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2016 Applicant Profiles and Admissions Results


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7 minutes ago, piglet33 said:

Did anyone start a wine thread? I feel this could be excellent. My mom sent me back to university for spring semester with 6 bottles of wine, 2 bottles of whisky and some patron...the trick is making it hold out over this waiting period! 

Here you go!!


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3 hours ago, Torbjornen said:

I think hope remains.  

2 hours ago, RaganSmash said:

But the fact remains, they have denied admission to a lot of people and have declined to do so with us yet, so there must be some reason for it.

Yeah, I'm here in Seattle as well. I'm sure that our location is no coincidence. Perhaps (and this may be a stretch) the admissions committee is saving us for a local list to call on later in the application process. I know I would drive over in a heartbeat if called, even two months down the road.
The committee may also be worried about our location in terms of our reasons for applying. I know that, on top of research, a noteworthy factor in my application was convenience (no packing up and moving across the country) and the expanding biomedical presence in the entire Sound. They may be worried that we are simply applying out of convenience or familiarity with the area and its industry. The counterargument is that they know (and I know) given programs of equal standing/research fit/etc., I would choose the one closest to home. I think it's likely we'll be called in on short notice if they receive fewer acceptances than they have room for.

Either way, I'm happy to have not received that flat rejection. 



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1 hour ago, 123hardasABC said:

I'm more of a beer person. Because I'm applying specifically in MO, I've been drinking exclusively Schafly (local St. Louis brew) for good mojo. Unfortunately, I don't know how to pronounce it.

Do yourself a favor and try out Four Hands. One of my favorite local breweries after moving here from the ultimate beer state of Michigan.



Unrelated note, got a rejection email from OHSU's NGP. Anybody hear from Duke UPGG lately?


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1 hour ago, Focus said:

Yeah, I'm here in Seattle as well. I'm sure that our location is no coincidence. Perhaps (and this may be a stretch) the admissions committee is saving us for a local list to call on later in the application process. I know I would drive over in a heartbeat if called, even two months down the road.
The committee may also be worried about our location in terms of our reasons for applying. I know that, on top of research, a noteworthy factor in my application was convenience (no packing up and moving across the country) and the expanding biomedical presence in the entire Sound. They may be worried that we are simply applying out of convenience or familiarity with the area and its industry. The counterargument is that they know (and I know) given programs of equal standing/research fit/etc., I would choose the one closest to home. I think it's likely we'll be called in on short notice if they receive fewer acceptances than they have room for.

Either way, I'm happy to have not received that flat rejection. 



Absolutely. Now I'm just wishing we could find out if any other Seattle applicants got rejected, or invited for that matter.

Edited by RaganSmash
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18 hours ago, ilovelab said:

Depends on the program though. I could be wrong but you can dress casually for the interviews at Berkely MCB. Some schools are very formal though.

In my experience, and also why i said "largely depends on the location and personality of the school", and from what I have heard, the more east coast the typically dressier interview expectations.  I didn't interview at Berkley so I won't comment on that.  One girl wore jeans at one of my interviews at a school in the midwest.  That went overly poorly as the grad students taking people around noted it to themselves and their applicants and said "not a good idea".  Take that as you will. Again...as I said before largely depends on the school.  But the adage of you can never be over-dressed just under-dressed is also true.  If in doubt you should probably err on the side of dressier than more casual.  Would you agree?

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18 hours ago, biosci said:

Thanks for the advice!  I am definitely not wearing heels because I am not even comfortable walking short distances in them :). For cold locations, do you think nice sweaters would be appropriate?  With nice pants?  I am not really a dress/skirt person. Thanks

Definitely.  I am a woman and I wore pants for all of my interviews regardless of location.  My suit was pants/blazer/blouse with heels.  Then for non-interview days I wore a nice business pant (black or dark browns) and a nice sweater or a blouse and cardigan.  Don't think I packed a skirt or dress ever.  Best of luck.

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Has anyone that got an interview at UCSB MCDB heard back after the first initial email inviting you to interview?  I responded to the email on the 23rd (2 days after receiving it) saying I was available, yet I still have not heard back regarding travel or confirmation or anything.  They told me to let them know by the 28th so I am worried that perhaps they didn't get my email.  I was expecting to hear back about travel accommodations by now or something.  I also know the office was closed last week, but they sent out additional invitations for interviews last week too.  I guess I am just trying to figure out how long to wait before emailing to follow up.  From what I have heard, schools are usually pretty quick to set up travel.

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2 hours ago, RaganSmash said:

Deception sits worse with me, I just generally feel it's best to be above board about it. You save them money with the one way flight and if they ask you about any other interviews you don't have to lie. If anything I feel they would appreciate your integrity.

