your application stronger: re-take the GRE's, take some art history courses at Hunter College (if you're in New York, as it says you are), go to conferences and network, rework your statement and writing sample, apply to a Fulbright or another research/teaching one-year-fellowship, learn a new language... It's a lot of work but it would be way cheaper than a master's program and would probably take less/the same amount of time. And graduate admissions are mostly a crap shoot anyways re: who gets a student each year, the amount of people in your field applying any given year, how your research fits with a particular professor's current interests, etc... 

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GhostsBeforeBreakfast, you might also consider simply re-applying to a wider range of PhD programs. There are plenty of things you could do to make your application stronger: re-take the GRE's, take some art history courses at Hunter College (if you're in New York, as it says you are), go to conferences and network, rework your statement and writing sample, apply to a Fulbright or another research/teaching one-year-fellowship, learn a new language... It's a lot of work but it would be way cheaper than a master's program and would probably take less/the same amount of time. And graduate admissions are mostly a crap shoot anyways re: who gets a student each year, the amount of people in your field applying any given year, how your research fits with a particular professor's current interests, etc... 

I PMed you.

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