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When do we find out about OGS/CGS-M(SSHRC)?


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I was just wondering if anyone knows when we find out if we are the recipient of OGS (Ontario Graduate Scholarship) or CGS (SSHRC) for Masters? Are applicants actually expected to accept/reject an offer at a school before they know if they were the recipient of either one?

Edited by LebaneseKafta
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CGS is supposed to be released April 1st. Not to sure about OGS. Some schools offer you two different funding options, one if you do not receive external funding and another which will be less internal funding if you are awarded external funding.


I would wait for your formal offer and see what the funding package looks like. If the school only offers one funding package, regardless of external funding, I would personally wait to accept. Just to ensure that you know you will be receiving enough financial support within your M.A. to pay the cost of living. 


Edit: I'm pretty sure the official deadline to accept/reject for all Canadian schools is April 15th, though your POI may try to push you into doing it sooner.

Edited by C10H12N2O
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I was just wondering if anyone knows when we find out if we are the recipient of OGS (Ontario Graduate Scholarship) or CGS (SSHRC) for Masters? Are applicants actually expected to accept/reject an offer at a school before they know if they were the recipient of either one?

I was told with my offer that I will be informed of SSHRC April 1 (which is standard). I was also told that if I am not successful with SSHRC I will be considered for OGS and to send an updated CV by April 15. So I am guessing I won't be informed about OGS until later in the spring. Obviously every school is different, so you could definitely ask them if they have a different timeline.

If you are deciding between 2 schools I think it's best to go in thinking you won't be successful with external funding. Go with the program that you feel is best for you, and also the program that offers the best internal funding.

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I got accepted into 3 programs thus far and all of them say I have to give them a response by some deadline in March (basically one month to decide) so that's why I'm concerned/confused because I would obviously want to know before deciding if I got CGS or OGS which would impact my decision. And I thought that the programs would have put the deadlines of acceptances after April 1st as well knowing that the external funding offers go out that day.... I guess I'll just have to take the offer with the best internal funding and hope for the best  :unsure:... I'm wondering if anyone else is running into this issue?

Edited by LebaneseKafta
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I got accepted into 3 programs thus far and all of them say I have to give them a response by some deadline in March (basically one month to decide) so that's why I'm concerned/confused because I would obviously want to know before deciding if I got CGS or OGS which would impact my decision. And I thought that the programs would have put the deadlines of acceptances after April 1st as well knowing that the external funding offers go out that day.... I guess I'll just have to take the offer with the best internal funding and hope for the best  :unsure:... I'm wondering if anyone else is running into this issue?


I don't know what schools you have applied to but if they gave you a March deadline that is just inconsiderate. According to the Council of Graduate Schools' Resolution Regarding Graduate Scholars, Fellows, Trainees, and Assistants, schools must give applicants up until April 15th to accept or reject graduate school offers. As far as I know, or knew, all schools in Canada and the US adhere to this regulation. The April 15th Resolution is described further on the following website:



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Sooo I asked one of my school for an extension because another offer may arrive a little before its March "deadline", and the grad admin was like, "yeah it's fine you can decide on the day of the deadline, it's fine". But I may need more than 24 hours to decide which school I want to spend 6+ years, right? Idk. So I was like, well is an extension possible anyway? She insisted meeting the March deadline. After her getting kind of short with me asking for an extension, I said, okay, what if the other offer comes AFTER the March deadline? THEN she brought up the actual deadline, which is April 15th... 


Maybe talk to the grad admin/secretary about extending the deadline... you could explain to them what you said here and hope they'd understand. Your concern isn't unreasonable at all lol, imo anyway...


Also, @Tacoma, I think that april 15 resolution only applies to schools in the US: http://www.cgsnet.org/ckfinder/userfiles/files/CGSResolution_Rev2015.pdf... unless I'm really blind. I can't find any Canadian schools on this list.

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Also, @Tacoma, I think that april 15 resolution only applies to schools in the US: http://www.cgsnet.org/ckfinder/userfiles/files/CGSResolution_Rev2015.pdf... unless I'm really blind. I can't find any Canadian schools on this list.


Yes I looked at that site and it seems as if it only applies to schools in the USA not Canada! 


While the website I posted only showed schools from the US, the same rules apply in Canada as stated by the Canadian Psychological Association. The policy by the CPA has been in place since 1979 and states that:

  1. Departments will endeavour to make offers of admission and/or support to applicants before April 1st.

  2. Applicants have until April 15th to accept an offer of admission.

  3. After April 15, offers will be made only to applicants who state that they are not committed to

    another department. 

If you would like to read it for yourself you can examine the link below which will connect you to the CPA Graduate Guide but make no mistake, all schools in Canada and the US must give applicants until April 15th to accept or decline an offer. Therefore, if any school pressures you to make a decision before April 15th you can tell them you will be taking all the time you want because that is your right. 



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While the website I posted only showed schools from the US, the same rules apply in Canada as stated by the Canadian Psychological Association. The policy by the CPA has been in place since 1979 and states that:

  1. Departments will endeavour to make offers of admission and/or support to applicants before April 1st.

  2. Applicants have until April 15th to accept an offer of admission.

  3. After April 15, offers will be made only to applicants who state that they are not committed to

    another department. 

If you would like to read it for yourself you can examine the link below which will connect you to the CPA Graduate Guide but make no mistake, all schools in Canada and the US must give applicants until April 15th to accept or decline an offer. Therefore, if any school pressures you to make a decision before April 15th you can tell them you will be taking all the time you want because that is your right. 




Ah thanks for the link! I've skimmed this document before but not thoroughly. Wish there was a 2013-2014 guide :s 

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I got offers from two universities and both are allowing me to defer my decision until SSHRC results come out. I just emailed the grad program coordinator at both uni and they said no problem at all.


I also was able to get updates on the SSHRC application (one of them recommended me yay!) so maybe you could just straight up ask about your status?

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I got offers from two universities and both are allowing me to defer my decision until SSHRC results come out. I just emailed the grad program coordinator at both uni and they said no problem at all.


I also was able to get updates on the SSHRC application (one of them recommended me yay!) so maybe you could just straight up ask about your status?

Did you ask the grad program coordinator for the SSHRC update? :o

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Yeah, I just asked if the could tell me anything about the SSHRC application to help my decision. 

Awesome, thanks for letting me know :)

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