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Are PhD admissions pretty much done?

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USC : give out the fellowship, haven't seen any TAShip and RAShip

Columbia: not sure

NYU: nearly nothing


these are what I am still waiting for for final decision.


It really takes a long time..... Even slower than last year

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It's not anywhere near April 15 yet. People are holding out and will decline their offers at many schools over the next couple months. When I applied to Ph.D. programs (in a related field) a few years ago, I got rejection after rejection after rejection, then got in somewhere after 4/15.

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UCSD is still making decisions. I know this as a fact, since I was recently contacted by one of the faculty members for an interview. I also haven't seen too many accepts from Columbia, so I'm not sure what to make of them. I would assume you can still expect to get some admissions after this point. Don't lose hope!

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Anybody know more about UCSB CS or Caltech's C+MS departments?


There's a thread about C+MS They had an interview day in early February and some Skype interviews after that. Some people have gotten acceptances, but it's not yet clear that the process is over (I went to the interview day but haven't heard anything since).

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