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Wait--sociology courses use math?  I just had to read a bunch of books about how black children struggle through school, women struggle in the workplace, etc. and write a bunch of "How do you feel now?" papers about it.

Edited by law2phd
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I feel like some of the articles on the collapse of MOOCs as a class model need to be linked here, lest they put us out of jobs.


We also see the return of "I think I pay all of your tuition, so I'm a customer" when the reality is closer to tuition paying ~12-15% of a professor's salary, with those horrible research projects they neglect you for paying the rest.

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Wait--sociology courses use math?  I just had to read a bunch of books about how black children struggle through school, women struggle in the workplace, etc. and write a bunch of "How do you feel now?" papers about it.

At the grad level.

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I know the tools and I reject them. People aren't numbers and can't be modeled by numbers. Talk about narrow minded. End of story. I may not have letters behind my name, but last I checked in the US, no one respects scientists anyway or we wouldn't be struggling with dealing with climate change. You want me to respect you? Fat chance. 


I love how, at first it's that I'm stupid, and now that I've shown I'm not stupid and I do understand the methods, that's still not good enough. Go fuck yourself.  None of you care about teaching the paying customers who are paying your tuition, you all think your research is more important. I can't wait till MOOCs put you all out on the streets. You're service providers, and you're antiquated. The CS kids have decided to destroy all our futures for quick cash, and if you think you will last much longer than the dreaded humanities you're fooling yourselves. the more reliance you put into quant, the more easily a computer can do your job for you, and the more replaceable you make yourselves. 


No idea why I'm bothering with this, but no. Just no. Every time you open your mouth, you're further betraying ignorance about what, exactly, quant research is. Computers can produce the numbers, but you still need a human mind that can create the model, acquire and defend the underlying dataset, and then analyze and explain what it means and what the applications/results/weaknesses/etc. are. 


I don't know where you're getting the idea of the "dreaded humanities". I've admitted that I'm (*gasp*) an historian, and no one's thrown rocks at me. I've also pointed out that you're absolutely wrong about not being able to model mass behavior (political or otherwise) using quant tools. I've also pointed out that they're used in the humanities frequently, and they always have been. Demographic research has _always_ been part of history. Economic history is, was, and always will be a perfectly valid application of the discipline. Political/institutional histories are a sibling to political science, except the questions and answers tend to differ based on the interests and theories of each field. I've read a bucketload of theorists as an historian that are also read in political science. I can cite them, if you'd like.


It's clear from what you're saying that you DO NOT UNDERSTAND at all what quantitative research is, what its applications are, what the tools you use are and what answers they can drive.

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This is one of the last places on the internet I thought I would see a temper tantrum. What a meltdown. This is fantastic, I should have popped some popcorn.


I'm still waiting for word back from one more program. This is an amusing distraction. It's like a car wreck. I know that I should just look away, but I just can't.


Thank you, amusing troll, you've been a good distraction when I should be grading papers. A toast to you!

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This thread is in a death spiral.


Can somebody just put it out of its misery, old yeller style?


Up until the last half-page or so, I was still finding it entertaining.  Keep it rolling!

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guys my nintendo just published a paper in the APSR. can you belive it.


The NES has only 2Kb of RAM plus whatever was on your political-quant-research game cartridge. I bet your laptop has a hard time keeping track of all its Nature/Science publications.

Edited by Pol
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