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M.Div application waiting game.


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I have applied to Boston School of Theology, Union, Vandy Divinity, Candler, and Duke Divinity. Today all of my applications have been completed and submitted. I low key am already experiencing waiting anxiety. What are the schools other people are applying to? How are you all dealing with the wait? How do you all feel about my school choices?

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Vandy is a great program. I am finishing up my MTS there and waiting to hear back from PhD programs. I applied here, Duke, and at some denominational schools and was admitted to all, but I am glad I chose Vandy. Great faculty, great resources, major support for social justice on campus, etc. Also, for MDiv students especially, our field ed program and faculty are awesome.

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Vandy is a great program. I am finishing up my MTS there and waiting to hear back from PhD programs. I applied here, Duke, and at some denominational schools and was admitted to all, but I am glad I chose Vandy. Great faculty, great resources, major support for social justice on campus, etc. Also, for MDiv students especially, our field ed program and faculty are awesome.

Thank you greatly. I am still waiting to hear back. I came and did a campus tour last October. Vanderbilt I certainly my top choice.

Edited by Tez92
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I have applied to Boston School of Theology, Union, Vandy Divinity, Candler, and Duke Divinity. Today all of my applications have been completed and submitted. I low key am already experiencing waiting anxiety. What are the schools other people are applying to? How are you all dealing with the wait? How do you all feel about my school choices?

Tez, I just finished my MTS at Boston University STH and I would give a similar positive review of BU as Josh has of Vanderbilt. The faculty and support staff are tremendous and value you as a person who happens to be a student. They are always available and personable. Now, the downside would come from the cost of living in Boston compared to Nashville. But, it's a great city!


Feel free to message me if you have any questions in the future. Good luck!

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Tez, I just finished my MTS at Boston University STH and I would give a similar positive review of BU as Josh has of Vanderbilt. The faculty and support staff are tremendous and value you as a person who happens to be a student. They are always available and personable. Now, the downside would come from the cost of living in Boston compared to Nashville. But, it's a great city!

Feel free to message me if you have any questions in the future. Good luck!

Thank you greatly. I certainly will message you.

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Fellow Vandy student here (M.Div) - it's a wonderful school with lots of opportunities should you be willing to seek them out. I just wrapped up my first year and have been asked to TA undergraduate classes (in R.S.) at a local university. You've already visited the campus but if you have questions, shoot me a PM.


As per killing the time, find something(s) and throw yourself into it.

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