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Unfortunately, no. We were supposed to get both of them in mid-December, but apparently, when they shift admission notifications to mid-January, they also postponed scholarship decisions to March (supposedly, mid-March), as you can see in the follow-up module.





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20 hours ago, Erminia_LL said:

And here we go... IHEID reopened, and notifications are freaking approaching. Pretty excited/scared/eager/whatever :ph34r:

Ten more days to go! ;) I feel like a four year old waiting for Christmas all over again...

Keep reading and learning as much as you can and days will fly!

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On 1/3/2016 at 5:39 PM, mrosales said:

Hi @joyfuli!

I had a similar concern regarding the tax certificate since in my country tax declarations are not mandatory. The reply from the admission department was that if I was not in a position to provide tax certificates, I could include any other official documents and attestations concerning the income and assets which were available to me. They said that the more documents, the better it will be for the committee to assess my current financial situation. 

Regarding the recommendations, it seems like a technical issue... If I was in your position I probably would ask for technical support after double checking there is no any other link I could click :)


Thank you! With the recommendations, it turned out you can only save once (shit.), but oh well at least I got my two references :)

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I have one more question guys!

How did you guys write your SOP? It says "motivation letter" but it doesn't have to be in the letter format, right?

One problem I am having at the moment is writing my SOP. How did you guys structure it? Did you write about particular field of interest? or the general interest in the interdisciplinary study as a whole? (as is being able to discover your specific area of interest, or see the larger picture of how the world is working)

I think I'll probably be the last person to submit the applications. haha. 

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31 minutes ago, joyfuli said:

Thank you! With the recommendations, it turned out you can only save once (shit.), but oh well at least I got my two references :)

Once you save it, you won't be able to change it until after your application is submitted with the required motivation statement and etc. Then, I believe on the application follow-up, you can send reminders or change your references. That's how I was able to add my third reference.

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5 minutes ago, AAAAAAAA said:

Once you save it, you won't be able to change it until after your application is submitted with the required motivation statement and etc. Then, I believe on the application follow-up, you can send reminders or change your references. That's how I was able to add my third reference.

Thank you for the very useful information! I called the Admissions office today and the lady was like, "nope, sorry, too late." haha. That is great news! Thanks again!

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Guys, I already posted my question in this forum, but got only two replies, and thought that asking you all was worth it anyway. Well, I'm a MIA early bird applicant, and I know notifications about our admissions are expected in a week or something. However, two days ago I received an e-mail saying that I got a (pretty) prestigious internship starting in a couple of months (when my current internship ends) and lasting until September - which is exactly when I would start my Master's at IHEID if admitted. Should I notify them about it? Can it have an impact of their final decision in some ways - in terms of work experience/appeal as potential candidate/whatever? How would you guys handle it? Thanks! 

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12 hours ago, AndrewM said:

Guys, I already posted my question in this forum, but got only two replies, and thought that asking you all was worth it anyway. Well, I'm a MIA early bird applicant, and I know notifications about our admissions are expected in a week or something. However, two days ago I received an e-mail saying that I got a (pretty) prestigious internship starting in a couple of months (when my current internship ends) and lasting until September - which is exactly when I would start my Master's at IHEID if admitted. Should I notify them about it? Can it have an impact of their final decision in some ways - in terms of work experience/appeal as potential candidate/whatever? How would you guys handle it? Thanks! 

I would say the safest option is to give them a call, and check with the admissions office. They would know best. 

However, my guess is that, they will probably say it's too late to make further changes once your application is submitted (especially if it's early applications).


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1 hour ago, AAAAAAAA said:

I emailed IHEID and decisions are set to be released next week according to the admissions office.

Makes sense. I am wondering if this means that some applications will be considered this week, or it is just a matter of bureaucracy-related reasons, and all the decisions have already been made.

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Hi, I'm not an early bird applicant, but I am applying for the MIA program at IHEID. I'm pretty much done with my application, I just haven't submitted it yet. My boyfriend is also applying to IHED, for the MDev. program. IHEID is our absolute number one choice. I am worried however, that we both will not get in. It is already difficult enough to get in, but to make matters worse - our application profiles are fairly similar. We are from the same country, started studying at the same junior college in the US at the same time (which is where we met), and transferred to our current university (where we became a couple) at the same time. He is studying IR for his B.A., wheres I am studying Communication and Human Rights. We both served in the same student organizations in our junior college, and at our current university we both have quite a lot of experience with research (assistants and independent research), although in different areas and with different professors. Our backgrounds in our home country are more different, but that will not really be addressed in the application. 

I am really worried they will take a look at our applications, and if they deem us good enough to attend, still only accept one us, due to similarity and they seek as much diversity as possible. We are both not wanting to do long-distance, it is just not an option. I was wondering if anyone had some advice, or know of anyone else who has been in a similar situation. 

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I hope both of you guys get accepted! 

It may not even be the same person looking through both of your applications, especially if you are applying for different programs. So I wouldn't be worried about that! And plus, your focus is entirely different. I really don't think it would affect the outcome in any way. 

