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Edge of going crazy here


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But wait, you're not in for the weird dreams about bathing people in mayo?!


:lol: I don't want to steal your fun. And since that involves third parties, I think I may, eventually, use some mayo to cook my fabulous deviled eggs and leave the rest to you.  :lol:

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I've heard from 3 of my top 4 choices, and yet I'm still checking everything like crazy. Gah. I finished the beta of Pokemon Uranium so now I need something else to do until they update....

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I went through a bad period where I literally laid in bed and watched movies and ate cereal with 100% of my free time. I've eased off a bit and have been doing things with friends lately to distract me, but I totally get it. It's hard having to wait. I see so many people getting their responses, and I haven't heard a thing yet (I applied for MA programs though which had later deadlines than the PhDs).

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Some of the very best Pokemon games existed before friend codes.


And all of those games have save files that die with battery lives. Do you know how expensive it is to find a legit working copy of Blue? Don't talk to me like I didn't play Gen I, silly.

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And all of those games have save files that die with battery lives. Do you know how expensive it is to find a legit working copy of Blue? Don't talk to me like I didn't play Gen I, silly.

Right, so if you're too high and mighty to just emulate the game, it's not that hard to just replace the save battery. If you can't be bothered to do that, there are actually some decent flashcart options for GB. Who are you calling silly?

By the way, the save files don't have to die with the battery. It's possible to back them up with a combination of a "Mega Memory Card"-like tool and a flashcart.


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Right, so if you're too high and mighty to just emulate the game, it's not that hard to just replace the save battery. If you can't be bothered to do that, there are actually some decent flashcart options for GB. Who are you calling silly?

By the way, the save files don't have to die with the battery. It's possible to back them up with a combination of a "Mega Memory Card"-like tool and a flashcart.

Wow, that escalated quickly...

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So in a veering back on topic news...

My UNC interview is this weekend and I live three hours away so I'm driving in. I've been ready to walk out the door for two hours now and have forty more minutes before I should actually leave to not be obscenely early and I think this is messing with my head more than anything. Ahhhh I'm going nuts triple checking my luggage and just waiting around.

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Right, so if you're too high and mighty to just emulate the game, it's not that hard to just replace the save battery. If you can't be bothered to do that, there are actually some decent flashcart options for GB. Who are you calling silly?

By the way, the save files don't have to die with the battery. It's possible to back them up with a combination of a "Mega Memory Card"-like tool and a flashcart.



Haha woah dude chill out. I just think emulating doesn't have the same feel, and anything else is too much work. My point was that nowadays when someone says they're "playing Pokemon" they usually are talking about a newer gen game, and those newer gen games are actually pretty awesome and are social too. Everyone who was eight +- two years old in 1998 played the Gen I games. I just want OP's friend code.

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I've been passing the time by playing too much World of Warcraft and incessantly refreshing my e-mail. Today, it finally paid off, because I got my first response, and it's admission! Now to wait for five more...

Edited by btbtbtb
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