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Professor offers half as many letters as requested


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I'm currently in a graduate masters program applying to various PhD programs in my field. For my letters of reference I am using two references from my undergrad and one from my masters program. The graduate professor I am seeking letters from I know very well... indeed I know him the best of any one in my department. I got an A in his class last semester, I have worked in his lab since the beginning of 2015, and I did a four week internship with him over the summer. I recently asked him if he would submit letters of recommendation on my behalf to about 7 schools. He responded that he would be happy to submit letters for me, but to no more than about three schools.

I have no other real backup for a 3rd letter and am not really sure what to do. My other two letter writers are on board, but without this 3rd letter I can't submit my applications to more than three schools.

Edited by dkucera
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Why will your professor write to only 3 schools? That's a unique requirement. If your programs are similar in specialization/functional field, you can try to convince him that applying for 3 is no different than applying for several more.

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Gee, this professor kind of sounds like a jerk. From professors I've talked to (plus what I've read here on the forum), all he needs to do is write one form letter and change a few details for each time he submits (plus click a few things on the online form for each school).

However, if he doesn't want to spend the extra 10 minutes it takes to modify his letter, upload it, and make a few selections on a form for each of the other schools, then you really are stuck finding a different person for half of your schools. Is this professor your thesis advisor (or are you not doing a thesis)? Your thesis advisor is the person you want most to write your letters, but if you aren't doing one, then I guess this professor is the best choice because you've worked in his lab. So, in that case, I recommend using him for your top 3 choices and finding someone else for the rest. I know you said you have to real backup, but surely you've taken courses with other professors. Did you work on any class research projects that you did really well on? Is there a professor that was really impressed with your work in his/her class? That might be difficult to determine yourself, but if you ask someone in the know (like maybe the program head or even this professor who won't write enough letters) if they have a suggestion for a potential letter writer, they might tell you that somebody had good things to say about you and to seek them out.

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This might not be a doable option, but have you looked into whether your schools will accept letters from a dossier service like Interfolio? If a majority do, then you can have him send one letter to Interfolio and two letters to schools that don't accept it.

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Thanks everyone for the responses. I'm not familiar with Interfolio, but I'm going to look into it. All the schools I'm applying to have the same specialization so I'll try to get him to submit more letters, but if push comes to shove I'll have to ask another professor in my department. Unfortunately all this just makes applying to PhD programs that much more complicated...

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