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Texas schools

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Hi everyone, I'm currently researching schools to apply to this Fall. I noticed there's quite a bit of options in Texas and just wanted to get some feedback on some of the schools there since I'll be applying from out-of-state.


I don't care much for rankings but rather friendliness and support of staff and the programs willingness to look beyond GPA and GRE.


Any feedback on the following schools is appreciated:


-UT Austin

-UT Dallas

-U North Texas


- Our lady of the lake university

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Those are very competitive schools in Texas. I would look into other options that are more "looking at the applicant overall rather than GPA/GRE" friendly if that is something you're wanting to consider. Look up University of Houston, Lamar University, SFASU and Texas State to name a few off the top of my head.

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I went to UT Austin for undergrad, and didn't even apply there for graduate school it is so competitive. They love taking out of state applicants for their grad program. UTD is also super competitive as it is the highest ranked speech pathology program in Texas. And Texas State receives over 500 applicants a year. UNT, Texas Womens, and SFA all have good programs. I also applied to all of these programs, and got rejected from all of them. Trying again this year! 

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I went to UT Austin for undergrad, and didn't even apply there for graduate school it is so competitive. They love taking out of state applicants for their grad program. UTD is also super competitive as it is the highest ranked speech pathology program in Texas. And Texas State receives over 500 applicants a year. UNT, Texas Womens, and SFA all have good programs. I also applied to all of these programs, and got rejected from all of them. Trying again this year! 


macefave how is the environment at UT Austin? Are the faculty supportive? Is it heavily research based?

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macefave how is the environment at UT Austin? Are the faculty supportive? Is it heavily research based?


I also went to UT Austin for undergrad! The staff is wonderful! They're all extremely kind and supportive. UT Austin is overall a very heavily research oriented school. Essentially all of the professors have ongoing research projects. SLP is no different. So yes, the program at UT Austin is pretty research oriented. But there is also a pretty large clinical focus to the program. I worked in the clinic for a year and I loved it, the clinical supervisor is wonderful and there is a huge variety of clients that come into the clinic! In addition, as everyone else has said, UT Austin is an EXTREMELY competitive school. They get a lot of applicants, and their accepted students generally have very high GREs and GPAs, along with varied experiences in their backgrounds. However, that being said, they do take a very holistic look at their applicants and take a lot of things into account. A lot of students get into UT Austin without amazing GPAs if they have awesome resumes to make up for it. 


In regards to the other schools you mentioned. I applied to all of those schools for this upcoming Fall 2015 term, with the exception of Our Lady of the Lake. So I'll just go ahead and list them with my opinions of them!

-UT Dallas: Competitive, but also looks very holistically at their applicants. However, they do rolling admissions. So basically, you can have an incredible profile for them, but if you apply too late in the process then you might not even really get looked at because they have already chosen their class. So essentially, if you're serious about them, apply VERY early. On the negative side, I found them to be very disorganized throughout the admissions process which was extremely frustrating. But I never visited, so I can't speak to their staff.

-U North Texas: Again, competitive and quite honestly not very helpful throughout the admissions process which I found irritating. However, I have always heard wonderful things about going there from everyone I know who did their Masters there. 

-Baylor: I found their staff to be wonderful throughout the admissions process. While I didn't get in, they were still so kind throughout. They get a lot of applications and are generally pretty competitive. However, I've kind of found that it depends on the year/semester of application with them. They just happened to have a huge applicant pool with great applicants this fall. However, in previous years they didn't. So if you're serious about them perhaps consider spring admission.


If you are really interested in going to school in Texas, I really recommend trying for Texas Tech University. That is where I will be attending this coming fall and they were awesome throughout the application process! They offer interviews to qualified applicants which I really find to be a bonus. It's also a highly ranked and respected program! The staff also all seem to be very, very kind and supportive so far!

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