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How many hours should I take....


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In the fall I will be beginning my second year of my MS Clinical Mental Health program.  To date I have completed 18 hours, which leaves 45 hours in my 60 hour program.  Full time in my program is considered 9 hours a semester which to date I usually take only 6 hours a semester.  My reasons for only taking 6 hours a semester was I am a homeschool mother of three.  However in the fall all the boys will be attending traditional school and I need to know if I should add on an extra class or keep my same pace.  Most people I have spoken with that say they have taken 9 hours (a full load) said it nearly killed them.  It was a lot.  But all of them also work full time jobs.  I'm wondering if I will be able to handle it since my boys will be away from home and I can use that time that they are away to study, cook, clean etc.  Any ideas.....

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I am finishing up my MA in Counseling, and 9 hours can become a lot quickly. I have a Graduate Assistant requiring 20 hours a week, a part-time job, and a 20 hour internship. Really, figure out if you'll be able to multitask during any of these activities. For instance, I can work on school work during some of my jobs. But, if you will not be able to double up on projects, then I highly suggest keeping to the 6. 

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Thanks for the responses.  I will not have any other responsibilities.  My children will be in school and I plan to use that time to study and more study time on the weekend. I am going to ponder over it a few more days...

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  • 4 weeks later...

In my masters program I took 12 hours and also managed taking care of children as well (I had nanny care ~15-20 hours/week). On top of this I had a TA appointment for 20 hours, which in reality was more like 10-12 hrs a week. I would not recommend juggling all of these things that I did as it left me quite frazzled  :unsure: but I would think if you have been able to manage the huge demands of homeschooling children while taking 6 hours, then 9 hours will not be such a massive undertaking. One thing to keep in mind is the workload for each class - not all 3 hour classes are created equal and stacking up a couple tough ones on top of caring for children will definitely be tough! Best of luck and congratulations for managing parenthood while in graduate school  B)

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