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Want to decline previously accepted offer. Can they demand tuition?


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I accepted an offer in March. Later I got admission from my top choice where I am deferring my admission to spring(as per suggestion from poi as fund will be available in spring). Now if I decline the first offer, can they charge me for tuition? What should I tell them? The first school is not in cgs while the second school is a member. I signed the offer letter which states I accept the offer. There was no mention what might occur if I decline it later. I am very tensed now. Would appreciate any help.

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I'm also declining a previously accepted offer, but I'm waiting on my better choice school for their official offer letter. And they seem to be taking forever.... I'm just insecure to decline my previous one without having the new offer letter on hand. 


Anyone know till how late can I do this? Would it hurt anything if I decline super late like in late May?

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I'm also declining a previously accepted offer, but I'm waiting on my better choice school for their official offer letter. And they seem to be taking forever.... I'm just insecure to decline my previous one without having the new offer letter on hand. 


Anyone know till how late can I do this? Would it hurt anything if I decline super late like in late May?

At a certain point I doubt a bit more time will make a difference.


I've found myself in a position of needing to unaccept a couple offers, so I hope it's not too bad....

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I am in a similar situation. Does anyone know how they would word this? I feel really bad but it's in my best interest to go to another school.

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@jmg023, I would make it polite, but perhaps vague. You could say something like, "I greatly appreciate the offer from __ but due to unexpected circumstances, I will no longer be able to attend your institution." Try to be as courteous as possible but, seriously, do not feel bad! It's your life and you worked hard for this opportunity. Go to your top choice. I would wait until you get your official acceptance letter from that school though (if you haven't already) before you decline the previous offer. Good luck! :)

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Don't say "due to unexpected circumstances" or anything that implies some issue/problem came up. They might misinterpret that as a problem they can fix and ask for details, offer a deferment etc. Then you will have to explain to them and it will get awkward.


Just be polite, honest and brief:


"I was very excited for the opportunity to study at X. However, I recently received an offer from Y and I think Y would be a better fit for me at this time. So, I am writing to let you know I will retract my earlier decision to attend X because I will be attending Y instead. Please let me know if there is anything else I should do or anyone else I should notify. Thank you"

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