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Summer Courses

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Just curious -- are any of you newly admitted graduate students planning on taking a summer course or two to help get in the swing of things? The reason I ask is because I've registered to take a graduate course at UMD that starts on June 1st. I checked with the department coordinator to make sure it was fine for me to do so, and it seems to be fine (pending a tuition remission question, but that's beside the point)...but will anyone else be doing the same thing?



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Yeah, I'm pretty sure I'm going to take an intensive language course this summer to buff up on my Latin.  My program just started offering admission to the University's summer language programs for free for incoming students and I'm hoping to take advantage of that option.


I feel like it'll be a good way to get used to being in school again, get a head start on language study (I want to leave grad school with at least reading fluency in two foreign languages), and get a feel for my new campus/city.

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When I'm in the UK this summer, I will be auditing some intensive Literature courses at a couple of unis as well. I think it will be a stimulating but largely unstressful (i.e. without the mental pressures I place on myself as a graduate student) means to get back into the swing of things after having two semesters away from the academy. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

I definitely recommend using summers for language or lit requirements, if for no other reason but the amount of reading and mental energy those courses require. I have 6 hours of lit and reading proficiency to work on, and I'm taking both lits this summer (Summer I is Shakespeare, Summer II is African-American) and spending time with French so I can take the necessary class in the fall and pass the exam in the spring. (Plus this way I get money from the VA all summer, since I'm enrolled all summer, and I can more likely finish in the spring like I'd hoped.)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Yeah, I'm pretty sure I'm going to take an intensive language course this summer to buff up on my Latin.  My program just started offering admission to the University's summer language programs for free for incoming students and I'm hoping to take advantage of that option.


I feel like it'll be a good way to get used to being in school again, get a head start on language study (I want to leave grad school with at least reading fluency in two foreign languages), and get a feel for my new campus/city.

That's what I'm doing.~^^ Yay, Latin!^^

It may seem silly, but I've been "out of the game" for so many years, it's been refreshing getting to ease myself into the coming Fall. And, by "ease" I mean I am dying a slow death by Latin. But it's an awesome way to go. ;-)

I hope you all are having as fine a time in your respective summer courses, one week in!^^

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