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So.. When do official decisions come in?


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So far I received 3 acceptance letters from the departments. All three letters are something along the line of "Congrats, the department recommended you for admission." Based on browsing and researching the GradCafe, my understanding is that once the department recommends you for admission, it's unlikely that the university will disapprove. For various reasons, such as department being aware of the minimum standards of the university and wanting the best candidates they want to work with...etc. However, there seems to be cases where it can happen. 


So now I am a bit worried as I was very excited to get into one of my top choice schools. So now I am wondering, when are the official decisions sent out, with the approval of the university? And... after the university approves, do they ever revert their decision?  :unsure:

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This is the same issue I'm wondering about...

I received an email from the Graduate programme director Monday (Feb 16) which said I'd been recommended by the Graduate committee and my file was being forwarded to the Faculty for final and formal approval. I had emailed back at the time to ask if it was a definite "yes" and was told it was. But now I am worried since I have not received the formal email from the Faculty so far, when it was said I would be receiving it "shortly".. 


Probably over-thinking this and worrying about nothing, but I am still nervous they will change their minds!  :(

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However, there seems to be cases where it can happen. 


So now I am a bit worried as I was very excited to get into one of my top choice schools. So now I am wondering, when are the official decisions sent out, with the approval of the university? And... after the university approves, do they ever revert their decision?  :unsure:

Well that linked story is totally crazy and sad. I had a friend who was accepted by a great humanities department for a PhD, but initially rejected by the graduate school because of low quant scores on the GRE. They were in the 130s, really just low, but obviously irrelevant to the course of study. So, when even after a retake it was impossible to get the score up above the minimum, the department just petitioned and eventually the acceptance went through just fine. I think that's really more common than these instances where the school outright rejects the candidate and it's "final"… And if the university at large approves, I can't imagine they would ever revoke. The linked thread seems to refer more to clerical error type situations.

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This is the same issue I'm wondering about...

I received an email from the Graduate programme director Monday (Feb 16) which said I'd been recommended by the Graduate committee and my file was being forwarded to the Faculty for final and formal approval. I had emailed back at the time to ask if it was a definite "yes" and was told it was. But now I am worried since I have not received the formal email from the Faculty so far, when it was said I would be receiving it "shortly".. 


Probably over-thinking this and worrying about nothing, but I am still nervous they will change their minds!  :(


Right? Even a slight imagination of them changing their decision is a nightmare--but I've been doing this over and over.. 


The letter has information about recruitment, funding I will get, and I've been communicating with the staff at the department to arrange my travel to the recruitment events. Also, my POI emailed me saying congratulations. But still... what if it's the university says a "no" to all this...?

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So far I've been trying to reassure myself by assuming the formal approval really is just that, a formality, rubber stamping the application. Kind of like a background check for a job. Since the director told me that the graduate admissions committee was "unanimous" in their recommendation for my acceptance, I have to think I am pretty much in as it stands.


I had not actually realised my application would be going through two levels of assessment. I'd guess the secondary level is more to keep control of budgetary considerations? At this point though, I would be happy enough to know I was in for sure even if I had no offer of funding. A TAship or RAship would be enough for me.

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Same here.

I was notified of provisional admission by the graduate coordinator pending when they ratify the funding decisions.

I'm so nervous and it's been two weeks

No funding no grad school sadly.

The wait is hard.

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I have received absolutely no information whatsoever.  I am really worried about this.  No word from anyone, either way.  I also wonder what gets updated first: the application status portal, the email or something in snail mail.  I'm incessantly checking everything.

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Same situation - I have been unofficially accepted to my dream program and am traveling next week for the open house, but am waiting on the "official" acceptance from the dean. From what I hear it's mostly a formality, but I will still feel much better once I have the final word. 

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