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decision during interview


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How often professors want you make your decision at the end of the interview?

I saw this in results page that someone declined the offer because they wanted him to decide during interview!!!!!


how to reply to this request somehow that they give you more time?


I think it's when they have felt that they're your backup plan, and dont want to waste their time on you.


this happened to one of my friends too. he said: I haven't received any news from other universities I've applied If you give me some more time. I can make better decision.

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This doesn't sound like something that happens often. I would doubt it happens at all but some people are just really crap at giving interviews. This is a tactic that would be considered abrasive and would turn off nearly everyone. If someone did this to me I would decline their offer out of spite.

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how to reply to this request somehow that they give you more time?


Something like "thank you for the generous offer. I am very excited and you are a top choice, but I want to learn all of my admissions decision first, so that I have all of the relevant information before reaching a decision." This exact situation didn't happen to me, but I had a faculty member tell me that I had to promise to accept their offer before they could officially make it, and that I had to do so very early in the process, before I had my other results. I refused to do that and gave an answer along the lines of what I just proposed. I ended up with an official rejection 3 months later. I don't regret it, I don't appreciate being pressured that way.

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