I am kind of in a similar situation too, except it's a friend. We both graduated from the same university, did an internship in a similar organization at the same time, in the same city, and applying to the same MIA program. I was worried but I don't think it should matter. For me, he submitted on the early period while I am just about to submit mine. 

Good luck to both of us! 

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7 minutes ago, mrosales said:

So, one more week? Not a chance we will receive the email next Friday?

They e-mailed me back saying that we may have to wait until next week, and that all depends on when the AdCom finishes going through all the applications - which contradicts what @El pichichi asserted on the subject, actually.

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On 1/10/2016 at 10:04 PM, AndrewM said:

Guys, I already posted my question in this forum, but got only two replies, and thought that asking you all was worth it anyway. Well, I'm a MIA early bird applicant, and I know notifications about our admissions are expected in a week or something. However, two days ago I received an e-mail saying that I got a (pretty) prestigious internship starting in a couple of months (when my current internship ends) and lasting until September - which is exactly when I would start my Master's at IHEID if admitted. Should I notify them about it? Can it have an impact of their final decision in some ways - in terms of work experience/appeal as potential candidate/whatever? How would you guys handle it? Thanks! 


9 hours ago, researchfreak said:

Hi, I'm not an early bird applicant, but I am applying for the MIA program at IHEID. I'm pretty much done with my application, I just haven't submitted it yet. My boyfriend is also applying to IHED, for the MDev. program. IHEID is our absolute number one choice. I am worried however, that we both will not get in. It is already difficult enough to get in, but to make matters worse - our application profiles are fairly similar. We are from the same country, started studying at the same junior college in the US at the same time (which is where we met), and transferred to our current university (where we became a couple) at the same time. He is studying IR for his B.A., wheres I am studying Communication and Human Rights. We both served in the same student organizations in our junior college, and at our current university we both have quite a lot of experience with research (assistants and independent research), although in different areas and with different professors. Our backgrounds in our home country are more different, but that will not really be addressed in the application. 

I am really worried they will take a look at our applications, and if they deem us good enough to attend, still only accept one us, due to similarity and they seek as much diversity as possible. We are both not wanting to do long-distance, it is just not an option. I was wondering if anyone had some advice, or know of anyone else who has been in a similar situation. 

Hey Guys

Firstly @AndrewM If you really want to write to them and tell them you should although keep in mind that what actually counts is the experience you have gained during the internship and the skills that you will bring to the course as a result. Since you haven't already completed it, mailing them and informing them about the same in order to imply that you may hypothetically gain more skills as a result may make you seem a little desperate. Although another way of looking at it is that they may feel that since such a prestigious place has offered you an internship, you must be a valuable candidate. It depends on the person reviewing your application really!

@researchfreak Since you are both applying to different courses I don't think the diversity thing will matter. In fact, i would say that the chances of either both of you getting accepted or both getting rejected are much higher! :D Obviously, I hope its the former! All the best!

Guys it's nearly time! I am glad but extremely nervous as well! All the best to everybody.



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18 minutes ago, su_nayana said:

Hey Guys

Firstly @AndrewM If you really want to write to them and tell them you should although keep in mind that what actually counts is the experience you have gained during the internship and the skills that you will bring to the course as a result. Since you haven't already completed it, mailing them and informing them about the same in order to imply that you may hypothetically gain more skills as a result may make you seem a little desperate. Although another way of looking at it is that they may feel that since such a prestigious place has offered you an internship, you must be a valuable candidate. It depends on the person reviewing your application really

I wouldn't necessarily agree with you, as long as @AndrewM keeps himself kinda low-profile and humble. I mean, if he just says that he got X internship with Y institution that mainly deals with 1, 2 and 3, I think it wouldn't make him seem desperate. Rather, they may want to evaluate it positively in terms of candidate's good foresight together with the great opportunity coming up for him. Different reaction would be caused if he claimed the duties he'll be assigned to or the skills he'll gain, given that, as you said, he hasn't already completed the internship in question. However, I believe it is too late anyway for turning things around: les jeux sont faits.

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33 minutes ago, El pichichi said:

In my previous text, I mentioned that the decisions will be released between January 11 and January 22. We are still in that interval.

We definitely are. But I was referring to the fact that, according to the e-mail I received from IHEID, they still have several applications to go through, while you said that all decisions have already been made.

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On 12/18/2015 at 6:34 PM, Erminia_LL said:

Did anyone else have a heart attack after receiving an e-mail from IHEID this morning - which was NOT about an update of our application status but about the 2016 Geneva Challenge? 

Hey hey,


Doesn't really matter. Lets all just say positive and hope that whatever the result, we all make it through! Cheers!! All the best!



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Hi guys,

I've also apply to the iheid for the early admission phase and I'm also waiting for my reply ( longest days of my life though). Hope we all get positive results and looking forward to meet y'all this fall in Geneva. 


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Hi Guys! 

I am also an early applicant for the MIA :D

Thank you so much for this thread, I could not focus on studying for the past two days because I kept checking my emails/ the website... Now I know I don't have to bother until next week!

I hope we all make it,


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