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Question about topic distribution of quant section

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I took a practice test, and noticed there were a lot more questions on statistics/data analysis as compared to the SAT. How much data/analysis and statistics is usually on there?


I skimmed the official gre guide. They have one equation talking about principal interest. Do I need to memorize this formula?

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I don't remember exactly, but I do recall a fair number of these questions. My second quant section was especially high in them, so I think they consider them to be somewhat difficult questions. (I'm basing this on the fact that the computer based GRE adapts the difficulty of the second section according to how well you did on the first. If you do well on the first section, your section second is harder, and I believe this is the only way to get a very high score. I got a 170Q, so I got a harder second section.)

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Hi uncreativeaccountname,


The GRE will test you on a variety of standard math concepts and formulas. 'Statistics' covers a variety of concepts, including averages, median, mode, range, and standard deviation. These concepts tend to show up most often with Charts/Graphs/Tables, since those statistical terms are often used to assess groups of data. The number of individual questions that you might get on any one concept will vary, but the overall concept of averages (averages, weighted averages, average speed, etc.) tends to show up the most often, which Standard Deviation tends to show up the least (you'll likely see it just once on Test Day).


"Interest" is a separate category and comprises two basic formulas (simple interest and compound interest). As with many of these concepts/formulas, you'll probably be tested on it once, so knowing the formulas will help.


How did you score on your practice MST?

When are you planning to take the GRE?

What is your goal score?


GRE Masters aren't born, they're made,


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