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What are my chances...?

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Here are my stats and experience...

I am currently in my 5th and last year (super senior) as an undergrad in California with a double major in CSD and Psych. My cumulative GPA is 3.75, CSD Major GPA is 3.91, and Psych Major GPA is 4.0. I took the GRE in early September and my scores are V160/Q165/AWA 4.5.

I've worked as an intern for a private practice for a year (teaching enrichment after-school classes designed for K-2 children to improve their phonological awareness/reading skills), volunteered for a semester at a lab that studies infant and child language development under the psychology department on campus, and had the opportunity to work as a summer research intern for the SLP department at an university abroad. Since this February I have been a RA at the bilingualism lab under the CSD department at my school (Mandarin is my first and more dominant language). I am also working as an undergraduate TA this semester for a psychology professor in her research methods class. I have some other volunteer experience but they are not as relevant(?) so I won't mention them here. 

I also had to take the TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) because at least three of the programs that I'm interested in applying require all non-native speakers to take it even if they received their Bachelor's degrees in an English-speaking country. I'm still waiting for my scores though *fingers crossed*. 

As of letters of recommendation, I am asking four people (I plan to divide the labor strategically. For example, one of them received her Ph.D. from Indiana so she will be one of the writers for my IUB application). They are two CSD professors - my supervisor at the bilingualism lab and another professor that will be supervising me for a potential independent research project next semester, the psych professor I am now working for (as mentioned above), and a lecturer from our CSD department - the CSD major advisors at my school warned us that we should get letters only from tenured CSD professors, but this lecturer knows me very well and is well known and respected as a practicing SLP in the area so I plan to ask him for letters for the programs in SoCal... 

With all these being said, what are my chances of getting into the programs on my list (SFSU, CSU Fullerton, CSU Long Beach, SDSU, CSU San Marcos, University of Washington, University of Arizona, Indiana University, UMD College Park, UT Austin, UT Dallas, Teachers College, NYU, MGH Institute)? I originally planned to apply to 14 schools before I took the GRE, but now I am considering cutting down this list to 10 schools by getting rid of the "safer" or the more expensive programs... just because 14 is a lot and getting increasingly difficult to manage on top of my course and work load. Is it ok for me to cross off some of the schools from my list...? What are my chances?

Any other piece of advice would be greatly appreciated! Thank you for your time!

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As far as grades, GRE scores and experience go, you are in a very good position.  It just comes down to what each of the schools you are applying to want/need for their cohorts. In short, you have done everything on your side of the coin, now its just up to them.  You seem like a solid candidate for any school.

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Thank you for your feedback, twinguy7! :) Congrats on graduating very soon!

It is nerve-wracking for me to try to cross off some of the programs on the list just because of how competitive the field is... but I guess it has to be done, considering my work load and the amount of time I have...

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