Thank you for being the voice of reason! I called the coordinator and she sounded delighted that I only needed a one-way flight haha  Problem=solved.

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1 minute ago, Bacterrific said:

Thank you for being the voice of reason! I called the coordinator and she sounded delighted that I only needed a one-way flight haha  Problem=solved.


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18 hours ago, ilovelab said:

Yes! And a ginormous coat! It will be freezing when you are at Wisconsin etc. I would bring gloves if you have them and maybe a scarf. Its better to be safe than frostbitten!

Also a hat that covers your ears would not be a bad idea.  definitely want a coat.  Keep in mind for boots/shoes if you are interviewing at places like wisconsin there may be a lot of snow on the ground and if its fresh it may not be well cleared on sidewalks although from what I experienced, UW-Madison is reallllly good at cleaning up snow quickly but the areas off campus may be less so if it is a big/recent storm.  So buy or wear something that has ok traction and you won't mind if snow gets on them. 

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2 minutes ago, peachypie said:

Also a hat that covers your ears would not be a bad idea.  definitely want a coat.  Keep in mind for boots/shoes if you are interviewing at places like wisconsin there may be a lot of snow on the ground and if its fresh it may not be well cleared on sidewalks although from what I experienced, UW-Madison is reallllly good at cleaning up snow quickly but the areas off campus may be less so if it is a big/recent storm.  So buy or wear something that has ok traction and you won't mind if snow gets on them. 

Now I remember why I only applied to west coast schools
 -California Resident

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3 hours ago, Bacterrific said:

Hello! Back again with more logistical questions. Sooo which option would be better?

1. Tell one program I only need a one-way flight to their interview so that I can fly to a different program's interview instead of home. (I already confirmed with the second program that they could fly me from the city of the first program instead of my hometown)

2. Just take the later interview date for the second program. 

I would prefer option #1 because these two programs are my top choices and I know it's better to interview earlier. Also I would rather have one hectic weekend before my semester begins than have to travel a weekend later in my semester...but I'm worried the first program will frown upon me for asking for a one-way flight since it's obvious I would be flying to another school.


P.S. Crazy person thought: I could just book a round trip flight for the first program and not actually take the flight home???

You are starting to let the crazy person thoughts overwhelm you.  Do the one way/option #1.  No school is going to frown at you for not taking unnecessary flights.  It also saves them money!  They know you'll be interviewing elsewhere, if they don't already they'll ask you at interviews.  They actually love to know their competition for students so even if you don't share during interviews you'll likely get a follow up survey after your decision is made asking where you ultimately decided to go if you did not choose their school.  Be logical and try to stop thinking the schools are seriously watching your every movement.

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Just now, peachypie said:

You have no idea what you are missing out on! 

I actually hadn't ever even been in snow until I was a freshman in college... I would have had a tough time with the snow.  I think I am going to save the snow and cold for my post-doc years to make them just that much more fun.  

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29 minutes ago, HopefulPHD14 said:

I actually hadn't ever even been in snow until I was a freshman in college... I would have had a tough time with the snow.  I think I am going to save the snow and cold for my post-doc years to make them just that much more fun.  

Well everybody post-docs in Boston, so I'm sure you'll have plenty of snow in your future.

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1 hour ago, RaganSmash said:

Absolutely. Now I'm just wishing we could find out if any other Seattle applicants got rejected, or invited for that matter.

There seem to be quite a few Seattle applicants waiting to hear back from UW, so I thought I'd share some experience.

I know from talking with PIs in the neuro department and watching multiple people apply that being a UW grad or working at UW as a postbac can (surprisingly!) work against you. It's illogical and not great news to hear, but I know that for some departments (particularly the neurobiology and behavior department), the admissions committee has historically favored outside applicants (and many of these local applicants were accepted to better ranked programs!). I wouldn't be surprised if this was a case at some other schools too.

So don't take it personally if it doesn't come through. It's an unpredictable and arguably illogical process to be admitted.

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4 minutes ago, kokobanana said:

There seem to be quite a few Seattle applicants waiting to hear back from UW, so I thought I'd share some experience.

I know from talking with PIs in the neuro department and watching multiple people apply that being a UW grad or working at UW as a postbac can (surprisingly!) work against you. It's illogical and not great news to hear, but I know that for some departments (particularly the neurobiology and behavior department), the admissions committee has historically favored outside applicants (and many of these local applicants were accepted to better ranked programs!). I wouldn't be surprised if this was a case at some other schools too.

So don't take it personally if it doesn't come through. It's an unpredictable and arguably illogical process to be admitted.

Thanks for the reply. For what it's worth, I'm from Memphis and got my BS and MS from Northwestern University. I just moved here two years ago to work in a biotech company and am not really looking to move again for a while. Is it being a UW grad or being a Seattle/Washington resident that hurts you?

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