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GRE score still hasn't approved


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Unfortunately it doesn't seem like my score will improve by very much come the 28th of September when I take this thing for the second time. I really can't afford any tutoring services or a third take at the exam so I'm running out of options. What can I do that can alleviate this tests affects on my application ? If I don't get a grad school offer with financial support I'll be stuck living in my home state working as a cop :/ that's because with my majors, bio and geo, the job market is extremely small without a Grad degreeĀ 

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In my opinion, GRE scores are not the be-all and end-all of graduate applications. If you have reached your peak of your ability, then that is what it is. I would just move on and focus on other aspects of your applications. At this point, the time you spend on the GRE can be put to much better use working on the other parts of your application!

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Hi columbia09,

How did you score on the GRE the first time that you took it? And what is your score goal?

What your application deadlines?

If your GRE score isn't going to be a 'high point' on your application, then you have to find other areas to emphasize. Properly presenting your work experience and writing well-crafted essays/personal statements can make a big difference to otherwise 'average' application.

GRE Masters aren't born, they're made,


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I scored a 290 (145/145) first time. I took 3 practice tests and they were all around that mark. I'm taking the GRE the 28th of September. I wrote a short essay explaining that the GRE doesn't reflect my ability to do well in grad school. In my PS I wrote about my thesis (which I submitted as extra material), research interests, and what I did in some of my classes. I wanted to at least get an average score on the exam but it doesn't look like it will happen. This is what happened to me on the SAT but I still did fantastic in college. I can't find employment so Grad school is necessary. If I don't get an offer with funding I'll have to stick to being a cop which I really don't want to do. It's the only thing that I have set up now.

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Hi columbia09,

From what you describe, you certainly sound like you're performing at a consistent level. So the real question is WHY are you getting questions wrong. This might seem like a broad issue, but the potential 'reasons' are limited.

On your last MST...

1) How many questions did you get wrong because of a silly/little mistake?

2) How many questions did you get wrong because you didn't know the 'content' involved?

3) How many questions did you get wrong because the question was just too hard?

With 2 weeks time, you should be focused on the first two categories. Silly/little mistakes tend to kill Test Takers, so keeping those mistakes form happening is a must.

GRE Masters aren't born, they're made,


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